Wanli 1592

Chapter 1168 Maeda Toshiie Feels a Headache

Chapter 1168 Maeda Toshiie Feels a Headache
Now Maeda Toshiie and Tokugawa Ieyasu don't know what reason to object.

There was a lot of opposition from below, and the opposition from the emperor was even more intense, but now the situation is different. After a battle is over, those who oppose it dare not speak up, and those who did not object even vigorously advocated that on, and think about it later.

The Toyotomi family and the Tokugawa family considered that Xiao Ruxun had become the emperor, and there was no constraint, and it was his decision whether to go to war or not.

Don't talk about just founding the country, if you really want to annoy him, if he disagrees with him and send troops to fight, playing willful, everyone will be unlucky.

So they negotiated in secret five times, and finally decided to adopt a two-sided policy, that is, proclaiming themselves a minister to Qin and still calling themselves the emperor internally.

This is the rule of the game that was recognized by everyone in the pre-Ming Dynasty. I respect you as the master, but you can't interfere with me being the king and hegemony in my own country.

They thought that Xiao Ruxun was still the same as the previous emperors, wanting face instead of liking. His words were cruel, but his actions were not so cruel.

As long as the emperor professes his vassal on the surface, he is still the emperor of Japan on the inside.

So they formally sent a note to the Qin envoy, expressing their willingness to accept the request of the Great Qin Emperor.

Externally, they agreed to the request of the Qin envoy, went to Emperor Hao, and coerced the crying emperor who refused to agree to claim himself the king of Japan.

But internally, the emperor still called himself the emperor, and after the Qin envoy left, he secretly issued an edict to the princes of the world, detailing the "insult" of the Great Qin to Japan, and calling on everyone to remember today's hatred and strive to develop themselves, with a view to "taking back the emperor" in the future ".

Basically every daimyo with sufficient strength has a copy of this edict, and Tokugawa Ieyasu is no exception. At every gathering of different names, Tokugawa Ieyasu always asks people to read this edict and remember the hatred Go deeper.

It is not yet possible to compete with the Qin army, but after all they only have 2 people in Japan, and the rest are in the mainland.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was also paying attention to the Southwest War where the Qin Army dispatched 10,000+ people. At that time, his heart was pounding. If the Qin Army was defeated and the 16 troops were destroyed, then they could send troops almost immediately. Then clean up the Toyotomi family and dominate Japan.

But things turned out to be counterproductive. One month later, he got accurate news that the Qin army had won, the chieftain who dared to resist Xiao Ruxun was killed, and the whole family was killed.

This battle allowed Tokugawa Ieyasu to further see the strength of the Qin army. Although Qin Jianguo has only been more than a year old, Qin's strength cannot be underestimated. After all, it is such a big country. He now feels that Toyotomi Hideyoshi portrayed The bright future is a bit ridiculous.

Could Qin Jun be defeated so easily?
Is it so easy to get into Beijing?
Now that they are still being firmly held down in the mainland, let alone talk about other strategies. If they don’t take back the homeland and unify it, how can they talk about foreign attacks?
Japan is indeed too small, and longing for a wider territory is the vision and goal that a qualified leader should have. However, when the object of this goal becomes a giant, Tokugawa Ieyasu thinks that he should think rationally. Is it worthwhile to do it in the end.

Seven years of immersion in development, but in the end it is still not as good as the fighting power of others who established the country for one year. What else is there to say?

Tokugawa Ieyasu felt that as long as he could get Iwami back, and then work harder to wipe out the Toyotomi family, unify Japan and establish a stable regime, that would be enough, and there is nothing else to ask for.

As long as Daqin doesn't attract Japan's attention, he will be very happy.

To be precise, after learning the news that the Qin army had won a complete victory in the Battle of Banzhou, Tokugawa Ieyasu's goal had become to preserve the territory without seeking foreign objects.

Just like these big names in front of us, when they were just humiliated, they read this edict one by one with righteous indignation and tears in their eyes, but what about now?
The insult is still there now, but they have lost the initial righteous indignation.

They have already felt that Daqin's strength is really terrifying.

In the face of such a country, it is the best ending to retreat and protect oneself. Just like North Korea, to be the loyal and steadfast dog leg of the Great Qin. The suzerain country helped clean up the country's two previous catastrophes.

Daqin seems to have no intention of annexing North Korea at all.

With such a country as an example, many rational or pessimistic daimyos have to have the idea of ​​​​not wanting to fight, unwilling to continue to spend money on armaments, and only want to work harder to develop the local economy, and do not want to continue fighting with the Qin army For the enemy.

There are many people who hold this idea in Tokugawa Ieyasu's camp.

Because they did not participate in the Korean War that year, but suffered some losses after the Ming army landed. The losses were not big, the blows were not big, and blood feuds were not to be mentioned. These people are easy to sway.

On the contrary, many of Toyotomi's daimyos were related to those who died in the Korean War.

Because Toyotomi Hideyoshi was mainly recruiting these troops at that time. During the Korean War, many of them had blood feuds with the current Da Ming and the current Da Qin, let alone the current Qin Huang Xiao Ruxun, who was the coach of the year.

Make peace?Admit?This is completely unimaginable.

The one they wanted to kill the most was Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the second one was Xiao Ruxun.

After Wu Weizhong showed his muscles, the Tokugawa side all died down, and most of the Toyotomi side confessed. The Tiexia who continued to clamor were all diehard members of the Toyotomi side, and they were still working hand in hand between the Tokugawa clan and the Toyotomi clan He tried to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu and Toyotomi Hideji while coercing the emperor to issue an edict.

Of course, the result was miserable. They were basically purged. Maeda Toshiie would not allow these people to do things that would damage the entire national destiny of Japan.

Even so, under the pressure of Maeda Toshiie, Toyotomi is still brooding over such shame. Unlike the Tokugawa side, the atmosphere of the Toyotomi clan's main battle is still strong, and many daimyos are studying the situation in the previous battle. Qin Jun's fighting style is trying to find the weakness of Qin Jun.

Then step up to restore strength.

In the past year, he has never slacked off, but the military strength of Toyotomi has been greatly improved, surpassing that of Tokugawa.

Maeda Toshiie feels more and more that Toyotomi's main battle power is rising, and he doesn't know where those people came from. He thinks that after studying a battle of the Qin army, he has found a way to deal with the Qin army. Now he is working hard to develop cavalry and muskets Artillery, ready to "fight to the death" with the Qin army at any time.

What worries him even more is that Toyotomi Hideji seems to have the same idea, and he is vigorously moving closer to the generals of the Owari faction, while Ishida Mitsunari's civil servant faction is increasingly alienated by Toyotomi Hideji because he supports the peace talks and does not support the war. He gets closer.

Maeda Toshiie was quite worried about this, especially the news that the Qin army quelled the domestic rebellion came back a few days ago. He even believed that the flourishing Great Qin could not be challenged by the current Japan, but those generals just refused to admit it.

Holding the emperor's edict every day, weeping bitterly, accusing Daqin of bullying behavior, vowing to do everything possible to regain the emperor's right to be called the emperor to the people of the world, and swear with the sword in their hands.

Maeda Toshiie felt a headache.

Fortunately, Daqin didn't know about Toyotomi's internal news, otherwise, he would definitely come to Xingshi to question him.

(End of this chapter)

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