Wanli 1592

Chapter 1034 Chu Ying feels a little wronged

Chapter 1034 Chu Ying feels a little wronged
Just in front of the tombs of He Heli and Hu Erhan, Nurhachi and Chu Ying had their first violent conflict.

"Ama! If you didn't accept Daqin's edict before, that's okay, but now you have accepted Daqin's edict, and you are already an officer of Daqin! Just like the previous Ming Dynasty, you are rebelling in Daqin's eyes!

Now is not the time to say who is right and who is wrong, but to solve the problem at hand!At present, Daqin has not decided whether to use force against us, which is extremely important to us!We must let Daqin know that we have no intention of becoming an enemy of Daqin, and blame Haixi and Donghai!So we can get through this crisis! "

Chu Ying was very clear-headed. Before returning to Jianzhou, she had already figured out what she had to do, which was to make Jianzhou a vassal of Daqin, with Haixi and Donghai as enemies, and relying on the power of Emperor Xiao Ruxun of Daqin to stabilize herself and attack Haixi. The West and East China Seas remain stable.

In order to unify Jurchen in the future.

And this is also very helpful for him to continue to make contributions in the Great Qin Army.

But Nurhachi didn't think so, he felt offended.

"Do I need you to tell me how to do things? Can you order me when you grow up and your wings become stiff?"

Nurhachi's roar made Chu Ying startled.

"I...Ama, I didn't! What I mean is that I have developed very well in the Great Qin Army. I have an army of thousands of people under my command, and they all obey my orders! I am still the adopted son of the Great Qin Emperor. I am in the Qin Dynasty. The army is very prestigious! As long as we closely follow the pace of Daqin, we will develop very well!"

Chu Ying quickly explained.

He still has a little fear of his father.

"What is this? Follow Daqin? Follow him Xiao Ruxun? He killed Hu Erhan! He also killed He Heli! How do you want me to follow him?!"

"Ama! This is no longer a matter of following or not! It's that this matter has already happened. We must find a solution. If we don't solve it, we will lose the protection of Daqin. Once Haixi and Donghai recover, we will know More than 1 people have been lost, and they will definitely make a comeback!"

Chu Ying desperately explained.

"You also know that we lost more than 1 strong men! We only have a total of 10 men? How many thousand strong men? He killed more than 1 as soon as he killed them. Go and see how many people in the tribe have never died. ? I am at odds with him!"

Nurhachi continued to roar.

And this made Chu Ying feel a little wronged.

No, not some, but quite aggrieved.

During this period of time, he recalled the comments of the army's robe Ze and Xiao Ruxun's attitude towards him.

He felt quite wronged.

So he decided to fight back.

"That is avoidable at all! Ama! This is avoidable! Why did you take the initiative to attack the Daqin army! This makes me very passive! Do you know what kind of eyes Paoze in the army looks at me? You know how I am Have you survived these days?!"

Chu Ying shouted angrily.

Nurhachi was taken aback.

"Are you talking to me? Are you talking to your Ama? Chu Ying! You are so brave!"

Nurhachi shook his arm violently, and knocked Chu Ying to the ground with a slap. Chu Ying fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the hat on her head fell off.

Nurhachi looked at Chu Ying's black hair in surprise.

"Chu Ying...you..."

Chu Ying looked at the hat that fell on the ground, rubbed her face, her face was ashen.

"Ama, I worked hard in Daqin alone. At that time, there was no one around me who could talk. Is it easy for me? I finally survived until I became the adoptive son of my adoptive father. I finally got where I am today. !

I think I can help the clansmen to fight for better treatment!I thought that if I made a name for myself in Daqin, Daqin would also give preferential treatment to our clansmen!I'm almost there!Of the three divisions in Jianzhou, Haixi and Donghai, Daqin only conferred the title of our Jianzhou division!But why do you want to be an enemy of Daqin at this time? !
What was I born and died for?What did I go to the battlefield to fight for?Isn't it still to let the tribe live a good life?What kind of life are we living here?In the capital, I eat well, drink spicy food, wear silk, and live in a mansion. I want you to live a life like this too!

I also thought that when I made more contributions, I would plead with my adoptive father and take our family together to live in a big house in the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty, wear silk and eat delicious food, and live such a fairy-like life!This is my goal, this is why I work so hard!But why!Why do you want to do such a thing at this time! ! "

Chu Ying couldn't bear the grief and anger in her heart, and yelled at Nurhachi, but Nurhachi yelled for a long time without reacting.

It took a while for Nurhachi to come back to his senses.

"Presumptuous! You bastard! How dare you say such things to your Ama! How dare you grow the hair of a Han Chinese! You...do you still regard yourself as a member of my tribe? Or do you already Are you going to be a Han Chinese?!"

Her father's incomprehension had already made Chu Ying very aggrieved and angry, but now her father's further fury made Chu Ying feel chilling.

"Yes! I want to be a Han Chinese! What's wrong with that? I want to be a Han Chinese! I want to be a Han Chinese!"

He roared at Nurhachi as if giving up on himself.

Nurhachi looked at the face of his somewhat unfamiliar elder son in disbelief.

"The comrades-in-arms in the army said how could I encounter such a thing, what should I do if my biological father did such a thing? I was caught between the two sides, have you considered for me? Those people you have recruited over the years, Everyone is restless, screaming and killing every day! When did you consider my situation?! You will be happy if I die, right?!"

Chu Ying roared angrily, turned around and left.

Nurhachi was stunned by the roar for a long time.

"He Heli, did I really do something wrong?"

Nurhachi turned his head, looked at He Heli's grave, and remembered the scene where He Heli stopped him several times.

"But I am his Ama, how can he talk to me like this?"

"I do these things, isn't it also for us to build a state?"

"He thinks it's difficult. I was suppressed and beaten by the nine coalition forces. Isn't it difficult for me?"

"He Heli, do you think so?"

"These bastards don't think about us old things at all."

"What should I do?"

In front of He Heli's tombstone, Nurhachi blankly asked some questions that were destined to be unanswerable.

But no matter what, Nurhachi returned to the city. After all, he is not a depressed person. He is a person with strong belief and resilience, and he can seize the pitiful opportunities to make a comeback in desperation.

The conflict between father and son was not taken seriously by him.

Even so, he felt a little uncomfortable.

So he went back to the house and told his wife Fucha about the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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