Wanli 1592

Chapter 614 Guaranteed by my reputation

Chapter 614 Guaranteed by my reputation

Nurhachi is very smart and has a strong learning ability.

Just let him lead the army to fight at present, this guy can lead the army to defeat the Mongols who are several times his own, his military talent has already been revealed, and his mind is also very clever, he can also use tricks, Xiao Ruxun I heard from the soldiers at Yanmenguan that Nurhachi planned to trap and kill the Mongolian general.

With such a guy by his side, Xiao Ruxun couldn't rest assured at all. During his three years in Burma, Xiao Ruxun also tried his best to get Li Rusong out of Liaodong to control Nurhachi, so Nurhachi still can't be successful today.

But this is not a long-term solution. Xiao Ruxun has been thinking about how to use proper means to kill him at the right time, and then cause further chaos within the Jurchen. Now, he has figured out a little idea.

As far as the Ming government's current Liaodong strategy is concerned, there is no doubt that the advantages of having a Nurhachi sword against other Jurchen tribes outweigh the disadvantages, but the key is not to allow this sword to have its own thoughts. A muscular man, a violent man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Nurhachi is obviously not qualified, he is too smart, and his learning ability is not possessed by most Hu people. If such a person is raised, he will only be a tiger.

Compared with Nurhachi, a guy with a high risk factor, it is obvious that his younger brother Shuerhaqi is better to deal with and better control, but Xiao Ruxun can't get in touch with Shuerhaqi. Currently, only his two brothers can be contacted. His sons, Chu Ying and Dai Shan, are currently his only two adult sons.

Among these two sons, the one that Xiao Ruxun could take a fancy to now was Chu Ying, a boy with a simple mind and a violent personality.

To be honest, Xiao Ruxun thinks that Chu Ying is a very easy to use pawn. Compared with Daishan, Chu Ying is easier to brainwash and use. Reminiscent of Nurhachi's suspicious character, after long-term observation, Xiao Ruxun secretly planned to use Chu Ying and Shu Er. Hatzi's plan to achieve his goals.

In order to realize this plan, Xiao Ruxun needs Li Rusong's support. Of course, if Li Rusong can be pulled into the larger plan, it would be a good strategy.

So on the eve of the dispatch of troops, at night, Xiao Ruxun sent someone to call Li Rusong into his tent.

He wanted to probe Li Rusong's tone.

Li Rusong was a little excited about Xiao Ruxun calling him the night before he sent troops, because he thought that Xiao Ruxun might have some secret mission to entrust to him, and he would get a first prize after he succeeded, but he didn't expect Xiao Ruxun to call him here. It's for the meat.

Xiao Ruxun roasted two big lamb legs in his tent for Li Rusong to eat, and chatted with him while eating, which made Li Rusong look dazed.

"Mr. Li, to tell you the truth, when I treat you to meat, I also want to ask you to do me a small favor."

Li Rusong felt a little strange, this guy asked himself to eat meat without saying anything, and then asked him to do him a little favor after eating the meat. What does this mean?
"Governor, please tell me, as long as it can be done in the end, there will be no problem."

Li Rusong made a statement first.

Xiao Ruxun nodded in satisfaction, put down the half-eaten leg of lamb, and said, "Actually, I want Liaodong Town of Li Zongbing to do a business with my Myanmar Town."

"Doing business?"

Li Rusong was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes, but didn't understand what Xiao Ruxun meant.

Xiao Ruxun smiled.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Li, in fact, I have done a lot of things in Burma Town in the past few years. For example, I have opened up the trade route from Burma to the Europa continent. I have established a very good cooperative relationship with the Europa merchants. I have been able to sell the porcelain and silk tea from the Central Plains to the continent of Europe through Burma, and I have earned a lot of money."

"Europa continent?"

Li Rusong was stunned.

"Well, it's the home of the Franji people. We thought their home was in Nanyang, but it's not. They were in the far west of the Great Qin Kingdom we mentioned during the Han Dynasty. It took a year to go back and forth. I I have already sent people to the Europa Continent, and I already have a very detailed understanding of the Europa Continent, to tell you the truth, Li Zongbing, I have earned this amount just by doing business with them indirectly in the past three years."

Xiao Ruxun raised a finger.

"One hundred thousand?"

Li Rusong tentatively asked.

"100 taels of silver."

"100 million?!"

Li Rusong cried out in shock: "So many?!"

Xiao Ruxun smiled.

"Otherwise, Li Zongbing, do you think my [-] Zhennan Army is both an infantry and a naval division, and I can support it only with the little money allocated by the court? To tell you the truth, Li Zongbing, you have [-] Households, I have [-] family servants, and the money is all obtained from doing business with the Europa people."

Li Rusong was obviously greatly stimulated, so he calmed down, looked around, and lowered his voice.

"Is what the Governor said true?"

"On my honor."

Xiao Ruxun smiled.

Li Rusong nodded.

"What does the Governor want me to do?"

"It's very simple, Li Zongbing, the special products of Liaodong, wild ginseng, deer antler, bear skin and tiger skin, deer whip and tiger penis, these wild things, to tell you the truth, are very popular in the market. Europeans not only like our silk tea and chinaware, and was also very interested in other things, and the bids were very high.

The year before last, I sent my subordinates to drive three large ships and took some goods to the continent of Europa. When he came back, he brought back three ships of gold and brought back some Europa people. Only then did I know that the continent of Europa There are also many countries that are constantly at war with each other, just like when I was in the Warring States Period of China, but without exception, they all like our things very much.

Not only that, but they are also very interested in our food, clothing, and writing, and they even discussed with me, asking me to send someone to open a restaurant in the continent of Europa and cook our food for them. According to people who came back, their place Even iron pots are family heirlooms, and only nobles can afford a plate of fried vegetables. "

These unheard of things caused Li Rusong's mind to go blank. It took Li Rusong a while to react, and he took a hard look and spit.

"It's such a good thing, why did the governor want to drag me into the gang?"

Xiao Ruxun smiled and said: "No one else, just look at the generals of the Ming Dynasty, who can be compared with me and have enough local autonomy, and only Li Zongbing, Li Zongbing, you call people to come to my Myanmar town to do business, I can also earn taxes, and you can also earn more money for military resources, so why not do business with me instead of doing business with those big Shanxi merchants who have committed capital crimes and are about to be wiped out?"

"Mie... Miemen?"

Li Rusong's eyes widened again.

"The matter of the northern captives going south this time has been basically figured out. The reason is that several large Shanxi merchants jointly paid for Lalik to send troops to help them clean up their competitors. It turned out that Lalik is a white-eyed wolf, eating his bowl and thinking about it. In the pot, the battle was magnified, and they didn't expect it."

"This this……"

"Your Majesty already knows that the purpose of sending Jinyiwei to Shanxi to take Wang Shiyang this time is to cover more Jinyiwei and Dongchang Fanzi from entering Shanxi. Hold Shanxi in your hands, and use ironclad evidence to drive these big Shanxi merchants into the abyss of eternal doom."

Li Rusong suddenly gasped violently.

"Is this true too?"

"On my honor."

Xiao Ruxun looked at Li Rusong seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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