Wanli 1592

Chapter 609 1 will be hard to find

Chapter 609

The big guys in the front are charging forward, so the danger factor of the younger brothers in the back is greatly reduced. Most people see it and forget it.

Anyway, the responsibility will not be borne by those of us below.

They also think very clearly.

Even if we burn, kill, and loot after the big bosses, and what we get is our own, this deal is not a loss, even if the court pursues it, so what?Can the more than 5 soldiers here still be held accountable together?Your court has the guts?

After weighing again and again, all the generals expressed their support for Xiao Ruxun's Northern Expedition. Xiao Ruxun finally unified his internal thinking, determined the strategic intention of taking Guihua City as the goal of the Northern Expedition, and boldly implemented it.

As for asking for instructions.

Xiao Ruxun decided to ask for instructions after regaining Datong. He cut first and played later. By the time the imperial order arrived, he might have already captured Guihua City and was celebrating his victory inside!

However, the emperor still needs to explain something. Xiao Ruxun is currently close to the emperor to face the officials. Anyway, he will not stand with the officials, so he has to rely on the support of the emperor to gain a firm foothold. Naturally, he needs to explain some things to the emperor. It just so happens that the most valuable treasures are also dedicated to the emperor.

He secretly wrote a secret letter and asked his soldiers to enter his tent, whispered a few words, the soldiers nodded, turned and left.

On the 28th of the first lunar month, Xiao Ruxun led his troops to Taiyuan City, and made some arrangements in Taiyuan City to supplement the army with food. He took out the mountainous piles of grain from the grain caves and used them as army rations, and made the army's logistics work Do it well, rectify the army for a day, and then send troops to Yanmen Pass in the north.

Based on the analysis of the military information obtained so far, the northern captives were divided into two groups at the beginning, one was Pingxing Pass, and the other was Yanmen Pass. The northern captives were not allowed to break through.

Later, Beilu found that the matter was not feasible, and also learned that Pingxingguan had been breached, so he divided part of his troops and came to Pingxingguan.

As a result, it happened that Chai Guozhu led the troops to regain Pingxingguan. After Chai Guozhu used the red cannon to clean up Pingxingguan, he found that Pingxingguan could not be taken down.

After withdrawing, according to the report from Yanmen Pass, that group of northern captives did not go back again. I don't know where they went to other places in Datong. Anyway, Pingxing Pass was already guarded by Chai Guozhu.

At the gate of Yanmen Gate, there were still northern captives trying to attack, the number of them was about 3. After Nurhachi led the Liaodong cavalry arrived, Wei Yunzhen changed from passive defense to active defense, and repeatedly ordered Nurhachi to lead Liaodong Han cavalry to attack the northern captives outside the pass.

The northern captives outside the pass were repeatedly beaten by Nurhachi, that is to say, the number of people can bear it, but Nurhachi has few soldiers and is not enough to break them. Even so, they were also beheaded by Nurhachi. Three generals and more than 300 heads were beheaded. A direct threat to Yanmenguan City.

Wei Yunzhen used her perseverance and persistence to hold Yanmen Pass to death, and did not let another group of northern captives go south from Yanmen Pass. It can be said that Xiao Ruxun was able to calmly mobilize troops to attack Lalik and finally wiped out the Lalik army. Wei Yunzhen made great contributions.

If Wei Yunzhen hadn't defended Yanmen Pass to contain the enemy, the battle situation in Shanxi would have deteriorated. Compared with this, Dong Yikui's death in Pingxing Pass would be a bit embarrassing.

Xiao Ruxun still remembers that when he was working with Dong Yikui in Ningxia, Xiao Ruxun was still a little sad when he heard the news that Dong Yikui had died in battle at Pingxingguan. Even more embarrassing.

The general died in a hundred battles.

Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find, especially in the Wanli period when the generals of the Ming Dynasty were generally in decline. Although there were rumors of another five tiger generals headed by Xiao Ruxun, everyone could see that the current situation was just a temporary prosperity. The temporary prosperity was very reluctant, and the emergence of these generals was also very reluctant.

Except for Xiao Ruxun who can be called a handsome talent who can win victories in all aspects of the battlefield on his own, the rest of the generals are just generals who can lead partial divisions but cannot control the overall situation. A national war that the opponent is attacking with all its strength, they alone cannot resist.

This is not because of their own lack of ability, but because the environment in which they live limits their performance. They cannot be handsome, because only literati can be handsome, and warriors can only be generals.

They don't have Xiao Ruxun's unique conditions to gain the power to control an army of 10,000+, and they can only lead 2 people as a side division at most.

As for the few people who have the potential to be handsome, Dong Yikui is one of them, but unfortunately he died in battle.

Among the few remaining people, some have too much regional views and too bad reputations, such as Li Rusong, who have no future to be handsome;

So to sum up, the famous generals of Ming Dynasty fought on their own, and they could defeat the enemies they faced on their respective battlefields, and at the worst they could contain them.

But once there is a national war in which both sides try their best, no one can alone resist the powerful northern captives going south, and the characters who can control the overall situation cannot be allowed to exist at all.

The civil official group is more afraid of the generals than the military generals. Once they have meritorious service, they must be transferred from the front line to suppress them, which is more sharp than dealing with military generals. Therefore, the root cause of the Ming Dynasty's problems lies in the overly powerful civilian government and the money-saving doctrine they pursue. If you can't change these things, then everything you talk about is false.

Xiao Ruxun remembered Dong Yikui for a while, and then continued to lead the army northward, but when he led the army through Fenzhou and camped at night, Xiao Ruxun was asked to see him by a general banner of Jinyiwei.

"You said you were sent by Commander Luo?"

Sitting in the handsome tent, Xiao Ruxun looked at the General Banner of Jinyiwei while writing the military order.

"Exactly, Governor Xiao, a certain family came under the order of Commander Luo, and Commander Luo came under the order of His Majesty. I came here to store grain for the large Shanxi merchants in Datong, Shanxi. Please tell Governor Xiao, and ask Governor Xiao to direct us to take down all these grain storage caves."

Xiao Ruxun stopped writing, looked at the general banner, and smiled mockingly.

"I really thought that you Jinyiwei were not afraid of the sky and the earth. All the officials would run for their lives when they saw you, and you were also afraid of it? This is really one thing and one thing!"

The commander-in-chief did not change his face and said: "Governor Xiao said that this matter is the responsibility of the Jinyiwei, but under such circumstances, when we explored these grain storage caves, more than a hundred brothers had been killed or injured. The opponent is too powerful, and we really have nothing to do."

"It looks like Commander Luo is having a hard time!"

Xiao Ruxun finished writing a military order, picked it up, blew it, and put it aside.

"It's all for His Majesty."

The general flag said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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