Wanli 1592

Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154
Even at the last moment, Yang Shi did not intend to survive by himself.

He was standing at the door with a saber in his hand. Not long after, he met several Qin soldiers who were coming to kill him. He glared and rushed over with his saber.

"No one is allowed to come near here!"

he yelled.

"There are still those who dare to resist! Kill!"

Several Qin soldiers who were red-eyed rushed over, slashing with their sabers. Yang Shi was very brave and good at fighting. He dodged the blow sideways and pierced through the waist of the Qin soldier with his sword, killing a Qin soldier. , the remaining Qin soldiers were furious when they saw this, and they besieged them together. Yang Shi was very brave in blocking from the left and the right, and he didn't lose the wind.

Slowly, the Qin army accumulated more and more, and found that there were still people resisting here, and surrounded them one after another. Yang Shi waved a saber to make the final resistance, beheaded three Qin soldiers, wounded five, and slowly Slowly compressed and retreated, she retreated to the door of the room where Tian Yufeng was.

"He is desperately trying to defend this place. There must be big fish here! You are not allowed to go forward!"

A Qin general's eyes lit up, stopped the Qin soldiers who were about to kill him, and swung his saber to kill him.

"If you want to go in, you have to step over my corpse!"

Yang Shi roared and confronted the Qin general.

The two began to fight, and the rest of the Qin soldiers just watched and guarded, and didn't go up to help, but seeing the two people fighting fiercely, Yang Shi found that his force was not as good as the opponent's, and gradually ran out of strength, while the opponent, the Qin general, became more and more courageous. .

"It's about this time, Yang Yinglong still has a loyal warrior like you under his command? What's your name?"

General Qin was surprised.

"Heavenly King's subordinates are all loyal and brave warriors! I, Yang Shi, are not the only one!"

Yang Shi let out a loud roar, panting heavily and swung his knife to kill him, his footsteps were messy, obviously he was at the end of his strength.

General Qin saw this, took a step back, turned sideways, and slashed Yang Shi's back fiercely, cutting a big gash in his back, then stepped forward quickly, and stabbed the sword into Yang Shi who had just turned around. Yang Shi's waist.

"Since that's the case, then you can go and die. It's worthy of you to die under the hands of my devil king Qi Dayong."

Qi Dayong drew out his saber, Yang Shi shook it a few times with a confused look on his face, and fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from his waist, and Yang Shi felt that his vision became very blurred.

In a daze, he seemed to see the military camp where he grew up, and all the familiar people there.

Qi Dayong looked at the man who fell on the ground and twitched until he lost his life, and put the knife back into its sheath.

"Yang Shi... this is a warrior, pass on my order to bury him honorably."

"As ordered!"

Several soldiers stepped forward and carried away Yang Shi's body.

Qi Dayong turned around and looked at the door that Yang Shi was desperately guarding. He hesitated a little, so he called a few soldiers to step forward with their shields on them, and slammed open the door.

"How? What's in it?"

Qi Dayong asked hurriedly.

"It's all corpses!"

A soldier rushed out to report.


Qi Dayong stepped forward, entered the house, smelled a strong smell of blood, and saw that the ground was full of corpses of women and children.

There were more than 50 corpses of women and children, as well as wine glasses and jugs scattered on the ground, as well as white silk and daggers. What was left was a female corpse sitting crookedly on a chair with blood on the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, they all died of taking poison, and Qi Dayong knew all this when he saw the empty jug on the ground.

However, it seems that a few of them were killed, with wounds on their bodies, and a lot of blood.

Everyone else died crookedly on the ground, and only one person died on a chair. Does this person have a different identity?
But no matter what, Qi Dayong probably knew who this group of people was.

Yang Yinglong's family.

They were smart and decisive, and committed suicide before the arrival of the army, so as not to suffer and possibly be insulted.

But Qi Dayong was very upset, so many meritorious deeds who walked died in front of his eyes. If they were all alive, Qi Dayong was even sure that he would directly get the title of duke this time.

"Pass down the order, search the palace for me, dig three feet of the ground, do not kill anyone you meet, and try to capture them alive!"


Several soldiers rushed out.

Now Qi Dayong is hoping that there are still people who are still alive, so that he can become his meritorious service. Of course, Yang Yinglong's beautiful daughter... there are many young and beautiful women here, so that daughter died here too, right?
That would be a pity.

Qi Dayong even went a little crazy, he blamed himself for not rushing over to catch these women and children who were about to commit suicide by taking poison!
Such a big credit!
Qi Dayong was very depressed and even wanted to kill someone.

Now I can only hope that there are still some wimps who have no guts to commit suicide, so that I can give myself a little comfort.

The Qin army quickly swept up the palace, captured a group of people, killed some who wanted to resist, and after preliminary exploration, they discovered extremely astonishing wealth.

There are mountains of gold and silver piled up in the warehouses one after another, and batch after batch of boxes contain jade, bronze, and countless calligraphy and paintings.

The accumulation of Yang's 720 for four years is here, and it has never been lost.

As for the property rewarded to the Bozhou native soldiers, after those native soldiers were killed, they all became the spoils of the Qin army.

As far as these preliminary findings are concerned, after Zheng Ying arrived, he asked the staff team to estimate the value of three to five million taels of silver. The cost of this expedition can be regarded as getting back, and there is still a lot of wealth that can be used to reward soldiers , It can also be used to subsidize the national treasury.

Anyway, the generals of the Qin army trusted Xiao Ruxun very much. Since the Ming Dynasty, Xiao Ruxun has never been stingy with rewards, and he doesn't care about his own enjoyment. Grabbing is for your own exclusive use.

So everything was seized and turned over to the public, and things that never happened in ancient times, such as distributing spoils based on merits after the war, were implemented by the Qin army of the new dynasty under the leadership of Xiao Ruxun, and the effect was good.

Xiao Ruxun will also maintain it, as an important symbol of the improvement of military discipline and the strengthening of the organization of the army to modern times.

Zheng Ying quickly moved into Yang Yinglong's new palace, where he began to work and restore order in the army.

The army officers also restored the order of the army in the shortest time. The soldiers of each army returned to the army one by one and left the palace. Only the military police under Zheng Ying's command were stationed in the palace to continue the search and statistics.

Xiao Ruxun mentioned the concept of military police more than once. The defenders of military discipline on the battlefield and the enforcers of military law are the traditional concept of supervising troops in the eyes of generals.

But in Xiao Ruxun's view, the name of the supervisory team can be used, but the military police is definitely not just such a simple concept.

Xiao Ruxun is working hard to promote the regularization and organization of the military police, and will formally establish a military police organization in the reorganization of the Seventh Battalion in the near future.

The gendarmes under Zheng Ying are all literate and meritorious soldiers who are proficient in military law. They have combat effectiveness and cultural ability, and they can exist as gendarmes. Stationed in the city to restore order.

(End of this chapter)

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