Wanli 1592

Chapter 1127 Life-Saving Card

Chapter 1127 Life-Saving Card

In many cases, they don't care whether they can hit the enemy or not. As long as they hit and counterattack, it represents a very important attitude.

This attitude will inspire others to fight back.

They are in the city, the city is very high, and very generous, these iron bullets can never penetrate.

Once there is such a support, they will not collapse directly because of fear, and they will not even fight.

All kinds of firearms on the top of the city roared, and bows and arrows were fired. Although they couldn't reach the Qin army at all, doing so seemed to dispel the fear in their hearts, so they attacked frantically.

Looking at the city wall with binoculars for a while, Qi Dayong said with a sneer: "They are out of order. They don't care whether they can hit us or not. Get knocked out, and finally charge!"

"As ordered!"

The messenger immediately stepped forward to convey the command of the general.

The Hongyi cannon rang out loudly. After the distance was adjusted correctly, such a long city wall could always be hit. It would be less deterrent when hit on the city wall, and more deterrent when hit on the tower, and destroy their defensive firepower by the way. Reduce obstacles when charging infantry.

Every soldier is a precious asset. It is not uncommon for everyone to understand how rare this literate soldier is.

Xiao Ruxun has been carrying out the concept of paying attention to wounded soldiers and never giving up a wounded soldier since the battle of Ningxia in the previous Ming Dynasty. This concept has continued to this day, and has been better implemented because of the use of Hongyi cannons.

There are always enough military doctors and field medical soldiers in the Qin army, and they will definitely rescue and treat wounded soldiers.

Every soldier on the battlefield will firmly remember that the first priority under the military order is to obey the command, and the second priority is to save the injured comrades and hand them over to the military doctor for treatment. Cannibalism.

Xiao Ruxun's idea of ​​making soldiers literate also has the idea of ​​making generals pay more attention to human life. The gap between literate and illiterate people in this era is quite large. It took a long time before universal education was fully rolled out. The concept will continue.

Knowing how to read and write is a symbol of identity and role in itself. There is always food to eat and will not starve to death.

This is especially true for soldier literacy.

The appearance of the Hongyi cannon allowed the Qin army to better implement this concept. During siege battles and some field battles, the Hongyi cannon’s long enough range can reduce the difficulty of advancing the infantry, deter the enemy, and damage the morale of the enemy. , to minimize the obstacles encountered by the infantry, and indirectly reduce the casualties of the infantry.

Just like the current situation, the back pass is so high, if the infantry attack by force, it is unknown how much troops will be lost to take it.

But now with the Hongyi cannon, everything is different. The way of fighting has been changed to a certain extent. The importance of guns and artillery has become the consensus of the whole army. Long-distance lethal firearms such as guns and artillery are increasingly favored by the army. attention and use.

In terms of fighting methods, the Qin army also began to move towards the modern army, which is undoubtedly revolutionary.

The Hongyi cannons rumbled, the Guancheng of Houguan was riddled with iron cannonballs, the gate tower of Houguan had been smashed down, and the Guancheng was in a mess.

Just now there were artillery guns fired and bows and arrows shot out, but now there is nothing, six iron shells smashed on the gate tower, and the gate tower went silent instantly.

Qi Dayong looked clearly in the binoculars, and felt that the situation had changed, and now it was time to charge, so he gave an order, and the drums of war rumbled.

The Qin army started to fight, shouting "drink, drink" in unison. The shield chariot shield soldiers were in front, the siege troops were behind, and the bird musketeers were mixed among them. The dragoons holding rifled flintlocks also dismounted and followed in the formation. , Precise shooting at any time, the Qin army marched back to Guanguan City.

Qi Dayong thought that the resistance of the Bozhou soldiers was over. As long as he boarded Guancheng and started to attack, he would be able to take Houguanguan City smoothly. Suddenly, several General Weiyuan cannons appeared on Guanguan City, making loud noises.

A few bombs exploded directly on the edge of the Qin Army's battle formation, and some even exploded in the Qin Army's battle formation. In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers of the Qin Army were blown away. With the sound of arrows, another rain of arrows fell.

The sudden attack hindered the Qin army under the city a little. Some unlucky soldiers were hit by lead bullets or crossbows, fell to the ground and cried out in pain. When Qi Dayong saw it, he was furious and immediately ordered all soldiers The army charged and immediately attacked the city.

The sound of the drums changed, and the organization formed by Qin Jun's strict training showed its effect at this time. After being hit, he persisted and continued to move forward without changing the formation.

After hearing the order, the formation dispersed, and the siege troops quickly rushed out of the formation. The musketeers and crossbowmen immediately hid behind the shield chariots and shot arrows at the city wall to cover the charging Qin soldiers.

The swift and swift counterattack of the Qin army caused heavy losses to the Bozhou soldiers who were caught off guard in the city. Dozens of musketeers, crossbowmen, and gunners fell to the ground with bullets, and some fell directly to the city wall. The local soldiers were timid. Yang Wei on the city wall immediately yelled at the officers to organize the army.

The result was another gunshot, and several officers fell into a pool of blood one after another. Yang Wei was startled, and quickly crouched down and hid under the city wall to protect himself.

In this short distance, due to the rapid counterattack of the Qin army, the firearms on the city failed to make a second strike. The Qin army's siege troops had already rushed to the bottom of the city, the ladder was built, and the soldiers had already started to attack the city.

Regardless of his own safety, Yang Wei yelled for the Bozhou native soldiers to throw down the rolling logs and stones prepared on the city wall and the broken stones that had been smashed out. The gun was stabbed on the ladder, and the Qin army was determined not to let the Qin army climb the city.

Many Qin soldiers were beaten to death by rolling wood, rocks, bows, crossbows, and blunderbusses, and many fell directly from the ladders, but the rest of the soldiers remained unmoved and continued to climb up with their shields on their shoulders.

Under the city, the gunmen and crossbowmen shot desperately to cover the soldiers who climbed the city, and there was a chaotic battle at the top of the city and under the city, and the battle was very fierce.

Qi Dayong saw in the binoculars that the Bozhou native soldiers on Houguanguan City were resisting extremely tenaciously. The resistance was so fierce that he had never seen it since he marched. on the ground.

"Since the start of the war, I have never seen such a tenacious Bozhou native soldier. Basically, they will collapse at the first touch. It seems that these are the real elite!"

His staff captain beside him seemed to be a little sighing.

"That's natural. If you haven't brought out the elite by this time, then I really have to wonder what Yang Yinglong used to rely on for so many years of arrogance. How useless those local soldiers in the former Ming Dynasty are! "

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Dayong knew that this was the real Bozhou elite, and he had the nature of a dead man.

Under the strong impact of the Qin army's superior firearms and troops, they still fought endlessly. They seemed to have no intention of retreating at all. They were nailed to the top of the city and fought hand-to-hand with the Qin army. Their combat effectiveness was very strong. This was probably Yang Yinglong's real life-saving card.

PS: Everyone, I want to apologize to you. I made a big mistake before. Both the Fran machine gun and the Hongyi cannon can’t shoot explosive ammunition. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, there were explosive ammunition, but only with mortars. Guns and howitzers can only be fired with a short body and a large caliber, such as the Weiyuan General Cannon, which is barely as powerful as a hand grenade. The opening of the long-barreled artillery can only be achieved after the invention of a reliable fuze, which was in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It's an early thing, I didn't check the information carefully before, I'm sorry, the previous article can't be changed now, everyone knows, I will make changes later.

PPS: Tomorrow, the whole family will hold a live farewell ceremony for my younger brother who is about to go to college. I will ask for a day off for the time being. Hope to know.

(End of this chapter)

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