Wanli 1592

Chapter 1150 What a Beautiful Script

Chapter 1150 What a Beautiful Script

Zheng Ying never believed in the An family and the Song family, or any chieftain and their army.

In Zheng Ying's eyes, they are a group of white-eyed wolves who can be bought as long as they give enough benefits. One day when Great Qin declines, they will do the same thing.

For them, loyalty does not exist, they only care about their own territory, their slaves and their own income and enjoyment, other things are not important.

Such a group of large and small chieftains and their kingdoms are densely distributed in the southwestern land, which makes people feel unpleasant, especially for Xiao Ruxun, who insists on the concept of centralization, no matter what the consideration is , such a semi-independent state within a state is unacceptable.

This is the territory of Great Qin, it has been there from ancient times to the present, but you are entrenched on it to enjoy the taxation and the labor of the people, and treat them as slaves, and it is difficult to provide even the most basic living conditions. This is not only competing with Great Qin for labor And taxes are also provoking Xiao Ruxun's authority as the emperor.

Other emperors might be indifferent because this is a "wild land", as long as they recognize the central government, but Xiao Ruxun doesn't think so.

Although Huaxia is large, not an inch of territory is superfluous. Even if it is a desert, even a rocky mountain, or even a ruin, it must be under the control of the central government. It's that simple.

So they must, must be killed.

Of course, if there are not so many considerations, it would be the easiest to kill all these heads now. However, this land that has been in charge of the chieftains for seven to eight hundred years, even if it is an oppressed people, It has long been numb and used to it.

If these heads were suddenly killed, they might not get used to it and panic, and then they would be quickly instigated by the descendants of the chieftain's family and the like to form an army and begin to resist the "Han invasion".

They are used to kneeling and obeying. They are numb from habit, sad and pitiful, but this is the normal state of this era. If they want to stand up again, they must sacrifice blood to these chieftains and their clansmen who used to be high above them.

And they need to do it themselves and break the shackles in their hearts, otherwise, even if they are forced to stand up, sooner or later they will have to kneel down to the new "toast" because they are used to it.

No one enslaves them, they are not used to it, give them land and freedom, they are not used to it.

Li Zicheng lost Guanzhong in this way and finally died.

So a blood sacrifice is necessary.

This is called a revolution.

While revolutionizing others, one is also revolutionizing oneself.

Therefore, unless they do it themselves, it is impossible for this land that has been separated from the central sequence for too long to truly return to the central sequence and be brought under rule. It will repeatedly betray and war repeatedly.

And letting them do it by themselves not only has low cost and less loss, but also has high results. Although it will not be done once and for all, the effect is definitely much better than letting the army clean up the toast.

Naturally, the army moves when it needs to.

Judging from the filming steps in the script that Xiao Ruxun and Xie He have polished together for several years, the upper echelons of the chieftains who have been infiltrated will start to turmoil first. They will attack each other, compete for the re-divided interests of the central government, and start wars with each other. .

Then, they will fall into more violent turmoil due to the assassination of some important figures, and lose the most basic mutual trust with each other. In the midst of violent civil strife.

In order to quell the turmoil, some people will take the initiative to ask Daqin to send troops to help them put down the "rebellion", and then the Daqin king's army "helplessly" sent out to "maintain the peaceful life of the local people".

Kill a group of assassins who are deeply hostile to Daqin who are unwilling to obey orders, win over a group of more obedient ones, give them a few candies to make them happy, establish an image of the Daqin government as just, strict and reliable, and then send land reform officials to officially station place.

They are euphemistically called "Help the chieftains re-establish a new social order", "Help you build a harmonious and beautiful society", "Help you enter a more civilized era", it is not allowed or not accepted, otherwise the Great Qin Emperor will be "very unhappy".

During this period, the land reform officials who are proficient in local dialect and the actual situation of the local area went deep into the local grassroots, mingled with the masses of the people, and began to disturb the vitally weakened southwest land by complaining, inciting, and buying hooligans, thugs, idlers, and idlers. .

Slaves who have been oppressed for dozens of generations, it's time for you to wake up. Look, those who exploit you have reached their weakest moment. You are only one step away from the freedom your ancestors dreamed of!
With land and fair taxation, the "sacred and inviolable" chieftains were thrown into the abyss of hell in front of them, and the most primitive desires in their hearts were released, causing a riot that could shake the world. Among them, clean up the land.

Then, the southwestern land with a sharply reduced population will be able to usher in a new life, which will not only allow people to live and work in peace and contentment, but also allow more friendly friends to migrate to live with them, marry each other, communicate with each other, and become friends. become a family.

The southwest land will never leave the central sequence again, and they have lived a happy and joyful life together.

End of the play.

What a beautiful script, after filming, it must be quite shocking.

So in Zheng Ying's eyes, no matter if it's An Jiangchen or Song Cheng'en, like Yang Yinglong, they are all stumbling blocks to hinder Xiao Ruxun's great career, and cooperate with them to use tricks?

Are you kidding me?
The strategy was decided before that, and they used the method of teaching Song Chengen to attract all of Yang Yinglong's energy to the three rear gates, making Yang Yinglong mistakenly think that the Qin army lacked food, and the main attack point was in the rear rather than the village. before, confusing his sight.

At the same time, they can hide the truth from their own people and let them attack the city desperately without revealing their secrets. Even if Song Chengen and An Jiangchen want to turn against others with evil intentions, it is impossible for them to know Zheng Ying's real purpose.

Secretly, Zheng Ying has already started to make arrangements in front of the village.

When people are nervous and fearful, their vision and thinking will be greatly restricted, and the same is true for excitement.

The Qin army who evacuated the 36th ladder did not all leave, but a considerable part of the army was ambushed in some hidden cellars dug. More than 100 Bozhou soldiers left behind at Tongzhu Pass were killed.

Then, the ambush army put on their clothes, hurriedly pretended that the Qin army was attacking and needed support, and then launched a surprise attack, breaking through the 36-level ladder and Feihuguan that the Qin army had never broken through under the strong attack of the Qin army.

(End of this chapter)

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