Wanli 1592

Chapter 1098 Sun Shitai's Enlightenment

Chapter 1098 Sun Shitai's Enlightenment

In fact, Sun Shitai has always had a very unwilling feeling hidden in his heart.

Sun Shitai was born in Yuyao, a holy land of literati in Zhejiang Province. He was influenced by culture since he was a child. He was talented in reading poetry and books. He was proficient in astronomy and geography. He admired sages.

However, his family was in decline, and he was unable to gain a foothold in the village. In desperation, he had no choice but to join his relatives and friends, and went far away from the capital to enroll in Wuqing County, Shuntian Prefecture. Find a career path.

Unexpectedly, he was too talented and not very good at making money, but he was suspected and denounced by others. Shuntian Mansion School did not allow him to take the exam on the grounds of counterfeiting, and insulted him arbitrarily. idea.

After he came to Bozhou, in order to win Yang Yinglong's favor, he once told Yang Yinglong that he came to Bozhou because he "observed the sky at night and found that there was a phenomenon of "a guest star invading Ziwei" in the southwest". When Yang Yinglong's people came to recruit him, he Xinran went to Bozhou to assist the Ming Lord and plot the world.

Yang Yinglong was very happy when he said this, and directly worshiped him as the chief military adviser, and he was well paid.

But he knew that this was just an excuse.

Watching the sky at night, and the guest star committing crape myrtle are all excuses. If you can understand the trend of the world by watching the sky, then the emperors of the past dynasties will not make one mistake after another and lead to the death of the country. all fake.

If he could really predict the future by watching the sky at night, how could he not predict his own future?
He was just poor, and because of his underappreciated military talent, he was discovered by the people Yang Yinglong arranged in the capital, and he was recruited. Indignantly, he entered the backcountry of Bozhou.

But as a traditional scholar, although he received generous treatment from Yang Yinglong, how could he not know what Yang Yinglong was thinking after seeing everything about Yang Yinglong?
How can you not guess that if you continue like this, your future will be worrying?

A scholar who has read sage books, followed such a chieftain, what will happen in the future?

Is he really happy?Did he really feel like he got what he wanted?
Whether this is meeting the wise master and getting what he wants, or if he has no choice but to secretly cast the bright pearl for survival, only he knows in his heart.

But can he say it?
Not only can't, but he can't even show his performance. He must show that he can get along with Yang Yinglong's minister and sympathize with each other. This is in line with the appearance of a chief military adviser.

Once an arrogant scholar who aimed at Wang Yangming actually came to the point of scrambling to survive. How many times did Sun Shitai dream back in the middle of the night, and what kind of pain was in Sun Shitai's heart?
In such a situation, Yang Yinglong kept trying to kill others and make troubles. Sun Shitai felt that the situation was getting more and more wrong, and finally decided that the Ming court would take action against Yang Yinglong and told Yang Yinglong to prepare for the war in case of emergency. .

As a result, the situation changed suddenly, Shen Yiguan's mutiny, Xiao Ruxun's Northern Expedition, the Ming Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty changed the world, the Great Qin Dingding the Central Plains replaced the Ming Dynasty, and the new emperor Xiao Ruxun dominated the world.

Sun Shitai had heard Xiao Ruxun's name more than once.

That is the fierce man known as the No.1 general of the Ming Dynasty. He won all four battles in the Battle of Ningxia, the Battle of North Korea, the Battle of Dongwu in the South, and the Battle of the North Expedition on the Grassland. He killed millions of enemies. He is standing on the mountain of corpses The God of War figure above the sea of ​​blood has won a great reputation.

It is said that its reputation is enough to stop children in the grassland from crying at night, and the northern captives are so afraid of it that they dare not even get close to the Great Wall, for fear of being beheaded and made into a Jingguan. Now that he is the second Zhao Kuangyin, the combat effectiveness of the army under his command It is not comparable to the local army of the Ming court.

Just saying that the army he left behind when he passed by Guizhou during the Northern Expedition must have been prepared to deter the chieftains and warn them not to act recklessly.

This emperor is not simple. Compared with Emperor Wanli and his court, the deterrent power of lethality has doubled.

This is an emperor on horseback who rose to power by military exploits and forcibly overthrew the rule of the Ming Dynasty by the Northern Expedition of the army. He has conquered all his life and is extremely good at using troops.

But Yang Yinglong felt that the new emperor would have to be busy for a long time when he ascended the throne, and he had a lot of time to do whatever he wanted, so he didn't listen to Sun Shitai's suggestion to prepare the army immediately, but continued to take his subordinates out to rob happily.

Sun Shitai had no choice but to continue to pay close attention to the development of the situation.

In the next few months, things developed just as Sun Shitai expected.

Xiao Ruxun is definitely not someone who is too busy securing his position to ignore the Southwest. His vision is extremely fierce, and he has a strong desire for power. Local rule, while entering Huguang and Jiangxi areas to coerce Guizhou.

The governors of Guizhou and Sichuan were replaced one after another. The Sichuan soldiers prepared and trained the new army. They favored the famous chieftain Ma Qiancheng in Sichuan and used his prestige to temporarily solve the chaotic situation in Sichuan.

Sichuan has stabilized for the time being. The new governor Wang Xiangqian and Ma Qiancheng have cooperated to continuously train troops, conduct censuses of population and land in various places, and continue to make troubles.

This is obviously not comparable to the bureaucrats of the former Ming Dynasty who pursued the policy of inaction. The bureaucrats of the new Daqin were all full of determination to do business, and they were very dissatisfied with everything in front of them. They wanted to make something out of nothing.

What's even more frightening is that Sun Shitai also heard about what Xiao Ruxun was doing in Hangzhou and even the entire southeast from a big businessman who fled from Hangzhou to Bozhou and had business dealings.

Inciting the foolish people to kill the families of the gentry, make them exterminate their families, divide up their land and wealth, set up township governments, buy poor talented students from all over the country who can't afford food for their own use, send officials to the villages, and form an organization called "peasant association" , the peasant households in the village listen to the arrangement of the peasant association.

Sun Shitai is familiar with poetry and books, is proficient in astronomy and geography, and has a certain understanding of history. He immediately thought of the pre-Qin period!Think of imperial power going to the countryside!
The "Qin" of the Emotional New Dynasty is not another "Qin", but the "Qin" of the pre-Qin!

Xiao Ruxun realized that the local government had no influence, so he directly used the most direct and terrifying means.

The local gentry were killed and uprooted.

Rooting the power of the government in the local area and mastering it from the village level is equivalent to mastering the locality from the root, manpower, material resources and all resources. In a word, all the resources of the whole place can be mobilized.

Once this terrifying grasping power takes shape and begins to grow, once it encounters a war, it will become a devastating war mobilization force that cannot be stopped.

He kidnapped all the people, all the people got on his chariot, and became a community of interests. Now that he is the emperor, all the people are honored, and their cohesion has risen unprecedentedly. His Qin's control over the local area has completely surpassed Contrary to Sun Shitai's imagination.

This is a devastating blow to any enemy.

What is even more ridiculous is that Yang Yinglong, including him, the people of the four major chieftains, have never realized what Xiao Ruxun has done during this period of time, what he has done, and what changes he has made to the place.

They ignored it all, they were just guarding their own territory, and they didn't take into account what was happening outside.

(End of this chapter)

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