Wanli 1592

Chapter 1348 Wool Weaving Machine

Chapter 1348 Wool Weaving Machine

The matter of duplicating sets has been talked about since the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, but it has not been successful.

Not only was it unsuccessful, but many people died because of it.

Leaving aside the factional struggles within the Ming government, Xiao Ruxun didn’t have this trouble anyway. If he said he wanted to retrace, he would do so.

Eliminating them and mastering the Hetao area is equivalent to mastering the initiative of the Northern Expedition, and eliminating Tumed in Qinghai is equivalent to inserting a sharp knife in the abdomen of the entire Western Regions, and the entire Uzbek region will be attacked by the Great Qin Bingfeng Threats, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate and the Yarkand Khanate will also be threatened in this way.

And these lands were previously controlled by the Ming Dynasty, and there is no need for a reason to recover them.

Therefore, after the war, this place will be the first target to be attacked by the Northwest Corps of the West Route Army.

The Gyeonggi Corps, Imperial Guard Corps, and Guanzhong Corps led by Xiao Ruxun mainly attacked the territory originally owned by Lalik. occupied by the government.

According to the latest information, a large number of tribes have appeared in this area of ​​present-day Inner Mongolia, probably to avoid the severe cold. Infiltrate.

Although the Jingguan established by Xiao Ruxun at the beginning has become somewhat ineffective with the passage of time, the remaining prestige is still there, and it is indeed still very useful now.

And the Central Route Army led by Xiao Ruxun was about to take the results of the battle back then.

The main task of the East Route Army, that is, the Liaodong Corps, is to slowly develop the Nuer Gandu Division, and to allocate part of its troops to wipe out the Chahar Department and seize the Chahar area.

Although Buyan does not have much power, he is also an orthodox Mongolian Khan. Eliminating him will be of great benefit to the complete elimination of the Mongolian Empire. After eliminating him, the only goal is the Khalkha Khanate .

The joint object is Horqin.

The well-behaved and obedient Horqin tribe is the reason why Xiao Ruxun allowed them to survive. To eliminate Chahar, Horqin, who has been an enemy of Chahar for many years, needs to provide part of the help, so Xiao Ruxun allows them to exist.

A large amount of land occupied by the Jurchen tribe has been controlled by the Qin army. Counting Chahar, there are actually no enemies in the entire Northeast. Sooner or later, Horqin will be a piece of meat in Xiao Ruxun's mouth, and before that, Xiao Ruxun still needs them to provide Help, attack Chahar and Khalkha.

This is the first phase of the combat objectives, repeat, attack Qinghai, occupy the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and a part of Outer Mongolia, and occupy Chahar.

In this way, a strong external barrier will be obtained to protect Daqin's native China. On this basis, Daqin's military operations will have greater freedom.

For example, after controlling the Hetao area, you can eliminate the threat of Taolu to the mainland and move the Great Wall defense line to the north. After controlling the Tumote area in Qinghai, you can enter the Uzang area to launch an attack in the south, and attack the East Chagatai Khan in the north. Kingdom and Yarkand Khanate, westward can continue to penetrate the Western Regions.

The military feasibility is extremely great, and it greatly limits the possibility of the western enemy's attack on the interior of the Great Qin.

After controlling the Mongolian grassland, they can use this as a springboard to continue to advance northward, go deep into Mobei, and wipe out the Khalkha Khanate, the largest force in Mongolia today. The Buriyatida tribe controls Lake Baikal.

Therefore, the goal of the second stage is to launch an attack on the Khalkha Khanate that controls Outer Mongolia on the basis of controlling Inner Mongolia, and completely annihilate it. The troops will reach Lake Baikal, and the nomadic tribes in the northern part of China will be conquered. Completely pierced.

At this time, the goal of the Northwest Corps is to wipe out the Eastern Chagatai Khanate and the Yarkand Khanate, control the northern and southern Xinjiang regions, and deter Huite, Heshuote, Turhut and other tribes from the north. Go south to prepare for the annexation of Uzbek.

The Eastern Liaodong Army in the Eastern Theater is mainly responsible for cooperating with the Central Route Army led by Xiao Ruxun to attack the Khalkha Grassland, destroying and annexing the Khalkha Khanate and eliminating its threat. In this way, the goal of the second phase of the Northern Expedition is Achieved.

The third stage is a big stage, ending with the complete elimination of the desert captives, the annexation of Uzang and the seizure of the entire Pamir Plateau, and the complete capture of the western frontier of Daqin. This may not take a little time and a little bit of work It will take three to four years to prepare and even complete the first and second stages.

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Ruxun has time, patience, ability, and preparation.

When the army starts here, the preparations for building a city on the grassland will begin. Building the city and relocating the population to prepare for grazing are important ways for him to control the grassland. Of course, the most important way is on the wool.

For quite a long time, China did not use wool to weave clothes. The huge economic value and warmth value of woolen clothes were not known to the Chinese. It was not until Westerners came to China that Chinese people began to weave woolen clothes.

Xiao Ruxun knew that even further back in this era, during the middle and early Ming Dynasty, there was an enclosure movement in England, which Westerners at the time described as "sheep eating people".

It is specifically reflected in the fact that the emerging bourgeoisie encloses a large amount of land in order to raise sheep, thereby violently driving farmers away from the land, causing a large number of farmers to lose their land and unable to survive, some starved to death, and some entered factories as cheap labor, thus developing capital doctrine.

It can be seen that this group of "bourgeois revolutionaries" is no different from the previous nobles in their behavior.

British wool textiles have been very famous since the late 60.00th century, and by the mid-to-late [-]th century, they had already occupied [-]% of the entire European market. The great voyages and industrial revolution laid the foundation.

Modern Chinese all know that the prelude to the Industrial Revolution started with the Jenny loom.

Before the British started spinning, woolen and woolen products were the mainstay of their economy.

While Xiao Ruxun sent people to do business in France and Genoa, he also brought the woolen looms widely used by the British back to Daqin through merchant ships to England during the five years of Longwu, and brought back dozens of Flemish weavers working in England, and a shipload of English sheep.

After they arrived, they showed the technology of weaving woolen clothes in front of Xiao Ruxun. Xiao Ruxun took the important officials to see. The important officials rushed to them and were very surprised. They never thought that they could use woolen clothes to wear. Soon, they Realized the reason why the emperor did this.

It turns out that this is an important way to connect the grassland and the Central Plains.

Xiao Ruxun's goal is to turn the grassland into an indispensable part of the Central Plains through the existence of woolen clothes, and to obtain a lot of economic benefits from it.

But that’s not enough. Mongolian sheep are coarse-wool sheep, the quality of wool is relatively low, and the amount of dead wool is large, so the economic benefits are not so good. Those Flemish workers said that this kind of wool is worse than the wool they spun in England before.

Xiao Ruxun had known for a long time that this would be the result, so he asked the caravan to directly buy a large number of British sheep back.

He planned to use Mongolian sheep as the female parent, and began to try to improve the breed. He took the lead in trying to improve the breeding in Beizhili. When this project came to fruition, the grassland would truly become an inseparable part of Daqin.

(End of this chapter)

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