Wanli 1592

Chapter 327 Ming's Armada

Chapter 327 Ming's Armada

Xiao Ruxun disagreed with Matteo Ricci's remarks.

"Born with original sin? Your teaching is the same as that of Xunzi, a sage in ancient my country. He also agrees with the theory that human nature is inherently evil, and believes that human beings are inherently evil, not good, but he doesn't think that people have any sins to deal with." Redemption, he means to teach people to do good deeds through acquired education, so as to offset the inherent evil in the character. I quite agree with his point of view.

As for what you said about God and redemption, Mr. Matteo Ricci, I don’t think most of the people of Ming Dynasty would agree with it. Our body, hair and skin are from our parents, not God, who gave us the grace of upbringing. It is our parents, not God. Even if we are guilty, we have to atone for our sins to our parents, not God. God is high above and regards all things as dogs. How can he care about a person's life or death?
I have walked all this way, and all I see is death, those who died in battle, those who died of starvation, those who died of disease, those who were killed. If God really wanted to redeem them, why would he let them die?Is it not good to live?As for going to heaven and earth after death, what is the meaning to the living?The living can't see it!So I think that there are no gods and Buddhas in the world, no demons, there are only people, no matter how devout believers can get the blessing of gods, and ordinary people who don't believe in gods may not necessarily have a miserable life, your religion, or something else Spread the word on me! "

Xiao Ruxun put down the globe and stood up.

Matteo Ricci didn't know what rhetoric to use to express his point of view for a while. He felt that his beliefs were not wrong, and his beliefs were not wrong, but in this general, it seemed that all the missionary methods None of them are available.

"The God in your heart is the son of God. Your original sin was born and you must atone for it. But we have been fighting against the gods from the very beginning. There are ten suns in the sky, and we have god archers to shoot them down. There are ten suns on the ground. Demons, goblins, demons and monsters, we have powerful warriors to kill them, the sky sent floods, we have Dayu to control the water, and no gods have ever descended to help us. Our ancestors knew from the beginning that everything can only be done by ourselves. There is no original sin to atone for, everything we have today is due to our hard work.”

"This one……"

Matteo Ricci didn't know enough about China, so he didn't know how to refute Xiao Ruxun.

"If my fame and fortune were rewarded by the heavens, instead of me leading soldiers to fight with swords and guns, I might believe in gods and demons. If I lie motionless on the ground and pray to the gods when I lead soldiers to fight, then My enemies are all dead, then I also believe in gods and demons, if I do nothing but pray to gods, I can be where I am today, then I also believe in gods and demons, but no, what I get I did everything by myself, and my soldiers paid for it with their lives. If I believed in gods and demons, I would be too sorry for them."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ruxun walked out of the cabin and went to the deck, leaving Matteo Ricci standing alone on the cabin in silence.

In Macau, Xiao Ruxun met the Portuguese who have lost their homeland. Their situation is very bad. The Spaniards are not friendly to them. If they want to survive and maintain their dignity, they need to join forces with a stronger force, so they propose , hoping to cooperate with Daming as always, they sent people to help Daming conquer Dongwu Kingdom, hoping to get political asylum and help from Daming.

Xiao Ruxun happened to need a team of people who were proficient in firearms tactics to help him train soldiers. These Portuguese recommended themselves and gave Xiao Ruxun excellent help. Apart from anything else, Xiao Ruxun agreed to their request, so a 200-man Portuguese team The Musketeers boarded Xiao Ruxun's warship and went with him to conquer the Dongwu Kingdom. As for Matteo Ricci, he seemed suspicious and asked Xiao Ruxun to let him accompany him on the expedition. He wanted to think clearly in his heart during the war. doubts.

Xiao Ruxun naturally agreed that Matteo Ricci was at least a scholar with a wealth of knowledge, and with him by his side, Xiao Ruxun could squeeze out many of the latest achievements in Western science.

That being the case, in Xiao Ruxun's army establishment, there was an extra Portuguese musketeer team of 200 people. Most of them used matchlock guns, and a few of them used flintlock guns. Xiao Ruxun used their matchlock guns and flintlock guns to compete with Daming's Compared with the bird guns, it is indeed found that there is a big gap. The medicine room of the Daming bird gun is too small, the production is not sophisticated enough, the dosage is unscientific, and the gunpowder is rough, so that it is not as good as the Portuguese muskets in terms of range and power. interception.

Xiao Ruxun immediately arranged for his own blacksmith battalion to deeply analyze the Portuguese gunpowder chambers, and then improve this technology. Also, study the gunpowder used by the Portuguese to see how it is different from Ming's gunpowder, and it needs to be improved.

Overtly and secretly, Xiao Ruxun is trying every means to extract the military and scientific knowledge of these Portuguese people, such as arranging these Portuguese to give lessons to their gunners, teaching them how to use artillery scientifically, and mastering the knowledge of artillery firing. During these processes, Matteo Ricci became a cheap translator, translating specific meanings to the soldiers, and he seemed to have a great time doing it.

On the day of arriving in Dongwu Kingdom, the weather was hot and the sun was basking in the sun. It was too much for Xiao Ruxun. After arriving in the coastal waters of Siam, Xiao Ruxun ordered a salute to be fired, and the flag of the Ming Dynasty was raised. After 100 salutes, the soldiers on board began to blow The horns of the Ming army and the drums on the ship were sounded, announcing the return of the Ming navy's power since Zheng He's departure more than [-] years ago.

King Narisuan of Siam also fired a salute on the shore, following the sound of Daming's horn, he blew his own horn, and also beat the drums to express his most sincere welcome to the arrival of the Ming army.

As Xiao Ruxun's flagship slowly approached, the whole picture of the Ming Fleet was gradually observed by the world. Apart from King Narexuan's army and ministers, there were also many local people rushing to watch the excitement. They were still smiling at the time, but when the Da Ming warships came overwhelmingly, they were so frightened by the overwhelming momentum that they were speechless, and there was silence.

They finally understood why their ancestors admired China so much. The reputation of Zheng He's fleet was even stronger than the current fleet. How magnificent would it be then?

Not to mention these Siamese, even the Portuguese and Matteo Ricci, who are used to seeing big scenes, were too scared to speak when they saw the whole picture of the Ming fleet. They finally understood the strength of the Ming Empire. To what extent, apart from Spain's Armada, there is another country in this world that also has an Armada.

Ming dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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