Wanli 1592

Chapter 589 Xu Guangqi's decision

Chapter 589 Xu Guangqi's decision

It was a day and a half before Xu Guangqi woke up.

After the exam, he went back to his rented hut and fell asleep. After sleeping for a day and a half, he woke up and saw that it was dark. He looked at the time and found that it was midnight.

He didn't figure out what day it was for a while, but after waking up, a huge sense of loss hit his face.

I failed the exam.

He knew he failed the exam.

The physical discomfort and confusion in the examination room made him realize that he must have failed to do a good job. After the examination, it was all supported by an idea. Miraculously happened, that is, he failed the ranking.

I am 36 years old, and I have been in the scientific examination for more than ten years. I finally passed the Juren examination last year. I thought I would go all out to be admitted to the Jinshi Guangzong Yaozu this year, and put an end to the scientific examination, but in the end I was defeated by this extreme that I could not adapt to. Above the severe cold and unsatisfactory body.

The family had no more savings to allow him to take the imperial examination, so he had to go out to make a living. As a result, he was admitted to Juren with great difficulty, but could not go any further. Huge hit.

He began to doubt whether he could make further progress in the imperial examination, whether he could become a Jinshi, get a title on the gold list, and honor his ancestors.

Even at some point, he felt that it would be good to stop. Anyway, as a juren, he already has the qualifications to be an official, and with the official status, he can be exempted from tax. Naturally, someone will dedicate the land to his name.

Because of my poor family, I had to go out to study and take exams to find a way out. In fact, I had already achieved my goal when I passed the exam.

As a result, the pleasure of winning Zhongjieyuan at that time completely overwhelmed my calmness, and I actually felt that I had the ability to challenge a higher-level Jinshi. It may not be a kind of luck, it is because the examiner appreciates himself that he was able to pass the exam.

Running out of luck?

Although the results will be announced in a month, Xu Guangqi has basically given up hope.

Really, with that kind of article, I feel uncomfortable even after reading it, so how can I have further confidence?
What to do now is not to consider the ranking of the exam, but to consider leaving the capital and returning to the south to continue your life. There is no hope for the scientific examination, so why not be a master and spend your life in prosperity and stability!

With this in mind, in the middle of the night, Xu Guangqi got up wrapped in his clothes, and began to pack his luggage in his hut.

Clothes, books, a little money, in fact, things are nothing more than these things, as an exam candidate, what else can you have on your body?

This is one of the few things that his hometown can buy for himself. The Xu family, whose family is in decline, cannot last three years one after another.

Xu Guangqi packed up the things in the closet, and took out several boxes under the bed. When he saw a long and thin box, he suddenly froze.

This is……

Xu Guangqi opened the box silently and looked inside.

Fortunately, the flintlock was lying in the box. At the beginning, the flintlock was put in the box with Xiao Ruxun’s letter and hidden under the bed, because he was worried that he would hurt himself after reading the letter. Xu Guangqi didn't read it because it had an impact on his exam preparation. Instead, he read it after preparing for the exam.

Xu Guangqi turned on the lamp brighter and opened the letter.

He thought that even if a military general had read some books and knew some characters, he would not be able to write anything, at most he would be some caring words, some descriptions of his relationship with China in the court, etc., but he never expected that Xiao Ruxun would not say these things, except for the beginning In addition to some pleasantries, it is to state your ambitions and ideas.

"Although I am a general, I also know etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame. Since I was a child, I understand that studying is not for being an official but for governing the country, and it is also for saving the country in times of crisis."

"What is the purpose of studying? I am from a family of military generals and cannot be a civil servant. Is reading still useful? I once asked my mentor, who thought about it for a long time, and told me that reading is for the common people in the world."

"That's because I'm still young, and I don't understand how reading is for the sake of the common people. Isn't it ridiculous that I, a general, study for the sake of the common people?"

"It wasn't until after the Battle of Ningxia that I realized that all the things and knowledge I had learned in my studies were used to fight against foreign enemies, win the victory, capture the flag, quell the rebellion, and restore the people's livelihood. Probably what the instructor wanted to tell me."

"I have heard that in the places where culture and education flourished in the south of the Yangtze River, there are many scholars who have won the honor of Juren and stopped moving forward. They have changed from scholars to rural gentry, using the privilege of juren to amass wealth, annexing land, arrogance and lust, and confusing black and white. I was puzzled. Is it just to make yourself richer and live in the fish and meat town?"

"When reading becomes the ladder in the mermaid village with evil minds, what's the point of reading? What's the point of everything that Confucius said? What's the point of the rhetoric of learning for the past and opening up peace for all generations? If you can't do it All knowledge is just for decoration.”

"Ru Xun thinks that if reading is just to make oneself richer instead of saving the country and the people, then reading is meaningless, and it just adds another gentle scum who will use his knowledge to bully the people and deceive the court. "

"Students despise warriors for their vulgarity, but aren't what they do after reading the book more vulgar than what I, a general, do? Is it an act of elegance to use language to disrupt the law?"

"Saving the country and the people is not the privilege of scholars, but something that everyone in the world should do. The world is the world of the people of the world, not the world of scholars. Saving the country and the people cannot be accomplished by one or two scholars, but requires the collective efforts of the world. Finish."

"There are only 30 scholars in the world, but there are tens of millions of Li people. How can 30 scholars support the country of thousands of people? Need all people in the world, regardless of people, agriculture, business, and industry, all are willing to contribute. Need land regardless of north and south, people without distinction Young and old, if you work together, the world will have great hope, just like the so-called rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible.”

"If Xun is not talented, although he is only a general and a man, he is willing to shoulder the rise and fall of the world, and use everything he has learned from studying and fighting to contribute to the prosperity of the world."

"If sir is willing to help me, the gate of Burma Town will always be open to you. If you are willing to be an official in the imperial court, Ruxun is willing to be your friend. I hope that you will not forget the fundamentals of reading and scientific research. You can worry about being in the court." The country cares for the people, don't forget Zhang Jiangling, it is exactly as Xunzhi wishes."

(End of this chapter)

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