Wanli 1592

Chapter 652 I won't let any of them go

Chapter 652 No one will let go

This time the screams were not from one person, but from a group of people. A group of people screamed and terrified together. They were all frightened by the headman holding the severed arm that kept spurting blood. .

Helitu was still riding the horse without moving, not calm, but under excessive shock and fear, he lost his ability to move, his brain went blank at that moment, and his whole person seemed to have lost the ability to think and act. Know what to do.

"Big boss! Be careful!!"

A soldier flew forward, threw Helitu off the horse and rolled aside, and the next moment, those tall black horses were smashed into two pieces by a big rock falling from the sky, blood and internal organs were scattered All over the place, they also sprinkled the nearest heads.

The strong smell of blood penetrated into the nasal cavity and mouth of these blood-drinking people. At this moment, these guys who used to be excited when they saw blood actually screamed in fear and ran away!

A person ran a few steps and was shot through the head by an arrow impartially, and then fell to the ground and died. A person ran a few steps and was hit by a rolling log, which crushed the lower body , the entire crotch was crushed, and the person was still crying bitterly, but it was only a matter of time before death.

There was another person who was even more ridiculous, slipped on the soles of his feet, and fell to the ground. There happened to be a broken stone on the ground, and his head just hit the broken stone, so...

In a blink of an eye, several familiar faces disappeared, and Helitu was extremely stimulated.


He roared loudly, screaming desperately, wanting to use this method to vent the fear in his heart and regain his sanity. His personal soldiers desperately protected him, pulled him around, and avoided the Ming army's arrow rain everywhere. Cannons and logs and stones.

This guy was also considered to be lucky, but he was not killed, but returned to his own army, protected by his own soldiers.

"Big Boss! Big Boss! What shall we do? What shall we do now? Big Boss!"

The soldiers shook Helitu's head while crying, trying to make Helitu regain his former sanity. This effort was not in vain. Soon, Helitu regained his sanity. He gasped violently, and then Pushed away this soldier.

"What else can I do? Go up! This mountain is not steep! Go up for me! Kill all the Han people on the mountain!"

"But everyone is in chaos! No one obeys orders!"

The soldier shouted loudly again.

This is indeed a problem. The army was in chaos just now, and many leaders at the headman level were killed. How could the remaining stragglers gather together to launch a counterattack?

what should we do?

As soon as Helitu was in a hurry, he propped his hands on the ground and was about to get up, but his hands touched something.

He looked down.


Helitu saw a horn lying on the ground, still intact.

"Horn! Horn! Horn! Find me the horn! Find as many as you can! Blow it together!!"

Helitu grabbed the horn and blew desperately.


A heavy voice came from the horns, but unfortunately the battlefield was too noisy, they needed more horns to wake up the soldiers from their panic, probably God blessed them, they quickly found the remaining five horns, so, six The trumpets were sounded together.


The heavy voice passed through the noise on the battlefield and entered the ears of many northern captive soldiers. Then, they saw a small group of cavalry riding up the hillside on horseback. All the stones and crossbows were killed, but the impact did not end.

Soon, the second attack began. With horses and horses but not horses, hundreds of North Korean soldiers began to charge towards the hillside. Against the background of the desolate and heavy horns, this charge looked particularly tragic.

They too were soon wiped out.

But this kind of scene had no small impact on the soldiers of the northern captives.

Soon, in the army that stretched for several miles, the sound of horns continued to sound against the artillery and rolling logs of the Ming army, and soldiers from the North kept rushing up the hillsides on both sides. They all knew that the Han people who were ambushing them There, there was obviously no leader to lead them, but they rushed up anyway.

Knowing that their great chief must be alive and not dead, they gave them the order by trumpet to charge, and after the first confusion passed, they recovered their courage to a considerable degree.

As a result, more and more people howled and rushed to the hillsides on both sides. The hillside that Xiao Ruxun set up was not steep, which was the reason and reason why they could charge up.After Xiao Ruxun on the top of the mountain observed these situations through the telescope, he couldn't help sighing: "Although the northern captives are barbarians, the barbarians are very courageous. Under such circumstances, they can launch a counterattack. They really have lived up to the muskets I prepared for them."

"No matter how brave Beilu is, he is still defeated by our subordinates. Such a charge is a dead end! After all, Ming is much stronger than Beilu."

Wang Hui said very disdainfully.

"Otherwise, Ziheng, if Daming is really stronger than Beilu, Beilu should kneel down and beg for mercy instead of charging back at this moment. Backcharging means that they still have courage, and having courage means that they are not afraid of us.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, the northern captives were beaten to death by the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty for more than a dozen times in a row. Emperor Wu of the Han even beat the northern Xiongnu far to the west and did not dare to come back. At that time, they would be afraid when they heard our voice. , and now, dare to fight back at this point, what does it mean? "

Wang Hui looked at Xiao Ruxun and didn't know how to answer.

Xiao Ruxun said: "This means that they don't think that Da Ming is better than them in their hearts. Da Ming is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. When they run out of food, they will chop up a knife and get something to eat."

Wang Hui was immediately upset.

"No reason!"

Xiao Ruxun was not nervous, but just smiled.

"This is normal, Ziheng. The transformation of strength and weakness is a process. At the beginning, before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty fought against Mobei, the Xiongnu also regarded the big man as their granary. Just like my grandson, from now on I think that the big man is stronger than them, and I am willing to be the weak.

The dozen or so Northern Expeditions of the Ming Dynasty also established a strong influence of the Ming Dynasty in the hearts of the Mongols. However, since the Tumu Fortress Change, the military strength of the Ming Dynasty has been deteriorating, and it has given up its territory many times. Debilitating impression again.

So now, we are actually back to the position of the big Han and the Huns before the Han-Hungarian decisive battle, but the current northern captives are far inferior to the original Huns, and our situation is much worse than that of the big Han back then. impression.

To reverse this impression, it must take a hearty victory. If a once weak country wants to reverse its own weak impression, it can only convey it to the enemy through war, through the number of our killed enemies, and through Jingguan. Therefore, I will not let any of these northern captives go. "

(End of this chapter)

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