Wanli 1592

Chapter 1077 The war is over

Chapter 1077 The war is over
The average infantry is on the verge of collapse at this point.

When the battle formation collapsed, morale also reached a trough, because every infantryman knew that the army formation was the only way for them to fight against the cavalry.

But the Jianzhou Corps did not. They held on with Mao Wenlong's unimaginable will to fight. Even if they were torn apart from the beginning to the end, they still did not retreat or collapse. They fought on their own and did not stop fighting. Not afraid of life and death.

Such a fierce battle frightened Mao Wenlong, but it also made him feel unprecedented happiness and excitement. He cheered up, put the battle sword that had just killed three Jianzhou soldiers into the scabbard, and snatched the long sword of the guards around him. With a knife, he rode his horse and rushed towards more Jianzhou soldiers.

When he rushed to the destination, he swung his long knife and slashed vigorously, unpretentious but powerful, the blood splashed all over, stumped limbs and broken arms flew horizontally, he still laughed, as if he had encountered something that made him extremely happy Things are normal.

Jianzhou soldiers didn't have battle armor, and they didn't have such excellent armor as Qin Jun. Qin Jun could kill them with a single strike, but they might not be able to kill Qin Jun with a few stabs.

So they grabbed the horse's leg and chopped it off, causing the horse to suffer so much that the Qin army on his back fell off. If he didn't break his neck, they went up to make up the knife, and caused some casualties in a while.

Nurhachi was even more fierce, holding a machete. Three cavalrymen of the Qin Army surrounded him but couldn't fight him.

However, Fei Yingdong's life was not so good. With his left arm injured, his combat power dropped sharply. He was forced to retreat step by step and was unable to parry. The soldiers around him were all killed and injured. , the left arm was simply pierced by a big gun.

He raised his head to the sky and let out a cry of pain, another shot pierced his chest into his back, stabbing his heart, and then he was pulled out from behind. He was hit by a cavalryman of the Qin army with his horse.

Fei Yingdong was hit by the war horse and flew back several meters, fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, twitched a few times, stopped moving, his eyes were still open, and he looked like he was dying.

Nurhachi asked Daishan to protect his younger brothers and fight with him, and he could still protect them. As a result, as soon as the cavalry of the Qin Army rushed in, the queue could not be maintained. During the fight, Nurhachi and Daishan had been separated by an unknown distance.

Daishan saw all the black armored cavalrymen on horseback and the killed Jianzhou soldiers. Daishan felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw it. Grabbing a spear, he dragged the Qin army soldier off the horse and pierced his neck with a sword.

Then, Daishan got on his horse directly, spurred the horse to gallop, caught a cavalryman of the Qin Army, and stabbed him in the back of the heart from behind. The previous person stabbed him with a single shot.

In the blink of an eye, Daishan lay down on the horse to avoid the blow, but was shot in the back of his heart as soon as he got up. After a burst of piercing pain, he couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood. When he turned his head, he saw One of the young Qin generals stabbed him directly in the heart.

Dai Shan vomited out a mouthful of blood, held the gun with both hands, and looked at General Qin with disbelief, but General Qin didn't talk nonsense with him, seeing him holding the gun, he let go and drew out the sword in his waist Swing it over and chop off Daishan's head.

Daishan felt that his sight was suddenly out of control, and he felt dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, and lost consciousness.

Zhang Long drew out his big gun, knocked off the headless body with one shot, and went to fight with other Jianzhou soldiers.

With the passage of time, the Jianzhou soldiers who had the upper hand in numbers began to decline. The weakness of the infantry against the cavalry and the gap in armor and weapons made the Jianzhou soldiers more disadvantaged the longer the fighting time.

They are proud of the three Jurchen tribes with their field combat ability, but the Qin army's field combat ability is stronger.

The Qin Army was born out of the [-] Zhennan Army. Xiao Ruxun trained the Zhennan Army by training officers. Therefore, the Zhennan Army dared to confront the superior cavalry of the northern captives. The strongest regiment in the Ming Army was the Zhennan Army. However, Xiao Ruxun didn't care as much about field combat ability.

Whenever a war broke out in the Northern Expedition, it was not the firepower of the Northern Expedition that determined the outcome, but the field capabilities. The local troops of the Ming Army did not dare to fight in the field, and they were not capable enough to dare to fight in the field, so they were chased and beaten by the Northern Expedition.

After the founding of the country, Xiao Ruxun's attention to the field combat capabilities of the Qin army did not decrease but increased. The daily field training was unshakeable. Don't think that it will be easy after the founding of the country. Various military skills and physical training even the old Zhennan army complained.

Under this kind of intensive training, the Qin army's field combat ability was even stronger than that at the beginning of the founding of the country, which was directly reflected in this battle, suppressing and beating the fierce mourners, and beating up the Jianzhou soldiers in less than half an hour. collapsed.

Fei Yingdong died, Daishan died, and all the sons left by Nurhachi died. Abatai, who was finally found and brought with him to protect himself, was trampled to death by the Qin army's horses. Nurhachi collapsed. There is nothing else but fighting.

An hour passed, and there were not many Jianzhou soldiers still fighting on the battlefield, and the Qin army also suffered a lot of trauma.

Mao Wenlong killed seventeen Jianzhou soldiers with his own hands. The pig tailed heads of seventeen Jianzhou soldiers were hung on the horses. The blood of the Jianzhou soldiers was all over the body, and the white horse was also dyed red. The bloody smell was blown by the wind. It can't be blown away.

The Qin army slowly narrowed the encirclement, and the Jianzhou soldiers were stabbed to death one by one on the ground, unable to get up again. In the end, the Qin army formed a large circle, and there was only one Jianzhou soldier who was still standing in the circle.

Mao Wenlong reached out his hand and took out a piece of drawing paper from his horse bag, looked at the person drawn on it, and then at the bloody and crazy guy.

This is the portrait of Nurhachi sent from the capital. Mao Wenlong looks [-]% similar, and with the extraordinary clothes, it is probably Nurhachi who is right. As for the others, cut off their heads and bring them back. At the same time, it can also make Chu Ying recognize her family members.

Putting away the drawing paper, Mao Wenlong cried out at the top of his voice.

"Nu'er Hachi! You're a thief and you're going to be arrested without letting go!"

Nurhachi heard someone calling him, and looked for that voice everywhere, which confirmed Mao Wenlong's judgment.

If he can understand Chinese and have a reaction, that is undoubtedly Nurhachi.

So Mao Wenlong called the dragoons, took a Guangqi-style dragoon gun loaded with ammunition, and aimed it at Nurhachi, who was glaring at the Qin army around him.

Pulling the trigger, there was a bang, and a burst of white smoke filled the air. Mao Wenlong quickly closed his eyes, but the light-activated lead bullet penetrated into Nurhachi's neck accurately, and the bullet broke half of his neck. His head was beaten to the side, and he fell to the ground and died like this, with an angry expression still remaining on his face.

This war is over.

(End of this chapter)

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