Wanli 1592

Chapter 1067 Dilemma

Chapter 1067 Dilemma
If you don't eat, you will be hungry; if you don't drink water, you will be thirsty. Eating and drinking water are things that everyone has to do every day. If you don't eat and drink water, your normal life will be affected. This is the same for everyone.

For the Nurhachi tribe who are marching fast, the need for drinking water seems to be greater than for food.

A full meal can last for four to five hours without hunger, but a full drink of water can’t last for four or five hours without thirst. Sometimes a charge and a run will cause dry mouth and tongue, and you must drink water.

Mao Wenlong knew that grain could be stored in large quantities, and Nurhachi would definitely search for a large amount of grain to store grain, but the water was obtained locally. Nurhachi couldn't think of so much, especially such things as deliberately storing water, he couldn't think of it at all.

Burning food and grass is extremely difficult, but poisoning water is not so difficult.

Mao Wenlong sent people to collect information for a period of time, to understand Nurhachi's marching route, and compared it with the route that Xiao Ruxun led his army to go south, so he quickly determined that Nurhachi would continue to follow the route that Xiao Ruxun used to go south.

He won't be so stupid as to use 2000 people to fight head-on with Nurhachi's nearly 5000 soldiers. If the boat capsizes in the gutter, he will not be able to row. The North Koreans' weakening of Nurhachi is very limited. Behaviors with great rewards, of course, are also extremely risky.

However, such things as poisoning water will bring a double blow to Jianzhou soldiers both physically and psychologically, making them afraid to drink water at will or take water at will.

Before drinking water, you have to test the poison and wait. The longer you wait, the thirstier you will be, the slower your marching speed, the more unstable your army's morale, and the more exhausted your physical strength will be.

Their emotions will also be on the verge of collapse because of this kind of thing. At that time, they will not even need an army to attack to win, or they will win alone.

This credit is so great that it should be able to meet his needs.

As for the North Koreans...he was so disappointed.

A group of desperadoes who were beaten by Daqin were able to break through Pyongyang, one of the three capitals of North Korea.

The Japanese pirates can still talk about the past. After all, they are 20 troops and have siege equipment, but what does Nurhachi have?
With less than [-] remnants and a group of mobs, he didn't have heavy siege weapons, and he didn't know how to carry them. In this way, he could keep the city and drive Nurhachi away as long as he closed the city. In the end, he broke through .

Not only that, but the city was massacred, burned, looted, and the city was gone. What do you think these North Koreans are doing?
The soldiers under his command were stunned, and they couldn't figure out how the fleeing Jianzhou soldiers broke such a city.

Mao Wenlong couldn't figure it out either, and he couldn't answer the soldiers' doubts.

But there is no doubt that the tragedy of Pyongyang City and those heads and corpses made him think more carefully about how he should deal with Nurhachi.

On the other hand, Nurhachi's life is not easy. Since more than 300 people were poisoned and died after drinking water, he has strictly controlled the water source. He specially caught some animals to test the poison. Only those that are not poisonous are allowed to drink. It is not allowed to drink, not only wells, but even some small streams are treated like this.

In this way, although no one will be poisoned to death, it will greatly slow down the speed of marching, and it will greatly intensify the thirst of the soldiers and their desire to drink water, and the morale of the army will become unstable.

Nurhachi gritted his teeth and hated those who poisoned the water. He thought it was the actions of some North Koreans. In order to retaliate against him, they poisoned the water so that his troops dare not drink water. Now he has to start thinking of ways To store water, take some containers that can be used to hold water to hold clean water.

For the sake of water, the speed of the march has been greatly slowed down. Kaesong could have been attacked in a few days, but now he has to grind on the road, looking for reliable water sources to supplement his needs, and even looting is a bit powerless. , morale began to decline, no longer the madness before.

Nurhachi began to panic. Even his brain in the limit state did not know how to deal with the problem of drinking water. He always wanted to drink water, and he had to drink water.

Just at this time, news came from the rear that the Qin army was approaching, and their rear troops were about a day away from Nurhachi's location.

On October [-]th, the sentry cavalry of the army behind the Jianzhou army encountered a small group of forward sentry cavalry of the Qin army. The two sides fought. The sentry cavalry of the Qin army beheaded three Jianzhou soldiers and then retreated.

This news made Nurhachi immediately alert, and immediately sent an order to speed up the march and pass through Kaesong as soon as possible to go to Zhongzhou in the southeast direction.

He knew what it meant to go on like this, very clearly, but he also knew that if he didn't go on like this, he would die faster.

While speeding up the march, the lack of water affected his team more seriously. He ordered that the water source be given priority to the soldiers, and the rest could only get a small amount of water, but they had to move with the soldiers, which made their actions difficult. more sluggish.

Although they were desperately looking for a reliable water source, Nurhachi and Fei Yingdong gradually realized that the tens of thousands of people had become a burden.

Especially after arriving in the Kaesong area and encountering resistance from the North Korean army.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, Nurhachi and others finally arrived in the Kaesong area, where they encountered stubborn resistance from the North Korean army.

The North Korean army set up a large number of roadblocks and traps here to prevent the advance of Nurhachi and others, and even used the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, so that all the villages and towns near the entire Kaesong area could not find a living person or a grain of food, and the wells were also covered with stones. Clogged or filthy with animal carcasses, undrinkable.

There is no doubt that this was written by Liu Chenglong. After he arrived in Kaesong, he was supported by Quan Kaesong, so he fully mobilized the people and troops, and implemented the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, so that the Jianzhou soldiers could not get any supplies.

He didn't expect to poison the well, but the effect of filling the well with dirty animal carcasses and throwing stones is the same, both making the Jianzhou soldiers have no water to drink.

Nurhachi was in a predicament in a certain sense. While ordering the soldiers to remove the obstacles, he ordered to find a reliable water source. In his view, the wells filled with stones are drinkable, and the stones inside need to be removed immediately. take out.

However, the clumsy Jianzhou soldiers thought for a long time and didn't know what to do. They could only move the stones slowly by manpower, and there was no other way.

There is no water source here, there are traps and roadblocks there, and people are constantly injured and killed, which makes Nurhachi very annoyed.

What was even more irritating was that there were elusive North Korean soldiers fighting guerrillas with bows and crossbows, which caused great trouble to the soldiers who were dealing with traps and roadblocks. Although Nurhachi sent people to pursue them, once they entered the surrounding dense forest area, they could not find them. The shadow of the North Korean soldiers.

Nurhachi was trapped in this place less than ten miles away from Kaesong City, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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