Wanli 1592

Chapter 400 The Purpose of the Holy See

Chapter 400 The Purpose of the Holy See

Xiao Ruxun has always been cautious about religions. In his opinion, all religions that have great influence in human society are all ruling tools supported by the ruling class in power for the purpose of controlling people's thoughts.

It's just that the ability of religion to win people's hearts is really strong, and science can't always puncture the ideas of religion, so when science is not enough to change people's awe of gods, religion will be terrible.

When the ruler's regime declines, the religious power will naturally expand. When the regime cannot suppress the religious power, the Inquisition will appear. Christianity has enveloped Europe for nearly 2000 years, and China has not escaped this fate. Confucianism In the end, the thought almost developed into Confucianism, which can also suppress the regime, and it is still grandiose.

This is also the case in history. The Ming Dynasty under the control of Confucianism felt very unhappy with the invasion of Christianity, but the first generation of missionaries headed by Matteo Ricci took a very cautious attitude towards this, and carefully used various methods to preach Behavior became more moderate, making it acceptable for Confucian scholars, so they barely survived.

After Matteo Ricci and his group all passed away, Daming was gone too.

In the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the two sides could barely get along. In order to win over the hearts of the people, Kangxi also accepted some missionaries to serve in the palace and reluctantly allowed small-scale missionary activities. When there are two systems, the contradiction completely erupts.

In the end, Confucianism drove Christianity out of China with its extremely powerful and profound force.

Both Legalism and Confucianism are very exclusive, and the Confucian hegemony after Dong Zhongshu’s transformation absorbed the hegemony of Legalism, and created a way to depose a hundred schools of thought. Confucianism could not even accommodate local thoughts. The two parallel schools of Buddhism and Taoism were forced to become true religions, not to mention the foreign Christianity, so Matteo Ricci and others were unable to move forward.

It’s okay for religion to confuse people who don’t know a single word, but it’s really not alluring to those proud and arrogant Confucian scholars. Moreover, Christianity has no power in China, unlike in Europe, where becoming a Christian can still gain Certain benefits.

Chinese people learn Confucianism to be an official, not for any belief. If you believe in Christianity, you can be an official. Look, Christianity can become a prairie fire in China within a month.

But now, regardless of personal preferences, what kind of benefits can the Holy See give Xiao Ruxun to impress him and let him allow missionaries to preach in Myanmar?Does this do him any good?Would the passing of Christian missions have had an effect on his strategy?

He only wants to use a group of missionaries who are proficient in science to help him develop science, but now that he can open up the air route from China to Europe, it means that he can go to the European continent by himself without relying on those missionaries Recruit some skilled workers to help build the industrial system he needs.

It is enough to make up for China's disadvantages in some aspects and form a state of oppression against Europe again. As for Christianity, it is completely dross.

To put it bluntly, the highest level of those religions may never believe in religion themselves. They only believe in their own power. The reason why they promote religion is to better control the most devout believers at the bottom and help them achieve their own goals. It is nothing more than whitewashing personal goals into religious wills to fool the public.

Let them intervene in China's ideological circles to help deal with Confucianism?

Sorry, then I might as well hack all those bastards to death with a knife. Some Confucian ideas can still be applied to China. Xiao Ruxun never thought of uprooting Confucianism in China.

If you really want to discuss interests face to face, Xiao Ruxun wants to expel all Spanish forces in the South China Sea and dominate the South China Sea and Southeast Asia. Can the Holy See agree to help?

The relationship between the Spanish Habsburg dynasty and the Holy See is good. The relationship with the Holy See is worse with Britain, not Spain, and the relationship between France and Spain is also poor. Even if it is cooperation, Xiao Ruxun will find Britain and France to cooperate against Spain. Instead of looking for the Holy See.

What's more, Spain is constantly at war with Britain, France and the Netherlands, and is tired of wars. There is no extra force to support the Philippine troops to fight China. If Xiao Ruxun insists on fighting Spain at this time, with his 300 troops and [-] There are many warships, as well as those sailors who are fighting pirates at sea. It may not be impossible for him to defeat the Philippine Governor's Palace and seize the Philippines.

It's just that now is really not the time, development is the mainstream, and now is not the time to officially start a war with Spain. His strength is not strong enough, and his wings are not full enough.

The Holy See will never make a comeback, they just need to stay in this era.

Xiao Ruxun didn't tell Chen Longzheng what was in his heart, he told Chen Longzheng not to have in-depth conversations with those people, just invite them to come to Myanmar, and he will deal with those people personally.

Xiao Ruxun couldn't directly reject these people from the Holy See. After all, they had a lot of influence in Europe. If he wanted to open up the Chinese market and prestige in Europe, he couldn't get involved with the Holy See.

Give them hope, let them desire, in this way, they will even take the initiative to cooperate with Xiao Ruxun to open up the European market, open up the connection line, let Xiao Ruxun absorb the scientific essence since the European Renaissance to make up for the shortcomings of Ming Dynasty, and develop their own strength wholeheartedly , When the strength is reached, and then kick these teaching sticks away, the Europeans who have enjoyed the benefits of doing business with China will definitely not support the Holy See to expel the Chinese.

Among other things, the bankers in Genoa are going to fight the Holy See with their lives-do you still think that you are superior and invincible?The Holy See has been robbed by the army once, how dare you stand tall?
The Holy See is so eager to preach in China, and it also has the idea of ​​​​saving face.

And when the people of the European Religious Reformation Alliance realized the role of the Chinese, they would also think of wooing the Chinese to fight against the Catholic Alliance.

Chen Longzheng politely invited people from the Holy See to go to Burma with him, and then met with the French who came to see him in private, avoiding Matteo Ricci, and quietly asked the French to come to Burma with them.

Chen Longzheng has completed the commercial and political tasks assigned by Xiao Ruxun very well. Not only has he recruited enough craftsmen, but he has also brought people from the Holy See and the French. Xiao Ruxun is going to prepare for some things in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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