Wanli 1592

Chapter 380 Damn Politics

Chapter 380 Damn Politics
Overjoyed, Wang Xijue called the Secretary of the Ministry of Military Affairs and other members of the cabinet to a meeting, announced the news, and showed them Xiao Ruxun's success report. After reading it, Yang Junmin heaved a sigh of relief, and Shi Xing heaved a long sigh. , Zhao Zhigao shook his head slightly and remained silent, while Zhang Wei sighed: "Xiao Jixin is worthy of being a good general, and she understands the court's intentions. This plan can be regarded as a strategy of advancing by retreating."

Xiao Ruxun already knew what everyone meant, he is not a fool, he also has his own social circle, and he is very clear about some weather vanes of the court, so when the court asked him to fight in Burma, he went to Burma, and after the fight in Burma, he went to Burma. He will not come back. He knows that he has made great contributions, and the court officials do not welcome him to come back, so he simply proposed not to come back, worried that the Burmese thieves would resurface, and asked to stay in Burma forever and not come back.

Smart man!

This is what Zhang Wei means.

Yang Junmin focused on seeing Xiao Ruxun's suggestion to ask refugees to fill Myanmar, to help Ming solve the problem of refugees, and to fill Myanmar's population, so that Myanmar can accelerate its development and become a new territory of Ming Dynasty.

Shi Xing sighed, sighed, a good general, was forced by the imperial court's policy to dare not come back, the general who has fought all over the world, will finally retreat bravely, no longer participate in the affairs of the Central Plains, but be honest Really stay at the frontier and guard the border, hoping to live a safe life.

Just this point is enough to prove that Xiao Ruxun is smarter than Di Qing and Li Chengliang.

He knew that the central government couldn't tolerate a pure warrior, so he didn't come back at all, and stayed directly in the place where the war was fought, and used the reason of guarding the frontier to let himself spend the rest of his life safely. Anyway, the frontier, the wild land, The imperial court is not interested, let alone a foreign land like Myanmar, which is not in the eyes of officials at all. Liaodong still needs to be considered, but Myanmar does not need to be considered at all. There are still benefits, so keep it!
"Since the founding of this dynasty, there has been no example of Yongzhen except for the Mu family in Yunnan who used it to town Yunnan. Xiao Ruxun is good at fighting and defending. He is a rare good general. He doesn't need to conquer the Quartet and make contributions to the country. Is it too condescending to guard the wild land of Myanmar forever? A thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find!"

Shi Xing really appreciates Xiao Ruxun. He was the one who abandoned Li Rusong and chose Xiao Ruxun. He was the one who single-handedly promoted Xiao Ruxun. It would not do him any good to let Xiao Ruxun stay in Myanmar forever. Of course, he hoped that Xiao Ruxun would continue to fight and continue to build momentum for him.

Zhao Zhigao also supported Shi Xing's point of view: "I don't know when Xiao Ruxun will be useful. It is not impossible to let him stay in Myanmar forever, but it is too rare to be a good general."

Zhang Wei is upset, he is a firm minister faction.

"I don't agree with this statement. Xiao Ruxun has the talent of a general. Yongzhen Burma is just a name. The real purpose is to Yongzhen the southern border of Daming, to block the flames of war from the territory of Daming. It is a Great Wall in the south of Daming. Zi Zhengde Since then, the south coast has been unstable, Frangji and Dongwu have invaded the border, and I don’t know who will invade the border next time. The world is becoming more and more unstable, and the north is surging. It is time for us to put in a lot of energy .

I can't wait to put more energy in the south. At this time, there are good generals like Xiao Ruxun in charge of the military affairs in the southern border and preventing the military disaster for the Ming Dynasty. Isn't the problem of food shortage wonderful? "

Zhang Wei's speech was fully supported by Yang Junmin. He only cared about the refugee issue, and he was the one who couldn't provide money to help the disaster. Don't dare to let go.

"What Mr. Zhang Ge said is true, and the lower officials agree very much. Nowadays, there are turbulent refugees in various places in the north, and the governments in various places are in a hurry, but the treasury is empty and powerless. Once the local grain depots are exhausted and there is no food to rescue the victims, what should we do? Refugees Dare to do anything without food! Everyone, are we going to watch the refugees rebel? Now it is the most important thing to give them a way to survive, and rebuilding the Myanmar Propaganda Department is the way to survive!"

Two people are in favor, and two people are against, so the leading power falls on Wang Xijue.

Wang Xijue's choice is very clear. In other words, he has no other choice. He has already decided that after the matter is settled, he will quit the court and return home. From then on, he will spend the rest of his life under the supervision of the royal family. He has no other ideas. With political ambitions, the only expectation is to finish one more thing before leaving.

Letting Xiao Ruxun stay in Burma was something he had discussed with the Empress Dowager before the war. He had to leave. If he left and Xiao Ruxun came back, who could stop the secret connection between the emperor and Xiao Ruxun?Don't look at the emperor who is now acting like a good boy with his flag down, who knows if there is such a fire hidden in his heart?The emperor was only 30 years old, and it was not yet the time for the flag to die down. At this time, Lord Jiajing was tossing all the ministers with full firepower!

We must take precautions before they happen, and we cannot put famous generals by the emperor's side, lest the emperor regain the military power, which is not good for civil servants.

Therefore, it would be best for Xiao Ruxun to propose it on his own initiative. If he didn't propose it, the imperial court still wants him to live in Yongzhen, then it would be a little too ugly...

This matter itself is dishonest to the court and the royal family, and Xiao Ruxun did not know about it from the beginning to the end, so if there is no such fig leaf, they are really embarrassed to tell Xiao Ruxun to stay there and not come back.

It's good now, Xiao Ruxun brought it up by himself, that would be the best.

A big stone in Wang Xijue's heart fell to the ground.

"It's hard to find good generals such as Xunliang. Putting them at the border will be overkill. This old man feels inappropriate..."

As soon as this statement came out, Zhang Wei and Yang Junmin turned pale with shock, while Zhao Zhigao and Shi Xing were overjoyed.

"However, the country is very cautious about the southern frontier, and there are even more Franji people who come from the sea. They have to guard against it. In recent years, the northern border has become more and more serious. The imperial court lacks energy and cannot take care of the north and south at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a capable general to guard the southern border. Overview Military affairs may not be a feasible strategy, the old man thinks that the matter of Xiao Ruxun's Yongzheng in Burma can be heard in the sky, please give your majesty a reply, we just need to follow your majesty's opinion."

Wang Xijue's words were high-sounding, but both Shi Xing and Zhao Zhigao knew that Wang Xijue was on Zhang Wei's side, hoping to keep Xiao Ruxun in the local area and not let him come back. For this reason, he was given the qualification of Yongzhen Burma It's okay, even if it is a duke, as long as he doesn't come back, don't break the existing balance of interests in the capital.

Damn politics!

(End of this chapter)

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