Wanli 1592

Chapter 1293 Be humble, look up, kneel down and sing conquer!

Chapter 1293 Be humble, look up, kneel down and sing conquer!

As the time drew near, various tasks of the military parade began to enter the final stage.

Both the army and the officials began to enter a period of high-tension alert. One, two, or three rehearsals made them very nervous, and the emperor came to spot check the situation from time to time, which made them even more nervous.

For example, for military exercises, Xiao Ruxun would take some time out of the palace every now and then to go to the barracks to see how they were doing, which made them all nervous.

So far, 1 people have been selected to participate in the military parade, all of them are elites, and all of them are elites. The "conspiracy" of Zhao Hu and others has not succeeded. Jiang Dahai's navy has 500 People passed the review and entered the military parade, which made Zhao Hu and others very upset.

But the emperor made a decision, and they didn't dare not agree. The most important thing now is training, not a battle of spirits.

They have never heard of such a strict requirement to line up in a straight line row by row. Even these brave soldiers who are invincible on the battlefield find it extremely difficult, and their cooperation with each other is very problematic.

Looking at a line horizontally, looking at a line vertically, and looking at a line obliquely, Zhao Hu and others' heads were dizzy. After working for several days, they sorted out the order. The front and rear distances are exactly the same, no more and no less.

To this end, they also introduced a reward and punishment system.

If you walk well, you will be rewarded with more meat. If you walk poorly, you will eat steamed buns while others are eating meat, and watch them eat meat. If you walk better, you will be rewarded with silver coins.

Under this so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man. A large number of soldiers continued to work hard to practice for this kind of reward, and finally walked well. When Xiao Ruxun came to inspect, they walked quite well.

Although it is far from the phalanx in Xiao Ruxun's memory, Xiao Ruxun will not compare them with those soldiers. There is no comparison between the two. In this era, with the level of training and organization of the Qin Army, it is already unmatched. global.

Xiao Ruxun believed that walking out with such a pace and phalanx would probably shock not only the vassal states and the Europa people, but even his own people.

This kind of momentum, this kind of organization, this kind of proficiency, is no different from those powerful armies in history, right?
How much effort does it take to practice such a pace and phalanx?

How much effort does it take to achieve such a momentum?

What kind of combat power will be produced by the combination of such mighty and sophisticated weapons? Can their army and "elite" be able to compete?
They can only look up, there is no other way.

When they realize that their own strength is not on the same order of magnitude as Daqin's, when they realize that there is no hope of catching up, there is no more jealousy or fear, only looking up.

Look up to Daqin in all directions.

In terms of military, political and economic systems, looking up from all angles, their national elites will fall to Daqin without any controversy.

There will soon be a large group of free "Qin Chui" and "Jing Qin" in their country who don't have any needs. Everything about Da Qin is right, and everything Da Qin says is justified. is going to die.

The political wind in the country has turned rapidly, and the original dissatisfaction and thoughts about Daqin's strong intervention will quickly disappear without a trace.

No force on any side dares to show their teeth against Daqin. No matter what is done in the country, if Daqin is involved, they will agree in all directions and dare not sing the opposite, otherwise Daqin will scold his own people to death if he doesn't do anything.

Just like in the early days of reform and opening up, the intellectual class in China fell to Europe and the United States in an all-round way.

The all-round backwardness in the economy, technology and military, the feeling of despair that no end can be seen no matter how you look at it, and the feeling of helplessness that no matter how you pursue it, it has destroyed all the self-confidence of the Chinese people. In less than ten years, public opinion Complete defection, self-confidence completely collapsed.

If the strength gap is too large, it will be easy for people to become humble and insignificant, and they will unconsciously think that everything is wrong, there are problems everywhere, and everything about the other party is right, even the air of the other party is sweet, the moon It is also a little more rounded, only by learning from the other party or even copying the other party can we succeed.

Although the bloody and tearful experience of the Republic of China and the tragic past of some other countries tell us that doing so is the way to kill, people are forgetful, and the huge gap can always blind people's eyes.

Regaining self-confidence is not achieved by a few words of propaganda and slogans, but by the development of hard power. No matter how it is lost, it must be regained. Only when hard power develops can soft power develop.

Only when the gap in strength narrows, can one's own self-confidence be gradually regained, and finally overwhelm those who were once looked up to, realize a real revival, regain complete self-confidence, and stand on top of the world.

This is what the military parade conveys to the outside world.

Daqin is so powerful that you can't catch up no matter how hard you chase, so humble yourself, look up, kneel down and hug your head and sing conquer!

Facing Daqin's mighty power, do you have the guts to face Daqin's wrath?
No, really not, not at all, unless forced to the brink of national subjugation and genocide, otherwise there is really nothing.

In addition to the military parade, another very important process is the polo match.

Xiao Ruxun has always had an idea, which is to improve people's physical fitness through diet improvement and physical exercise, and the diet improvement plan he vigorously promotes is in full swing.

The large-scale planting of peanuts and soybeans, the large supply of oil and tofu and the falling prices made him very happy. Every family can eat enough protein.

For thousands of years, no matter in prosperous times or in troubled times, the common people can only eat bran-swallowed vegetables. They can’t eat oil, water, and even salt. , and whether it is more convenient to live.

That's why there is a sad tune that has been passed down through the ages-Xing, the people suffer, and death, the people suffer.

The relationship between prosperity and chaos and ordinary people is very important, but it can also be said that it is not that great, because no matter in prosperity and chaos, it is never the ordinary people who can enjoy the benefits. Culture does not belong to them, entertainment does not belong to them, and spiritual life does not belong to them. .

They can only face the loess and their backs to the sky day after day, working as cows and horses for the nobles and landlords.

Xiao Ruxun didn't dare to say that he could change their fate, but at least he was working hard.

He worked hard to distribute land to ordinary people, reduce their taxes, reduce their burdens, provide them with agricultural guidance and a relatively fair production environment and legal environment, and do everything he can to punish corrupt officials and give them more care and care.

So the common people are willing to build a shrine to Xiao Ruxun, saying that he is a holy king, and worshiping him.

He hopes that the common people can be happier, eat more, eat some oil and water, eat some meat, and occasionally, occasionally have a little time for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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