Wanli 1592

Chapter 1086 They were defeated by the emperor

Chapter 1086 They were defeated by the emperor
Xiao Ruxun never treated these tamed assistants harshly.

In fact, Xiao Ruxun even restored the salaries of the ministers to almost one-fifth of that of the Song Dynasty in order to make these tamed ministers behave honestly.

The higher the official position, the higher the salary, but even a small official of the ninth rank will not be unable to eat because of the salary problem.

Zhu Yuanzhang came from a bitter background, and he felt that his officials should be able to eat as well as he did. The salaries are all given according to people’s basic physiological needs. They can eat enough, but they can’t eat enough. They have no money to do other things except eat. up.

He hopes that all the courtiers in the world are workaholics like him, as long as they work, but people are different. In addition to work, people also need leisure and entertainment to relax their nerves. This kind of consumption demand has not been considered by Zhu Yuanzhang .

So no matter how hard you kill corrupt officials, you can’t kill them all. It’s true that the emperor’s mind is at work, and the court’s financial difficulties are also involved. However, with such a low salary and no other corresponding benefits, it is indeed difficult for officials to live.

Xiao Ruxun thought about it, so after taming the officials, he gave them good treatment.

As an official in the Great Qin Dynasty, you don’t have to worry about food, drink, or clothing. As long as you work honestly, you can live a very good life. Although there are only hundreds of acres of rewarded land in your hometown, you still have to pay taxes, but At least life is good.

Just like Wang Xijue, the chief assistant of the cabinet, the prince and the grand teacher, the monthly salary is 60 taels of silver. Summer benefits, winter benefits, etc.

When I go to work, I control food and drink, what standard I eat, what standard I drink tea, silk, silk, oil, rice and fish at home, almost all-round care, as long as I don’t take the initiative to consume, I can live in the capital with zero consumption, and Wang Xijue The silver you get is full ten silver, without water.

In summer, the emperor gave ice and cold drinks; in winter, the emperor gave silver charcoal and cotton-padded clothes;

Some low and cramped small bureaucracies in the capital were also demolished and rebuilt, making them bright and airy, and the office environment of officials has also been greatly improved.

In addition to the 60 two-month salary, the other benefits that Wang Xijue can receive are about twice the monthly salary.

In other words, his monthly income can reach about 200 taels of silver. It is not a problem for one person to support a family, and it is more than enough for him to do some entertainment at ordinary times.

This is the top-level bureaucratic treatment. Then the monthly salary of the seventh-rank county magistrate in the locality is also ten taels of silver, and the salary of supporting the honesty is about 20 taels of silver.

The township chiefs and various low-level officials at the bottom all have a minimum salary of three taels of silver, and more than double the benefits. No matter what, they will not starve to death, and their lives are better than ordinary ordinary people.

When the objective environment for corruption does not exist, the problems that arise can be simply uprooted.

Let officials be relieved of worries, so that they can work honestly and their resistance to bribery will be relatively enhanced.

If everyone is like Zhu Yuanzhang, everyone is working except for eating, that kind of social state that is close to idealism is really ideal.

Therefore, although Zhu Yuanzhang used the name of killing corrupt officials to stabilize his power and position, and took the opportunity to eliminate dissidents, but he killed so many people, he probably murmured in his heart.

Of course, eradicating corruption is impossible.

There is no limit to human greed. Officials in the Song Dynasty had such high salaries, but they were also corrupt. At the same time, corruption was also a card in the emperor's hand. Anti-corruption is a card that looks good no matter how you play it, and it is always politically correct.

But as ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty, their salaries are much higher than when they were officials in the former Ming Dynasty. Although what they get is money, cash or other property, silk, silk, satin, precious jade, and delicacies. , the land is out of the question.

They can only live on the salary allocated by the central government and have no other income. Family members are not allowed to do business. If a large amount of money is found between relatives, regardless of whether it is subjective or not, they will be dismissed directly, and then talk about other things.

As for the behavior of using the power in your hands to help local relatives complete the accumulation of wealth, and then go to the local area to enjoy it after retiring, you have to ask the officials of the Investigation Department what they do for food.

The Black Hades are not joking, they have caught you, the authority held by the Black Hades is not a joke, and those thousands of heads were not cut off with a smile.

They were defeated by the emperor.

The ministers knew this well, but they did not have the ability and willingness to resist.

In this state, they have absolutely no chance of successfully resisting, and they are living a good life, so what else do they think?
Anyway, Wang Xijue has no other ideas, he just wants to spend his old age peacefully after completing his mission.

So Xiao Ruxun asked with a smile when he saw the constrained appearance of several ministers: "Is the food still to your taste?"

Wang Xijue hurriedly put down the bowl and chopsticks and said: "The food is very delicious, I thank Your Majesty Long En."

After the four of them put down the bowls and chopsticks together and wanted to stand up to thank you, Xiao Ruxun stretched out his hand and held Wang Xijue down, and told the other three to sit down and not stand up.

"Okay, okay, don't move and stand up, eat, people are like iron rice is steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to eat."

When the four of them sat down again, Xiao Ruxun opened up the conversation and said, "Eating is the most important thing in the world. Not eating a meal is a great torture for people. In this world, I don't know how many people Still struggling with hunger, every time I think about it, I can't help but feel heartache.

But just now, when the prince was eating, there was still some rice left, which made me angry. This kid has never had a hard life since he was a child. I fought bloody battles outside, and he hid at home to eat delicious food. Keep him healthy, in the future, you have to take good care of him. "

The four of them couldn't hear right.

This... the emperor is messing around with us?
The four of them communicated with each other in a tacit understanding.

Wang Xijue's reaction was unprecedentedly fast.

"Your Majesty's words are very true. The grandchildren in the old minister's family are also raised by rich clothes and fine food since they were young. They don't know the sufferings of the people. They don't look like they don't eat minced meat. The old minister is also very anxious about this. But those children He is so stubborn that he doesn't know how to teach other than scolding."

Wang Xijue made a good start, and then the other three also poured out their troubles at home to the emperor, and the atmosphere became harmonious.

"This family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. No wonder the common people often say that it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework. I understand that my family of four has troubles, let alone those everyone. Alas, only by raising children will you know the kindness of your parents!"

Xiao Ruxun shook his head and said with a sigh.

The four of them didn't know if they really felt the helplessness of these words, and they also sighed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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