Wanli 1592

Chapter 1069 The game of death

Chapter 1069 The game of death
Liu Chenglong believes that although the barbarians are ignorant, they know how to fight and plunder, and they don't understand the horror of being threatened in the future, so they don't do such mindless things.

Therefore, these barbarians must be using tricks to lure the Kaesong army to attack, annihilate the Kaesong defenders on the plain with the advantage of cavalry, and then occupy Kaesong.

Then the best way is to stick to Kaesong and leave those barbarians dumbfounded.

Only in this way, if the barbarians really went to the other side of Seoul without hesitation, then for Liu Chenglong, his goal of preventing the barbarian army from going south in Kaesong would have failed.

Although Kaesong was saved, the barbarians going all the way south will carry out large-scale killings of the fleeing people south of Kaesong, and the people will be miserable.

A difficult choice was placed in front of Liu Chenglong.

He doesn't have many troops. If there are more troops, he is willing to use a force to attack the barbarian army and attract them. Kaesong is dangerous.

There are also tens of thousands of people in Kaesong who need protection.

Liu Chenglong approached the generals to discuss, and all the generals remained silent, expressing their absolute obedience to Liu Chenglong.

Liu Chenglong was silent for a long time, and did not make a decision overnight.

The next morning, before dawn, Liu Chenglong got up and boarded the city wall. After dawn, the soldiers were eating breakfast, and finally got the news that the barbarians were crossing the river.

Liu Chenglong turned pale with shock, he didn't expect the barbarian to be so decisive, isn't he really afraid of being blocked and having no way out?
Panicked, Liu Chenglong could no longer stay in Kaesong. Even if it was a trap, he had to go out and venture out. If the barbarians were to be spared here, and the barbarians continued to go south, they would definitely catch up to the south and threaten Li Yan. safety.

When the time comes, I will guard Kaesong and not send troops as a surrogate, and I will definitely be slandered as a soldier who respects myself, only cares about my own life and ignores the king, etc., and I will definitely die.

Going out of the city to fight is to die, stay and hug Kaesong or die, it is better to fight to death, so as to keep the family.

After pondering for a while, Liu Chenglong called Zheng Weiguang and left him 3000 troops to defend Kaesong. He would take another 3000 people out to fight the barbarians.

Hearing Liu Chenglong's will to seek death, Zheng Weiguang turned pale with shock, and quickly took Liu Chenglong's hand: "The Prime Minister is an important minister of the country, how can he seek death so easily? Going out of the city at this time is definitely a trick of the barbarians, and the Prime Minister will definitely die! "

Liu Chenglong shook his head and said sadly: "If I don't fight, I will definitely die. Instead of dying wronged at that time, it is better to die in battle. It can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the country. You don't need to say more. I will bear all the consequences. You must We must stick to Kaesong until the Daqin reinforcements arrive!"

Zheng Weiguang's eyes turned red, and he said, "Then let the last general die instead of the prime minister!"

"It's not your fault, you can live, but I must die."

Liu Chenglong held Zheng Weiguang's hand: "If you still recognize my affection, then guard Kaesong, and don't let the people in this city be killed by barbarians, that is the best reward for this old man. Remember, no matter how miserable the old man is, don't open the city gate."

After all, Liu Chenglong asked someone to change his armor for him, then ordered his soldiers and horses to leave the city.

The news that the North Korean army was leaving the city was quickly known by Nurhachi. He just sneered, because he knew that the North Koreans would leave the city nine times out of ten, but he didn't expect to lose his composure so soon.

According to common sense, there are back and forth in the southward looting, basically there is no way to go around a certain city and directly strike the rear without attacking, otherwise one's back will be in danger of being cut off, and may be flanked by the enemy from two directions In trouble.

But the North Koreans didn't know that he didn't plan to go back when he came here. Naturally, he didn't have any rear. He only wanted to go to the south to play extreme survival, and he didn't even think about going back, so he didn't care about one city and one pool. gains and losses.

The North Koreans just don't know, otherwise they wouldn't think of going out of the city to attack, but they should be huddled in the city and can't get out, playing with the walls and clearing the fields, they would starve to death in minutes.

But they still fought, and they fought miserably, which made Nurhachi laugh out loud.

Knowing that the North Korean army dispatched about 3000 to [-] people, Nurhachi also mobilized [-] troops, preparing to charge and destroy them in one round, just like he did against Guo Zaiyou before.

Liu Chenglong knew that when he sent troops to attack, there would be no return. The soldiers might not know it, but he personally led the army and lived and died with the soldiers, so he could inspire the courage of the soldiers to the greatest extent.

Look, such big officials are fighting with us, it seems that we have a chance to survive.

This way the army won't collapse before encountering the barbarians.

It's just that the outcome will probably be the same.

Liu Chenglong has never learned how to fight, but just read military books for a few days out of hobbies. He knows some basic rules of war, and knows that when facing cavalry, he must form an army formation and never disperse. But what kind of army formation can be formed with these troops who have not practiced for a long time and are not proficient in tactics?

Liu Chenglong knew that he would meet a collapse-like ending, but he didn't expect the ending to come so quickly.

Before reaching the edge of the Linjin River, halfway along the road, the outpost said that the barbarian cavalry was coming. Liu Chenglong immediately ordered the army to form a formation, and the sword and shield soldiers and the bird gunners formed an army formation to meet the enemy.

Originally, everyone was still confidently waiting for the battle, but when the terrible shock from a large number of cavalry charging hit, many soldiers who had never fought against the Grand Cavalry Legion were still frightened.

Thousands of cavalry rushed forward with unprecedented momentum. The feeling of the earth shaking, the rushing impact and the strong murderous aura will be the biggest test for the infantry.

Excellent infantry will not be swayed by it, but stand firmly beside their comrades and set up their formation, raising their big guns, forcing the enemy cavalry to dare not attack the formation head-on.

However, the North Korean army did not have such good organization and training against cavalry. A row of bird musketeers stood in front, raising their guns at the roaring cavalry.

Many soldiers who had never fought against cavalry were stunned by the huge deterrence of the oncoming charge.

Liu Chenglong is not a professional general, and it is not easy to do this step. He ordered the gunner not to shoot in advance, but to wait for his order before shooting.

But when the Jianzhou cavalry rushed halfway, a bird musketeer couldn't help the fear in his heart, and accidentally pulled the trigger.

Once the shot is fired, it is tantamount to a signal. The other bird gunners think that the order to shoot has been issued, and they ignore it in a highly tense environment, and shoot with their eyes closed.

Liu Chenglong turned pale with fright, and quickly ordered the soldiers to stop shooting, but no soldier heard his order at all.

The effective range of their bird guns is only fifty paces, and the cavalry arrives in an instant. The well-trained Qin army bird gunners can finish a round of three combos and then quickly retreat to the big formation, handing over the battlefield to other comrades, and then Waiting for the next order, but the North Korean army can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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