Wanli 1592

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042
The firepower of the Qin army has been greatly improved before and after the founding of the country.

On the one hand, under the order of Xiao Ruxun, the military industry department of the original Ming army eliminated all flashy firearms and firearms that were outdated by the times, and no longer manufactured and used them.

For example, what kind of magic arrows, bowl-mouth guns, and five-thunder god machines stopped researching and manufacturing all of them, and devoted all their energy to making fire guns, artillery and grenades.

Firecrackers and artillery are both traditional research projects, and grenades are not a new thing.

During the Song-Jin War and the Song-Mongolia War, hand-throwing gunpowder weapons, such as thunderbolt fireballs, quinoa fireballs, poison fireballs, smoke balls, and thunderbolts, were produced at a very high level at that time.

In particular, Zhentianlei played a very important role in the war between Jin and Mongolia and the war between Song and Mongolia.

At that time, the Mongolian cavalry who were invincible in the world suffered more than one disastrous defeat with this kind of weapon. Later, they used captured craftsmen of various ethnic groups to manufacture the same or even more advanced firearms, which completely crushed Jin and Song in the military. Make them powerless to fight back.

This kind of wisdom of the ancestors can still be found in ancient books, but the excessive imagination of the firearms production department of the Ming army limited the development of firearms.

In the past 200 years, they have developed more and more strange places, and all kinds of strange firearms can be invented, but there are not many of them with real practical value.

So much so that the old firearms from centuries ago are still in service in the army and have not been eliminated. What kind of bowl-mouthed guns or three-eyed guns, such firearms from the era of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di were still used by people after the Ming Dynasty perished, and they have not been replaced.

The first batch of decrees after Xiao Ruxun established the world was to abolish these flashy firearms, ordering the military industry department of the Ming Army to stop production of these exotic firearms and return to the normal development path.

Under the leadership of Xu Guangqi, Guangqi lead bullets and Guangqi-style flintlock guns that can hit a long distance were also manufactured.

Although it cannot be mass-produced on a large scale at present, it is still very meaningful to be used as a sharpshooter in the army to snipe enemy officers. He Heli and Hu Erhan both died under the light-activated flintlock gun.

And the artillery aspect is the top priority.

After being fully aware of the limitations of the firearm's power, Xu Guangqi played Xiao Ruxun's request to mass-produce vehicle guns that are lighter in weight and easier to carry with the army, and to improve the manufacturing technology. The artillery produced today is no longer prone to overheating and blasting before. phenomenon.

The Hongyi cannon has also been produced on a certain scale, but because the Hongyi cannon cannot use flowering ammunition, its power is limited. Although the range is longer, the number of production is suppressed. Xu Guangqi organized a group of flowering ammunition craftsmen to compare the flowering ammunition Carry out special research and innovation in order to increase the quality and power of the explosive bomb.

So right now, the main artillery of the Qin army is still a Fran locomotive gun of about [-] to [-] catties. As for the Hongyi cannon, it is also equipped, but it was not brought in this battle.

When Ma Chong gave an order, the artillery team immediately arranged their formation, pushed the cannons within the firing range, loaded ammunition, and waited for the order to be issued before firing.


The military order was issued, the gunner lit and fired.

Boom boom boom boom——! !

Twenty Fran locomotive guns were fired at once, and the fake camp of the Jianzhou Army was bombarded. Some Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers were unlucky enough to be killed, and a large area of ​​trees on the mountain fell.


The military order was issued for the second time, and another [-] ready cannons quickly stepped forward, ignited and fired.

There was another round of shelling, and the trees on the mountain were blown up and shattered. Many unlucky Jianzhou soldiers were killed or injured.

This kind of shelling lasted for five rounds, and many of the [-] Jianzhou soldiers on the mountain were killed or injured. They finally knew that the Qin army would not approach by themselves, so they had to retreat according to the established strategy, waving a large number of flags, creating the illusion of the main force retreating. Attracted the Qin army to pursue, lengthened their formation, and created a gap to make it easier for them to lead their troops out.

It has to be said that this is a good strategy. If the Jianzhou soldiers encounter a general who is brave and eager to win merits, it will really work, because the dense forest ahead is not conducive to large troops marching.

But both Ma Chong and Luo Rong are seasoned generals who have fought battles from south to north, how can it be so easy to be fooled?
Not to mention that Chu Ying pointed out almost immediately that this was a tactic to lure the enemy deeper.

Let alone the other generals, what Chu Ying can see.

With a mocking sneer on Ma Chong's face, he ordered Chu Ying to lead the leading troops to cut down trees and pave the way for the whole army to walk slowly without rushing.

It is Machong's tactic to polish the courage of the prey little by little, so that the prey will feel absolute fear and lose the will to resist.

He knows that he has an absolute advantage, and rushing forward under the enemy will only increase the possibility of capsizing in the gutter. As a senior general, he knows what he should do and what he should not do, and he can guess the current Jianzhou Jurchens Thinking about something.

No rush, no rush, take your time.

No one will rush him.

Chu Ying led the vanguard to cut down trees in front to open the way, looking for the road he was familiar with, and constantly dispatched scouts to explore the road, fighting steadily, leading the army directly through the Sarhu area, but did not give E Yidu a chance to send troops to fight.

Fighting face to face is courting death, and I am not stupid at all. Seeing that Qin Jun is not fooled but is fighting steadily and steadily, he knows that his strategy of luring the enemy has been seen through, and there is no point in continuing to ambush. He can only be faster than Qin Jun Reached the second line of defense.

The first line of defense was breached in this way, and in E Yidu's eyes, it was a huge blow. The Qin army did not pursue, and the unhurried march made him feel a little desperate.

If they marched all the way like this forever, the army was well-organized, and even camped at night, they had to use these trees to cut wood to set up camp, and if he was not given the slightest chance to take advantage of it, he really couldn't find a way out.

He could only send someone to report to Nurhachi to let Nurhachi know the steady attitude and difficulty of this Qin army. He dared not send troops to fight it rashly. He knew the result of sending troops rashly.

Nurhachi naturally knew what this meant. After receiving the report from E Yidu, he discussed with Fei Yingdong and An Feiyanggu with a sad face, but the two of them had no good solution. At this time, Nurhachi was incomparable. I miss He Heli, the person who can advise me.

But now without him, Nurhachi can only find a way by himself.

"Right now we are forcing some older people to join the army, and we can barely gather 3 people. Although the strength of the army is equal to that of the Qin army, judging from the results of the last battle, it is obviously not as good as them in terms of combat effectiveness. If There's no good way, and I suggest we don't go head-to-head with them."

Anfeyangu's complexion was ugly.

Fei Yingdong's expression was not good either.

"They obviously don't plan to divide their troops. They don't care how Eyidu induces them. They just march steadily and slowly, but we just have no way to do it. We have no way to defeat them like this. If we force them to fight, we will have a big risk Might lose."

(End of this chapter)

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