Wanli 1592

Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279
The first round of confrontation between the army forces represented by Zhao Hu and Jiang Yue and the naval forces represented by Jiang Dahai ended with the retreat of Zhao Hu and others.

As the saying goes, a good man does not suffer from immediate losses. He is still on his warship on his territory. In this case, he is just looking for a fight. There are more than 100 shirtless, black and muscular men on his battleship. I knew it was a Hongmen Banquet.

At this time, fighting by hand will definitely not be beneficial.

We are smart people and don't do this kind of thing.

The second time Zhao Hu asked for trouble, he learned to be smart. He directly wanted to communicate with Jiang Dahai on the shore, and at the appointed place, both parties could only bring 100 people.

How could Jiang Dahai bear this kind of anger?

He chose a hundred strong men to come with him, and Zhao Hu and Jiang Yue on the opposite side also brought a hundred strong men, and the two sides negotiated in a tense manner.

Zhao Hu insisted that only 1000 people will be given to the Navy, and Jiang Dahai will not admit it, and each must fight for it according to his own ability.

Zhao Hu scolded Jiang Dahai for eating so much oil at sea that he didn't give the Army brothers a few bites of meat, which is simply insane.

Jiang Dahai scolded Zhao Hu and others for bullying the few because of the large number of people. He stayed comfortably in the camp every day, and he and his navy brothers had to face the risk of wind, sun, rain, and tsunami on the sea.

Both parties insisted on their own opinions, you said that I was full of oil, and I said that you don't need to bear the happiness and comfort if you are a little dangerous, and you can't help but start your hands after arguing and arguing.

This time, both sides were still restrained and did not make a big fuss. They agreed to do it again next time, and the next time they did it, the number of each became 200 people, and a gang fight broke out.

It just so happened that a group of people from the investigation department escorted the prisoners past here, showed them the truth, and then turned around and told Xiao Ruxun about the incident.

Xiao Ruxun was furious when he heard the words, and called Zhao Hu, Jiang Yue, Jiang Dahai and others into the palace, and scolded him head and face.

"Every one of them is a great general of the country, and they are all Lord Marquis. What's the result? What's the difference between them and the street thugs? Ah! I have made it clear that everyone should fight for the quota according to their own ability. No one is allowed to blame others. What is the result? Who will allow you?" Fighting with weapons in private? Who allowed you to use the army to fight privately?
It's too outrageous, one by one, so audacious!Just because you are a general in the army, you don't know how much you weigh, do you?Everyone is like a bandit, especially you, Zhao Hu, Jiang Yue, are simply presumptuous!Take my words on deaf ears, right? "

After scolding, Xiao Ruxun directly fined the army generals who participated in the brawl with one year's salary, and told Zhao Hu, Jiang Yue, and five other high-ranking generals to stop their work and go directly to the Huotou military camp to work as cooks for ten days. , He personally sent someone to watch, and anyone who dared to slack off would be fired on the spot.

In the navy, Jiang Dahai and others were forced to accept the move, but they also participated in the fight, so they had to be punished. The main generals were fined three months' salary each, and Jiang Dahai, who led the fight, thought behind closed doors for five days.

This small-scale conflict between the army and the navy was suppressed like this, but the boss of the army was still dissatisfied. He felt that the emperor still favored the navy. He lost all his face and lost his salary for a year.

In the navy, only Jiang Dahai stayed at home and thought about it behind closed doors for five days, which was like a vacation.

But it’s useless, the emperor’s golden words—you were the ones who made the trouble first, and the navy was forced to do so. Now that I’ve punished them together, what else do you want?

There is no way, the army can only admit it, the emperor has spoken, and I really don't know what to say about this matter.

And in order to prevent these senior generals from being lazy, the emperor actually went to the barracks in person. Under the interested attention of the soldiers, he went to the Huotou barracks to inspect the work of these senior generals.

So they worked honestly with a bitter face, cutting and washing vegetables, and Zhao Hu was asked to cook the vegetables himself, and the fried vegetables were considered unpalatable by the emperor, so he asked him to eat them all by himself, not to waste them.

At the last meal, these seven high-ranking generals served the big guys. The people who had scruples at first had no scruples after the emperor personally received the first meal, and they followed up with a smile on their faces.

The seven generals were so depressed that they felt that they had lost face to their grandma's house.

What made them even more desperate was that the emperor left after eating, but left his personal eunuch Li Sheng behind.

"Hey, generals, don't blame the old slave. The old slave has to obey His Majesty's order. How many of you will take care of it?"

Li Sheng spoke very politely, but he was not polite at all when he did things. He was still the emperor's side, and the generals did not dare to slack off at all, regardless of the monk's face or the Buddha's face.

Their side is in full swing for elite selection, and Xiao Ruxun's side is also making preparations in full swing. As the date of the military parade approaches, Xiao Ruxun's preparations are also increasing.

The withdrawal of troops from Japan is about to be arranged. Part of the quota for this military parade is specially prepared for the meritorious soldiers in the war against Japan. The number is about 500, and their return schedule needs to be prepared.

In addition, the vassal states received an invitation letter from the Great Qin Emperor to hold a birthday banquet, and they also began to mobilize one after another.

In the past, the emperors of the Central Plains Dynasty were not so active in celebrating their birthdays. They went there as soon as they received the invitation, and it didn’t matter if they didn’t. In addition, the leaders usually didn’t go by themselves, but arranged for a plenipotentiary envoy to congratulate them.

This time it was different, this time the major vassal states suddenly had a very unified tacit understanding.

Of course, this was not the case from the very beginning, there were always one or two people who took the lead, and thus led a large number of people.

For example, the "King of Luzon" announced that he would go to Beijing to congratulate the Great Qin Emperor on his [-]th birthday, and bring his family and the intended heir to celebrate the Great Qin Emperor's birthday.

When the news spread to land, Mo Jinggong, the head of the Gaoping Mo family who survived on the basis of the Great Qin, was the first to respond. Under the explanation of the clan Mo Ping'an, Mo Jinggong decided to personally lead his family to celebrate Xiao Ruxun's birthday .

After hearing the news, Lord Ruan and Lord Zheng in the south were afraid that the Mo family would make something wrong again, so under the persuasion of the courtiers in their respective countries, they decided to celebrate Xiao Ruxun's birthday in person as courtiers. Organize Mo's and the other party to do things with each other.

After they made a decision, they led a large number of vassal states to express their congratulations to the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty and personally congratulate the Great Qin Emperor on his birthday.

Also because of such a decision, Xiao Ruxun issued an imperial decree that during the period when the rulers of various countries celebrate their birthdays, all countries are not allowed to use swords without authorization, and those who dare to use swords will be crushed by the [-] troops in the southern border of Great Qin!
(End of this chapter)

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