Wanli 1592

Chapter 17 Fierce Battle in Pinglu City

Chapter 17 Fierce Battle in Pinglu City

The gunners immediately followed the order to raise the muzzle and load the ammunition.

"Light it up!! Let it go!!"

The gunner fired immediately.

Fifteen Francophone guns lined up in a row, firing fifteen bullets in a row, crossing a beautiful parabola. Although there was a slight deviation, there was no wind today, and the shells hit the rebel formation accurately. , It exploded violently, the lead flew around, and if it touched it, it would die, and if it didn't die, it would be disabled. For a while, the rebels' positions were full of mourners, with broken arms and limbs everywhere. They scattered and retreated one after another. The people behind did not have time to escape, and collided with the people in front, and the formation was in chaos for a while.

"Change the gun! Ignite it! Let it go!!"

At the beginning of the second round of volley, the Fran's machine guns showed their prowess and almost destroyed all the rebel artillery that could be destroyed. A Fran's machine gun has four sub-guns. By replacing the sub-guns, the rate of fire can be increased. Two rounds of salvo Almost instantly, the rebel army had no time to retreat, and was smashed to death by the flying lead.

"General! Go! Go! Go...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Kui Yun's soldiers wanted to pull him away, but Kui Yun didn't leave in a daze, but the soldiers were hit by lead bullets flying from nowhere, and his entire left arm was instantly broken, blood gushing out from the cut. Note, sprayed Xiao Yun's face, Xiao Yun was shocked by this, and suddenly came to his senses, looking at the soldiers who fell to the ground and screaming, he was so frightened that he even ignored his hatred, and quickly retreated to a safe place.

Xiao Ruxun looked very envious on the city wall, but also felt very helpless, and said: "As long as I have five hundred cavalry, I will go out of the city to attack them! I will definitely defeat the rebels! Damn it!"

Chen Xie hurriedly said: "Although the rebels were in chaos for a while, they were large in number. Once the general reacts, our army is small and we cannot fight against them."

Xiao Ruxun nodded: "I know, it's just a talk. The rebels were defeated by our sudden attack for a while, and they will definitely become angry. Next time, they will attack desperately. Be prepared. You guys will fight. When the time comes, we will attack you." Let the bird gun team play."

Chen Xie and Zhao Hu looked at each other, nodded without saying anything, "No!"

Fran fired four times in a row, and the rebels basically quit the shooting range. It was meaningless to continue shooting, so Wang Hui ordered to stop shooting. In the first battle, the Ming army won. Those who either died were those who were seriously injured by lead bullets and waited to die. The rebels did not have any medical insurance, and as long as they were hit by lead bullets, they would definitely die.

Looking at it briefly, more than [-] rebels were killed by this artillery attack. This first victory was not small.

The morale of the Ming army on the city was greatly boosted, and they waved their battle flags to rejoice.

Xiao Yun was bluffed by the sudden change and the artillery for a while, and ran for a while on his horse. The more he ran, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he suddenly reined in the reins and stopped. After a while, his face turned dark, he pulled out his waist knife, and shouted at the top of his voice: "The whole army is stopped! Don't run away again! Anyone who oversteps me! I will definitely kill you!!!"

The voice was loud, but it was useless. If the bombing of the battalion was so easy to appease, there would not be so many defeats without a fight. Qi Yun became angry and swung his waist knife to kill three defeated soldiers. The soldiers around him also waved With the butcher's knife, he beheaded dozens of people in a row. Only then did he stop the army from fleeing. It took a lot of effort to organize the troops. He ordered all the generals to lead their own troops. The army could not be completed within an hour. When you start to attack the city, you must kill people. After killing thousands of bosses, you will kill hundreds of bosses. First, attack the officers!

This was an effect. Officers at all levels gathered their troops desperately, and the scene was chaotic. Xie Yun was at the forefront of the whole army, observing the motionless Pinglu City in the distance. , full of vicious color.

An hour later, Qiao Yun directly organized the army into an army formation, with [-] cavalry as the rear army, and personally led the formation. Wang Jin led a thousand soldiers to attack the city first, and the artillery team suffered a devastating blow as soon as the battle started. Now, except for a few cannons, most of the artillery and gunners have been destroyed and cannot carry out effective strikes. In order to speed up the march, Xiao Yun did not bring heavy weapons such as trebuchets, so now he can only suppress them with bows and crossbows.

Qiang Yong was kicked and still hasn't woken up. Zhuo Litu's cavalry team doesn't know when they will arrive. Even if they arrive, they won't be able to help the siege of the city. Zhuo Litu is cunning and only agrees to enter the city to attack after the city is broken, but he doesn't agree. The siege.


But all he could say was hateful.

Another hour later, the Xiaoyun Division was ready to attack.

Looking at the well-prepared and well-prepared Pinglu City from a distance, Qi Yun forced himself to calm down, and ordered three generals to lead 500 troops each to pretend to attack in the east, north, and south cities, so that all the troops in the city could not be concentrated at the north gate to resist. , putting enormous pressure on the city, after all Xiao Ruxun's troops were not as many as his own.

Seeing that the rebel army divided into three groups and went to the south city, the north city and the east city, Xiao Ruxun knew that they must be practicing the strategy of encircling the whole city and oppressing it, forcing the city generals to divide their small forces to defend the remaining three gates, and relieve the pressure on their main force. But this is an old-fashioned strategy, and if you know it, you can deal with it, not to mention that there are 500 troops stationed in the other three gates. Once they are fully equipped, if they can be succeeded by [-] people, Xiao Ruxun can kill himself and apologize.

If, if it was really possible, Xiao Ruxun would not mind leading the army out of the city to fight and eat up this army.

Those ten Yegongshen guns are not vegetarians, the car guns are the tanks of this era!The Ming army picked up the chariots that had been eliminated since the Spring and Autumn Period for thousands of years and loaded them with firearms, not for the sake of respecting the elderly!
"General! The rebels are attacking!!"

The rumble of war drums sounded, and a black army of bandits formed an orderly formation to move forward. It was quite impressive from a distance, and it was not within the firing range of the previous artillery. Xiao Ruxun immediately ordered: "Beat the drums! Meet the enemy!"

On the top of the city, the corresponding battle drums sounded, symbolizing the fighting will of the Ming army, stimulating the nerves of every Ming army soldier.

"Gunner ready!!"

Wang Hui pulled out his battle sword and held it high.

Below the city, the speed of the rebel formation has obviously accelerated.

The shield soldiers raised their shields, the spearmen raised their guns, and the saber soldiers raised their knives. The crossbowmen had already raised their crossbows and slowly pulled the bowstrings away.

"Light it up!! Let it go!!"

The general in Wang Hui's hand swung down violently.

The gunner ignited immediately, and the matchlock burned violently!
"Bowman ready!!"

The general of the rebel army gave orders to the crossbowmen.


"Shoot the arrow!!!"

When the shells fell to the ground, it was also when the rebel crossbow team started to shoot arrows. The few artillery pieces of the rebels started firing at the same time, but it was useless. Adjusting the position, the arrows fell in front of the city, and the artillery also fell in front of the city gate, but the artillery fire of the Ming army had already dealt a blow to the rebels. More than a dozen shells burst, and the lead bullets flew randomly. The rebel soldiers were wounded by lead and marched to death.

Being condescending, they naturally have a range advantage. They look up at the impact, and their range is limited and their sight is limited. On this point, the Ming army has the advantage.

"Change the gun! Ignite it! Let it go!!"

Second salvo, third salvo, fourth salvo!
Hundreds of rebels were killed, and at this time, the rebel army finally rushed into their shooting range.

"Shoot arrows!!"

The rebel army commander commanded the rebel crossbow team to look up and shoot arrows. Zhao Hu, the commander of the front line, was well prepared, pulled out his sword and shouted: "Raise the shield!!"

Then some shield soldiers raised their tall and thick shields and rode on the battlements to protect the crossbowmen and gunners in the city from being hurt by the arrows. There were also several shield soldiers holding shields to protect Xiao Ruxun's location, and the rebel bows came like raindrops. The shield made a thumping sound, and there was a cry of pain from time to time. Some soldiers were unlucky and were hit by the arrows.

Xiao Ruxun immediately ordered: "Shield soldiers protect, immediately move the injured soldiers down the city wall, and get them to treat them!"

PS: The war scene is here, and I have the cheek to ask for recommendations for collection.

(End of this chapter)

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