Wanli 1592

Chapter 1165 An Unavoidable Conspiracy

Chapter 1165 Unavoidable Yang Conspiracy

Tokugawa Ieyasu deserves to be the last victor of the old fox and the Warring States Period in Japan. Although his apparent strength is comparable to that of the Toyotomi clan, he spent a lot of energy building a heavy artillery unit that the Toyotomi clan did not build.

There is a Hongyi cannon, a Franji machine, and an old-style artillery that was gradually eliminated by the Great Qin Dynasty. There are more than 70 of them.

He even purchased war horses through various channels to create an established cavalry team.

This is the trump card of the Tokugawa family.

Although the Toyotomi clan was also aware of the role of artillery, the Toyotomi clan was not satisfactory, and it seemed to be a gap in the economic foundation.

The Tokugawa family actively participated in maritime trade. Although they were attacked by Xiao Ruxun, they still did not give up and worked hard to do business with the countries in Southeast Asia. cooperate.

After Xiao Ruxun wiped out the Spaniards in Luzon and completely turned Nanyang into China's inland sea, the Tokugawa fleet turned to cooperate with other countries in Nanyang to actively purchase all kinds of firearms and artillery. Not blocked.

The fleet of the Toyotomi family is far less than that of the Tokugawa family. Although the Toyotomi family also has a fleet, it may be because of its weak economy, and it is more focused on developing agriculture instead of communicating with the outside world and developing itself with commerce.

The two sides have adopted different methods to develop themselves, and their respective development results are also different. After Xiao Ruxun asked Liu Huangshang to lead the staff to conduct a rigorous deduction, he concluded that it would take about [-] troops to completely defeat the Tokugawa Clan and the Toyotomi's conclusion.

Of course, if the war of hatred between the Tokugawa clan and the Toyotomi clan can be provoked before that, and the war potential of both sides is consumed, Daqin can also reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The premise is that they will not take the initiative to send troops to jointly retake Iwami Yinshan. If that is the case, Daqin will face attacks from two forces at the same time.

They did have deep hatred, but Daqin was also their enemy on both sides.

The best way to unite divided forces is not a charismatic leader but a common enemy.

If they join forces in secret, with the frequent wars in the southwestern part of the Great Qin as the fuse, and the distribution of benefits as the distribution of Shi Jian Yinshan, it is very likely that they will form a coalition and jointly send troops to attack Wu Weizhong's troops in Shi Jian Yinshan.

Wu Weizhong's troops have 20 southern soldiers and [-] Qin soldiers, a total of [-] troops, and their combat effectiveness is not too strong. Facing an army of more than [-] troops that may be mobilized by both of them, the winning rate is not high unless they withdraw to the sea first. Otherwise, it is difficult to escape the outcome of excessive casualties or even annihilation of the entire army.

So Liu Huangshang and others made a suggestion——

If His Majesty wants to use troops against the Wa country and completely clean up the Wa country, it is necessary to stir up conflicts and wars between the two sides before they jointly launch troops, forcing them to fight.

"Give me a reliable action plan directly, don't make these ambiguous speculations."

Xiao Ruxun said so at the staff meeting.

Liu Huangshang nodded, and said, "I know what your majesty means, and I also thought of the way your majesty wanted. It's a conspiracy. Even if the Japanese know it's a conspiracy, they have to get in, because they don't No choice."

Xiao Ruxun asked, "What way?"

Liu Huangshang grinned: "Da Qin intends to withdraw his troops and return Shi Jian Yinshan."

Xiao Ruxun was stunned for a while, then laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha! Alright! What a conspiracy! Even if he is as clever as the sky, he will definitely not be able to jump out! Liu Butang, you immediately draw up a reliable plan for me, and deduce the possible results of these plans for me. Report to me together."

Liu Huangshang received the order immediately.

"According to the order!"

After Liu Huangshang left, Xiao Ruxun spent a day discussing with the Ministry of War to determine the reward plan for the soldiers and officers and generals, and then handed over the matter to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Finance for arrangement.

Then, Xiao Ruxun ordered Han Zhuo, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, to be the envoy of the reward, and ordered Han Zhen to lead the reward to Bozhou, and after the assignment was completed, he would bring back the captured spoils. It's time to celebrate the Supreme Emperor's birthday.

The fourth day of February is Taishanghuang's birthday. This year, Taishanghuang is 58 years old. In the past many years, because the father and son were not together, it was quite difficult to celebrate birthdays. Now the family can stay together forever and celebrate each other's birthdays It is also a happy event.

This is especially true for Xiao Wenkui's birthday. Xiao Ruxun called his eldest brother, second brother and third brother to celebrate Xiao Wenkui's birthday early, and called the boys and girls in the family to come into the palace to play with Xiao Wenkui. Xiao Wenkui was overjoyed.

A lot of things happened in the past year. The Xiao family was still in shock. They finally ushered in a first-class good life. They lived a good life without worrying about their safety and living standards. For a year, they also lived quite easily.

Especially the descendants of the Xiao family, all of them are growing up very well, no one is sick, no one is weak, and all of them are healthy children.

Xiao Ruxun was very happy, and did not use his status as emperor to organize this birthday party. Instead, he used his status as fourth uncle to invite the children to the palace to attend the birthday party of the Supreme Emperor. The people of the royal family themselves participated.

In order to celebrate the Supreme Emperor's birthday, Xiao Ruxun once again allowed the imperial dining room to make luxurious food, and spent a little more money to organize a happy birthday for Xiao Wenkui, so that the old man could celebrate his birthday happily.

Xiao Wenkui didn't want to cause trouble for Xiao Ruxun, and took the initiative to live in the inner palace without making any noise. The comfortable lifestyle of reading and writing every day allowed Xiao Ruxun to go all out to deal with state affairs and not to trouble children. This Chinese old man's tradition is really amazing. People are gratified and distressed.

Xiao Ruxun can only try to give Xiao Wenkui the best life within his ability, in order to express his filial piety and apology for not being able to serve by his side.

"This time, our Daqin won another big victory and cleaned up the rebellious Yang Yinglong. Back then, when my father was still a general in the former Ming Jingying, I also heard how arrogant Yang Yinglong was. Get rid of it completely, now my son will get rid of it, hahahaha, I'm really happy!"

Xiao Wenkui narrowed his eyes with a smile: "It is the greatest blessing in life to have such an excellent son as a father!"

Xiao Wenkui couldn't stop praising his youngest son, who was the most proud and proud. He enjoyed drinking and eating food. Xiao Ruxun also used his palace band to play western musical instruments for Xiao Wenkui, which opened Xiao Wenkui's eyes.

Afterwards, Xiao Wenkui also had to test the knowledge of the grandchildren of the school. The third generation of the Xiao family stepped forward to take the test one by one, and they were really knowledgeable.

The joyful birthday party came to an end, Xiao Ruxun went to the bathroom outside to relieve his hand, and planned to go back to continue celebrating, but on the way, the eunuch Li Sheng came to report suddenly, saying that Zhou Yao asked to see him.

Xiao Ruxun felt strange, so he asked Zhou Yao to come over, and soon, Zhou Yao came in front of Xiao Ruxun.

"What's the matter? Are you still looking for me tonight?"

"Your Majesty, that... is clamoring again that if you don't go to see him, he will go on a hunger strike."

Xiao Ruxun's expression quickly turned cold.

Pursing his lips, Xiao Ruxun said: "You go and tell him directly, if he wants me to see him, he will give me what he should eat and drink honestly, if he wants to commit suicide and self-mutilate to force me, he will die Can't even see me!"

Zhou Yao immediately knelt down to receive the decree, and then quickly left the happy palace.

Xiao Ruxun took a deep breath to calm down his restless heart.

Li Sheng didn't dare to take a breath from the sidelines.

(End of this chapter)

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