Wanli 1592

Chapter 1147 Fishing

Chapter 1147 Fishing
In fact, if it was normal, Yang Yinglong wouldn't pay attention to him at all, and directly slashed him.

But at this time, certain situations were so serious that Yang Yinglong couldn't help but ignore them.

His manpower, his weapons reserves, and the morale of the soldiers are already very dangerous. If the war continues, his army is likely to collapse. Unless the Qin army runs out of food, this is his only way out.

Yang Yinglong personally went to the front line, not because he wanted to live and die with the soldiers so much, but because he was so anxious that he couldn't sit still at the back. In his opinion, it was waiting to die, which was very tormenting. It is better to witness the last moment with your own eyes.

His concubines and family members, including Tian Yufeng, have already been arranged by him, and each of them has been given a luxurious suicide gift package, including a poisoned dagger, a white silk for hanging, and a glass of poisoned wine , and a necessary poison for home travel.

They have already bid farewell to each other. This time Yang Yinglong went out to fight, unless he won, he would definitely not come back.

If the battle is defeated and Bozhou is over, they have to decide when and how to go on the road. Anyway, they had better not surrender, because the officers and soldiers will never let them go. Kill, anyway, they will definitely not end well, it will be easier to die.

Tian Female Feng bid farewell to Yang Yinglong with a sad face, she was the most rational and calm one, and the rest of the concubines were all crying, which upset Yang Yinglong.

His beloved daughter didn't cry, but her body was obviously shaking. Yang Yinglong loved this daughter the most, and even built an embroidery building for her here. Now seeing that the embroidery building is going to become a Jueming building, Yang Yinglong's mood It is also conceivable.

The daughter didn't cry, and said calmly that she would go with her father, and that they were still a family when they got down there.

Yang Yinglong struggled to hold back his tears, turned and left.

Faced with such a situation, Yang Yinglong became more and more unwilling to be defeated, and less and less willing to accept the ending of his family committing suicide. However, he would try for any tiny hope of surviving, just like a drowning man. Hold on to every straw.

Normally, Yang Yinglong would kill those three people directly, but this time, he just locked them up, obviously, he was lucky.

This is Zheng Ying's first goal, to weaken Yang Yinglong's will to die. A person with a will to die is very scary. Zheng Ying doesn't want the elites of the Qin Dynasty to die a lot of people because of Yang Yinglong's will to die, so We must weaken his will to die, let him rekindle his hope of living, and become careless.

Let him have a gambling mentality, the more he gambles, the bigger the gamble, the more he gambles, the more he can't stop, until his family is ruined.

When he was in Burma three years ago, Xiao Ruxun severely cracked down on gambling in the army in this way. At that time, he summoned the main officers in the army to explain to them the dangers of gambling, and announced that gambling in the army is strictly prohibited. If you leave the barracks, you will be executed.

The gambler's psychology is also the most meaningful thing Zheng Ying learned in that incident.

Let Yang Yinglong become a hopeful gambler, bet everything on a gamble where there is no hope, and then become a complete loser.

So how to make him hopeful?
Song Chengen is the best breakthrough point.

"Zheng Shuai, Song Chengen's army has already gone up."

A personal soldier entered the tent to report to Zheng Ying.

Zheng Ying nodded after processing a document.

"Well, have you given him all the ordnance supplies?"

"It's all enough. He said that he will definitely complete the task and won't let Zheng Shuai down."

"Well, go down and keep an eye on it."


The soldiers left the tent.

Zheng Ying finished processing another document for transporting grain, raised his head, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, squinting his eyes and calculating how many days and how much bait it would take for this big fish, Yang Yinglong, to really take the bait.

The second purpose is the key to whether you can catch this big fish. Only when the second purpose is achieved can this big fish be hooked.

Yang Yinglong didn't realize his fate as a big fish, he had to continue to struggle, otherwise he would not be reconciled.

Especially after discovering that he might still survive, the desire to survive occupied all his thoughts.

He carefully observed the sequence of the attacking Song soldiers, and was ready to fight out of the city.

"Get ready, listen to my orders later, go straight out, arrest people, and grab supplies!"

Yang Yinglong gave such instructions to Yang Chen, who had a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

Yang Chen nodded, and prepared to go down the tower. Yang Yinglong stood at a relatively safe place at the top of the city and looked out. He saw the position of the artillery in the Song Clan's soldiers formation.

Indeed, before the distance, it is to get closer to him.

If he led his troops out to be caught off guard, he could have returned to the city before the main force of the Qin army could react, and let them suffer a dumb loss.

Is this Song Seung-eun's plan?Help him in this way?Sending out arms and weapons for nothing?
He really intends to betray?And that old fellow Anshi?And those traitors with five divisions and seven surnames?
Yang Yinglong's mood became more and more excited, he felt as if he was guarding the clouds and seeing the moon.

But this is still a test, whether Song Chengen can be trusted, whether he wants to attack him from inside or outside, he has not yet confirmed this matter.

According to what that guy Yang Chen said, this looks like a conspiracy, but the key is to develop such a stupid strategy that a general with a simple mind and well-developed limbs can see through. Will the other party really use it?Yang Yinglong was very suspicious.

If his guess is correct, then Song Chengen really wants to turn against the water, because he can't take it anymore, and the chieftains can't take it anymore, they are very, very eager to get rid of the current predicament, and they realize that they have done something wrong things.

Thinking of this, Yang Yinglong felt very refreshed all over.

Therefore, when the sun was about to set, he gave the order to go out of the city to fight against the mountain. Yang Chen led five hundred warriors to fight out of the city. There was no time to transport the supplies.

It feels like a free gift.

Yang Yinglong was overjoyed. After the war, he counted and got three Frang machine guns and more than 50 barrels of gunpowder, as well as more than 200 bird guns and countless cold weapons. More importantly, he got a group of bird gunners and gunpowder. Gunner, when he asked these people whether they choose to die or choose to work for him, these people chose to work for him without hesitation.

Although it was exactly the same as what Song Chengen said, Yang Yinglong still didn't believe it. He sent people to carefully watch these surrendered soldiers, thinking that once they did something, they could be killed immediately without any serious consequences.

He himself brought the confidant leader out of the dungeon and brought him in front of him, and asked him again: "Your master gave me such a condition, making me believe that he would take the risk of beheading to cooperate with me? I really can't believe him."

(End of this chapter)

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