Wanli 1592

Chapter 597 Trapped Beast

Chapter 597 Trapped Beast
Leaving aside the movement of the Ming army, in Hot Spring Town, Lalik hid in the best building in the town, drinking with a gloomy face while looking at the soldiers standing in a row in front of him.

"Have you found Liu Xi yet?"

Ralek drank a bowl of wine, and looked at the group of people in front of him viciously.

"No! That person seems to have disappeared suddenly. We have searched the whole town, and we haven't missed all the basements, but we haven't found where he is hiding. My lord, is that cunning Han Chinese?" Already escaped? Otherwise, we would not be able to find..."


Ralik roared, and then smashed the wine bowl in his hand to the ground.

"He brought this king here. We have guarded all the entrances and exits here. Without my permission, he can't leave! He absolutely can't leave! Such a big living person! Why did he disappear out of thin air? Did he Can you still spell?! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Lalik stood up and overturned the table in front of him with force.

It was Liu Xi who led him all the way to the south. Liu Xi took him all the way to the south, running while looting, saying that he would definitely be able to avoid the pursuit of the Han army. Although he was chased and defeated by the Han army twice in a row, But the core main force still ran out with Lalik.

Those who stay behind to die are not the core force of Lalik. These 1 people are the real core of Lalik. With the most gold, silver, jewelry and looted property, they are his absolute confidantes, so Lalik is not worried. What would Liu Xi do to him? If he dared to act recklessly, he would be killed directly.

Liu Xi likes to take detours, and those who beat around the bush, just don’t walk straight, saying that walking straight is easy to be chased by the Han army all the way, but if you walk in a bend, you can avoid their pursuit. This is true, and it lasted for several days No one saw the trace of the Han army, so they stopped in Wenquan Town.

Clean up the misfortunes of hundreds of families here, kill those who deserve to be killed, and those who deserve to play are killed. They rested here for one night, but they came together the next morning. When they were about to leave, they found that they could leave. The roads in Wenquan Town were blocked by the Ming army.

The Ming army actually rushed up at night, using more troops than them to surround the entire hot spring town of Lalik, but did not attack, and set up a defense line. When Lalik sent people to attack the Ming army's defense line, He was repeatedly repelled by the Ming army with muskets and fierce cavalry, and couldn't get out at all.

Just one night!Just one night!Was caught up?Obviously they haven't been seen for several days!How could it be possible to catch up overnight?

What is even more frightening is that Liu Xi disappeared. Liu Xi, who had analyzed the current situation and the road ahead for Ralik the night before, disappeared early in the morning. The soldiers who guarded him said that he fell asleep after entering the house, and then went to sleep again. I didn't come out either, and I found out early the next morning that the house was empty and no one was there.

Lalik was furious at the time, and turned the whole house upside down but found no clues. After interrogation, he found out that the seven or eight soldiers who guarded Liu Xi at night had all fallen asleep, because they had been drinking before.

Liu Xi probably escaped like this.

Ralek didn't believe it. When he thought about it, Liu Xi was a traitor who had betrayed the Han people and had no way out. The Han people couldn't continue to accept him. He must die. If he didn't follow him back to the grassland, he would die. Now that he knew the ending , Why did Liu Xi leave him?
He couldn't figure it out, so he felt that Liu Xi was still in Wenquan Town. While sending people to attack the Ming army's defense line to try to break through, he was also looking for Liu Xi everywhere, and basically demolished the houses in the entire town. looking for.

But for two full days, he didn't find any trace of Liu Xi. However, hundreds of people in his army died because of the breakout battle, and they never broke out. Now the morale is declining and people are panicking.

More importantly, the rations are not enough. They have always used wars to support wars. In order to make more space for gold, silver and jewelry, they did not pay attention to bringing food. They can eat wherever they go. Now the rations are only It's the next day, if you can't break out, you can only kill horses to maintain your life.

But war horses are the lifeblood of grassland people. Without war horses, how can they play sports with the Ming army?Moreover, the weather is very cold now, and there is no grass growing on the ground. The fodder for the horses is very limited, and it will basically be used up now. Some people have started to grab food from the horses. If this continues, the horses will starve to death.

Just like that, Liu Xi still couldn't be found. Lalik, who had always trusted Liu Xi as a think tank, panicked. He also personally led someone to kill him once.

As a result, there was no other result except that the mount was shot to death by the Ming army, and he fell to the ground and was almost captured alive by the Ming army.

The weather was still so cold, and there was only two meals left in the rations. He had no choice but to issue a collection order, gather all the rations together, use his prestige to frighten everyone, limit the rations, and barely added one meal.

But this meal will last until tonight. If you can't break through today, you will have to decide whether to kill the horse to satisfy your hunger tomorrow.

At this time, a strong smell of meat came from outside the hot spring town. Someone came to report that it was the Ming army who had cut off the meat of the horses they had killed these days, and some were grilling and some were cooking. The meat soup is being eaten, but the bad thing is that the wind is blowing into the town, and the town is filled with the smell of meat in a short while.

The Beilu soldiers who hadn't eaten for a few days were seduced by this aroma and their stomachs growled. A little rice grain was not enough to fill their stomachs, but it was already a very important ration for them. I don't know if there is any more How much rations, anyway, they handed over all the rations.

Right now, they can't find anything to eat except for the horses around them, but horses are their second life, and unless it is absolutely necessary, grassland people will never kill horses and eat them. In the current situation, everyone It is clear that it is time to fight to the death.

Smelling the smell of meat, Lalik suddenly lost his temper and destroyed the only good house left. Then he drew his sword and mounted his horse to lead a desperate fight, but suddenly a sentry came to report the military situation.

The Ming army has increased its troops!
The Ming army on the three routes has increased its troops, the number is two or three times larger than before, and the roads are tightly blocked. Now unless they can fly, they have to fight with these Ming troops.

(End of this chapter)

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