Wanli 1592

Chapter 236 3-Party Talks

Chapter 236 Tripartite Talks

Ieyasu Tokugawa and Toshiie Maeda received the letter before they had time to complain about Xiao Ruxun's self-praise, they were amazed, they were surprised by the speed of the other party's response, and at the same time they had a premonition that tomorrow's tripartite meeting would be a battle of words and swords. Peace.

The three sides made their own preparations. Early the next morning, the teams of Maeda Toshiie and Tokugawa Ieyasu appeared on the east side and west side of the Ming army camp respectively. Xiao Ruxun specially built a shed in front of the camp as a place for negotiations. , to show Ming’s absolute justice and fairness, as if he was acting as a sanctioner, which made Maeda Toshiie and Tokugawa Ieyasu grit their teeth secretly, but they dared not say anything.

You can see how powerful the Ming army is when you look at the way it is showing off its might. There are too many artillery pieces and advanced firearm tactics, making them completely powerless to resist—the entire navy was wiped out, and the entire Tokugawa army representing the first-class army’s combat effectiveness was completely defeated. The annihilation of the army, doesn't it indicate the problem?
At this moment, both Tokugawa Ieyasu and Maeda Toshiie began to swear secretly that no matter how much it costs, they must make enough artillery for their troops and train enough artillery tactics to wait for the next decisive battle with the Ming army. At that time, the Japanese army will be reborn and regain everything it has lost.

Of course, the representatives of the Japanese army in their minds are themselves, not the other party, and they must first be safe from foreign affairs. There is still a cancer in the Ministry of Defense, how can they be at peace in their hearts?

Swallow the opponent first, bury your head for ten years, and meet Daming with your head up.

Then how to implement the strategy of driving tigers and devouring wolves depends on their respective performances. In this negotiation about their respective fates, whoever can win the help and support of the Ming army will have an absolute advantage. To destroy the opponent, it is inappropriate to compete with the Ming army for the benefits at this time. Looking at the Ming army's appearance of setting up camp, you know that they are determined to see Yinshan. Then, let the Ming army occupy it. , all in all, it is better to be occupied by the Ming army than to be occupied by the opponent.

Tokugawa Ieyasu saw Maeda Toshiie from a distance, and Maeda Toshiie also saw Tokugawa Ieyasu from a distance. These two fateful enemies met again.

As the organizer of this negotiation, Xiao Ruxun got up to welcome the two leaders, and met with Tokugawa Ieyasu and Maeda Toshiie respectively. After seeing their looks clearly and satisfying his curiosity, he invited them to sit down, and then Since the tea was served, the three parties sat down with their translators, and everyone began to prepare for the meeting.

"Today, as the convener of the meeting, my admiral Xiao Ruxun actually wants to mediate for you two. The world is chaotic and the people are uneasy. No matter who wins in the end, it is the common people of Japan who suffer. Common people, this governor is very sympathetic to this, I only hope that the two of you will work together to make peace and coexist peacefully, so that the world will return to peace, stop fighting, and whoever wants to fight again, this governor will use [-] troops to wipe it out!"

Xiao Ruxun set the tone for today's meeting. Of course, those high-sounding words are farts, just to cover up Xiao Ruxun's real intentions. Everyone is an old monster who has cultivated for thousands of years. Don't fool anyone. We all understand what you said, to put it bluntly , you just want to be a peacemaker, dealing with us and maximizing Ming's interests, don't you?

However, we also have our own interests, and we also have our own ideas. Now it depends on whose mouth is sharp, whose bargaining chips are attractive enough, who is more courageous, and who can hold his breath the most. It would be embarrassing to get up and slap the table and smash the bench.

Xiao Ruxun threw out his chips—[-] Ming troops, known as [-], [-] cannons, [-] blunderbusses, countless gunpowder and lead, enough for three more battles.

For the sake of his own future, Xiao Ruxun's safety, and Daming's compensation, Song Yingchang blocked all his capital. If Xiao Ruxun could not get enough benefits from Japan, then not only Xiao Ruxun would lose his head, but Song Yingchang would also end badly.

What you need to know is that the reason why this war is still going on, and why the emperor acquiesced in Xiao Ruxun's attack across the sea, is all in the hope that Xiao Ruxun will find enough silver for him to tide him over the financial crisis of Ming Dynasty and his own. The wallet is in crisis. Just having the captives open mines for him is not enough to satisfy his requirements. He needs more silver to let Daming survive this wave of economic crisis.

Otherwise, he wouldn't pay 30 taels of silver out of his own pocket to the navy as military expenses.

I borrowed 30 from the emperor, and I have to pay back 300 million!

Xiao Ruxun's bargaining chip has been laid out, so what about the chips of Toyotomi and Tokugawa?

Maeda Toshiie first expressed his desire to speak.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu is a traitor, a traitor of Japan. The Emperor of Japan has issued an edict stating that Tokugawa Ieyasu is a traitor, calling on the princes of the whole world to crusade against traitors. Daming should stand with the Toyotomi regime representing the Japanese royal family. Let's fight traitors together to maintain orthodoxy."

Maeda Toshiie first moved out the righteous name. Yes, in any era, the righteous name is something that must be prepared before doing bad things. You need a reason to start a war, and you need a reason to kill someone. If you don’t have a valid reason, it is equivalent to rebellion. Don't say that you are a naked rebel now. The representative of the central government in Japan believes that you are a traitor, and you are a traitor. There is nothing to say.

Who let the Emperor of Japan be in the hands of Toyotomi?

The people on Tokugawa Ieyasu's side suddenly became pale. They also knew that they were still at a disadvantage in terms of righteousness, and that they were born without a name, which made them very passive.

So Xiao Ruxun pretended to cast unkind eyes on Tokugawa Ieyasu.

However, Tokugawa Ieyasu is not worried, he has already thought of a coping strategy.

Are you not orthodox?Then I will deny your orthodoxy from the perspective of national interests.

"Even so, Admiral Xiao and the Toyotomi clan are loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, but they are the chief culprits who launched the Korean War. If there were no traitors like Toyotomi Hideyoshi who launched the Korean War, how could they bother the Heavenly Kingdom? Toyotomi is the chief culprit of this battle. If Toyotomi hadn't been bold enough to launch this battle, how could there be today?

I just can't understand the Toyotomi clan's contempt for the heavenly dynasty and brazenly invading North Korea. That's why I angrily raised troops to clear up the audacious Toyotomi clan for the heavenly kingdom!Admiral Xiao, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was beheaded by me, and this battle was also settled by me. If Toyotomi occupies Japan now, will Xu Tu regenerate his energy for revenge in the future? That's not certain! "

"You spit out blood!"

Maeda Toshiie couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and shouted angrily: "When you sent troops, you took your [-] elites to Nagoya, and said that if the strikers couldn't resist you, you would send troops to help. At that time, you were very active. That's great! I don't recognize anything now! What a joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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