Wanli 1592

Chapter 1364 Eating Outsiders Is Better Than Eating Ourselves

Chapter 1364 Eating Outsiders Is Better Than Eating Ourselves
Where there is interest, there are people.

So regardless of whether it was an individual commoner or a grazing team organized by a merchant, they all went north to apply for pasture grazing.

In just two years, the entire Inner Mongolia region was completely rented out, and then marched to the Outer Mongolia region and even a little further north, and a large number of pastures were leased to ordinary people and merchants.

These merchants are very smart. They engage in a one-stop industry, from producing wool to knitting sweaters and selling them. place.

During the slack season after the autumn harvest, the people in Daqin had very light corvee, and there was no corvee for a while. The corvee was all borne by the Japanese and northern captives. The big woolen sweater workshop appeared very smoothly.

From the autumn harvest to the beginning of spring next year, it is the golden season for woolen clothing sales. At this time, wool workshops in the north and south of the river recruit a large number of people who can work.

From cleaning wool to drying wool to weaving woolen clothes, not only male labor is needed, but also a large number of female workers.

Weaving clothes has always been done by women. Traditionally, in China, men farm and women weave. Women basically know how to weave clothes, while men basically don’t know how to do this. welcome.

Chinese people have always been hardworking, and they will work hard to make more money if they can earn a little more. During the slack season, the male and female heads of every family use the village as a unit, and the whole village and the whole village go out to work for the merchants. There are many benefits to doing so.

The biggest advantage is that you are not afraid of merchants bullying or deducting wages.

From the very beginning, Xiao Ruxun set the rules for these merchants who recruited farmers to work. Before starting work, the merchants need to find the farmers’ association in the local village. A copy will be sent to the township government for safekeeping.

Then, it is the chairman of the peasant association who organizes the leisure labor in the village to go out to work for the merchants together, go to work together, and leave work together. Once there is a problem, the chairman of the peasant association will join the township government to find trouble and protect the interests of the villagers.

Workers don’t make trouble for you, but you can’t bully workers, otherwise, government officials will come to question you, make you trouble, and then use the "Commercial Law" to reason with you, and you will not go bankrupt unless you go bankrupt. Know the majesty of the law.

The regulations in this area are very strict. Xiao Ruxun specifically stipulated such regulations in the Commercial Law. It is necessary to give full play to the organizational role of the grassroots government to protect farmers, not to allow free operation of merchants, and to avoid the phenomenon of not paying wages and abusing workers.

People from one village to another go out to work together, and it is convenient for everyone to hold together when something happens, and merchants dare not bully others.

Xiao Ruxun didn't have a good impression of these merchants at all, and set strict regulations early on, requiring the local grassroots government to do something instead of doing nothing. Once something happened, the county government would directly hold the local village government accountable and ask them what happened. Do the people's official.

Basically, if the president of the peasant association and the head of the township want to be promoted, they must pass this test.

After the 13th year of Longwu, if there is a situation where merchants entrap farmers and farmers have nowhere to redress their grievances during their term of office, it will be very serious.

If you can't prevent problems before they happen, and you can't even do justice for the people, what is the use of you?

Of course, Xiao Ruxun also knew about these businessmen's urine, so he gave them a special channel.

If you find this troublesome, don’t want to confront the government directly, and don’t want to pay too much money, or can’t find enough labor, you can come to the government and apply for renting a group of Japanese or northern captives to work for you, and pay the government directly. , without paying them wages.

As for how to use and how to operate, the government doesn’t care, but if you die, you will lose money, and you can’t send it back when the time comes. It must be sent back completely, or you will lose money.

Of course, it is often more operable to do so, and it is more convenient for merchants to save costs, so the business provided by the government is quite popular and can provide the government with a lot of income.

However, because some merchants were too dark-hearted, they did not listen to the government's advice and abused the Japanese and northern captives too much, which led to riots. In Tianjin, the Japanese couldn't bear to set fire to the workshop and burned many people to death.

The laws of the Great Qin only protect the people of the Great Qin, not the prisoners of war. The government doesn't care about the life and death of the prisoners of war, as long as they pay the money, but once the people of the Great Qin are involved, things will be complicated.

The owner of that business was fined to the point of bankruptcy and sent to work as a coolie. All the property was used to pay back the families of the peasant workers who were burned to death. As for the Japanese, they were immediately wiped out by Tianjin police.

The laws of Daqin don’t care about the prisoners of war, but if something goes wrong and hurts the people of Daqin, the merchants will be held accountable, regardless of the reason. Merchants, so that their behavior tends to be standardized.

At least let people eat something, right?

It is better to work more than nine hours a day without food. It is no wonder that the Japanese rioted regardless of the consequences.

But if those Japanese did not set fire to the farmers who worked, it is estimated that the merchant would not be fined to the point of bankruptcy.

But because this is really cost-saving, in order to make more money, those merchants will not give up this channel. They still continue to rent prisoners of war to work, and even train a group of skilled prisoners of war workers for the government, which is very popular. welcome.

Because of this high-intensity use of not treating people as human beings, by the 20th year of Longwu, the total number of Japanese had dropped by one-third, and the total number of prisoners of war in the North had also dropped by one-third. But it is very gratifying that the construction of Daqin and Income is rising every year.

The use of these people regardless of cost has greatly saved government funds, allowing faster and better construction in various places, and the changes in Daqin are changing with each passing day.

Public toilets have been built in many cities, and brick and stone pavements have been paved in many places. The burden on the people of Daqin has been greatly reduced, the population has increased greatly, diseases have become less and less, and the average life expectancy has also increased significantly.

So eating outsiders is still better than eating your own people.

Xiao Ruxun educated Zhenbang in this way.

"If you treat the people badly, the people will remember it in their hearts. If you remember too much, it will become hatred. If you hate too much, it will explode. Once it breaks out, things will be difficult to deal with. If you treat the people well, the people will remember it. If you are good, they will support you, and you will be omnipotent.

Therefore, the people of Daqin are the ones you have to fight for and treat them kindly, but other people are different. They are not the people of Daqin. You can treat them as you want, but the premise is that you can control them , it is potentially dangerous to let them come to Daqin to work. "

Zhenbang followed Xiao Ruxun, listened carefully to what Xiao Ruxun said, and nodded repeatedly to show that he got something.

"Father's teaching, the child will remember."


Xiao Ruxun nodded, and said again: "Your grandpa's death will be in two months, how are you preparing?"

"Returning to father, the ceremony for the anniversary of the death of the emperor's grandfather has been prepared, and it is only waiting for that day."

"it is good."

Xiao Ruxun sighed: "On that day, bring Zhigao Zhiyuan, Xiong Zhiwei, and Zhenwu back. Your grandpa loved children and grandchildren the most when he was alive. He was the happiest when he saw the little ones running around everywhere."

"The child understands."

Xiao Zhenbang nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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