Wanli 1592

Chapter 630 Rescue Datong City

Chapter 630 Rescue Datong City

Xiao Ruxun smiled coldly.

"It's just that in the eyes of civil officials, war is money, so when I went to Japan to get back 1000 million taels of silver, they couldn't believe it. They didn't believe that war could get so many benefits, or they only saw it. Money is regarded as a benefit, and other benefits are completely invisible.

They can't see how many times we can avoid the northern captives' attacks after one counterattack. Take the previous Ningxia battle as an example. They didn't dare to invade for three whole years, but usually, wouldn't the northern captives invade several times in a year?

A successful counterattack can keep them from attacking for three years!Mr. Xu, suppose we lose ten taels of silver every time the northern captives go south, and we attack ten times a year, that is, 100 taels of silver are gone. Is there a lot to lose in the second trip to the south?

Even if it is equal, a counterattack is 100 taels of silver, but it can keep the northern captives from going south for three years, and 300 taels of silver will be saved. If we neutralize it, we still earn 200 taels?isn't it?Do I need to say more about the benefits of defending against the enemy outside the country?
At least the people will not be harmed, production will not be hindered, and the houses and defense facilities we have built will not be damaged. These are all money!Don't they know that every time the northern captives go south, we not only have to pay military expenses, but also pay more compensation for losses?

Are these fees low?These expenses are all used to rectify the army and train elite soldiers to attack outside the Great Wall. Why worry about the injustice of the northern captives?Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attack the Huns while sitting on the Great Wall?Why is it necessary to launch a decisive battle in Mobei even if the domestic household registration is halved?

That is to completely beat the Huns who are afraid of hurting them!Let them dare not invade us again and cause damage to the people's houses, heaven, earth, city and other facilities. These trivial expenses may seem small, but they add up to a lot. Over time, they are far more expensive than a large army attacking outside the Great Wall once! "

Xu Guangqi has never been in contact with these practices, and has no experience in them. He just relies on the knowledge in books and hearsay gossip as a judgment, so naturally he cannot draw accurate conclusions. He is speechless about the expenses listed by Xiao Ruxun. Word.

"It's fine if the northern captives don't go south, but how can the northern captives not go south? It's cold and there is no food to eat. They must go south to grab our food. If they don't kill them all, there is no way to stop them.

It is meaningless to blindly defend. It is necessary to directly destroy their lair, destroy their foundation of survival, and force them to not and dare not continue to go south. This is the only way! "

Xiao Ruxun pulled out his battle sword and put it on his desk: "If you don't want to fight, there is no other way but to stop the war with war! Kill all the enemies, and if there are no enemies, there will be no more. war."

Xu Guangqi swallowed, and met Xiao Ruxun's murderous eyes, which he felt he couldn't look directly at.

"Mr. Xu, you want to save the country, and I also want to save the country, but saving the country is not a simple word that comes out of the mouth. Saving the country has to be done, and how to do it depends on it."

Xiao Ruxun held up his battle sword: "With this sword, since ancient times, there have been no saviors who have not killed people. If you don't kill people, you can't save the country. When necessary, you must dare to use this sword to kill people."


Xu Guangqi looked at the sword that was shining with cold light, and shook his head: "Governor, I...I don't want to kill people."

Xiao Ruxun was silent for a while, then sheathed his sword.

"You scholars, who claim to be the descendants of Confucius, if Confucius knew that you dare not even kill people with a sword, you don't know what you will be angry with. Scholars, scholars, forcibly read the living things to death. Today, how can we save the country if we don’t kill people?”

Xiao Ruxun left the big tent, and Xu Guangqi froze in the tent.

He felt that his full stomach was suddenly not enough, and he didn't know how to use it.

On the tenth day of March, the five armies returned to camp according to the plan, and reported what they knew and the current situation. Xiao Ruxun further confirmed that the northern captives he was facing were no longer an army but a tribe.

The cities and castles north of the Xiamizhuang line have basically been occupied by them, and the news from Chai Guozhu also confirmed this.

The north of the line between Xiamizhuang and Weiyuanwei is basically full of tribesmen who went south from the northern captives, and there are many northern captives living in the city to avoid the severe cold. According to this method, it can be inferred that there are more of them coming One after another, they crossed the Great Wall and entered Datong to settle down, and continued to erode the territory of Ming Dynasty to the south. If they were allowed to stay here, it would be difficult to deal with it.

But in other words, this is also an excellent opportunity, a good opportunity to wipe them all out.

Before that, Xiao Ruxun wanted to attack Datong and rescue the town of Datong, which had been besieged for two months. According to reports from the spies, there were not only the northern captive army around Datong town, but also a large number of old and weak women and children living in Datong town together. Under the city, tents and wooden houses surrounded the entire city of Datong. If it hadn't been for grabbing his tongue before, Xiao Ruxun really couldn't believe that the town of Datong hadn't fallen under such circumstances.

This must be the feeling of despair brought about by how much psychological pressure, are Mei Guozhen and Ma Gui still alive?
What kind of persistence did they use to persist until now?

Xiao Ruxun didn't know, but he didn't want to wait any longer.

Among the total of hundreds of thousands of northern captives, Xiao Ruxun estimated that there were at least [-] who could fight. They surrounded the town of Datong with a large ring of wooden houses and tents, and they didn't know where the fighters were. Where are the old and weak, women and children?

But according to Xiao Ruxun's guess, it is estimated that the innermost and outermost are combat soldiers, and the middle circle is the resident. He wants to use such momentum to force Datong City to surrender, so as to win Datong City without bloodshed.

However, these are not important, as long as Datong City has not fallen.

"I never imagined that Datong City hadn't fallen. This gave us an excellent opportunity. As long as we cleared up the circle of northern captives outside, we could rescue Datong City, and then rely on Datong to expel the northern captives." It's not difficult for the captives, now, the situation of the northern captives is like this, you see."

Xiao Ruxun held a military meeting in his military tent, and then drew a sketch of what he had guessed about the situation in Datong City.

Datong City was surrounded in the middle, and on the outside was a large circle of Beilu camps, surrounded and impenetrable.

"It's such a siege method, it's forcing Datong to collapse and surrender!"

Li Rusong looked at the situation, and blurted out the purpose of the Beilu.

"That's right, that's the purpose of the Beilu. The Beilu can't stop attacking Datong, and they also covet Datong's property. That's why we use this method to force the city of Datong to surrender. Our goal is to eat up all the Beilu. Not one left."

Li Rusong patted his chest: "It's easy, governor, you give it to me Li Rusong, and I'll take it down for you in one day!"

(End of this chapter)

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