Wanli 1592

Chapter 998 Now He Wants To Be A Good Man

Chapter 998 Now He Wants To Be A Good Man
Cai Guozhen is already very old.

Since Shen Yiguan's coup, he often reflected on himself in the middle of the night, whether what he did was right, and whether he would worry about not being safe at the end of the day.

The more he thinks like this, the more he can come to such a conclusion. With the progress of Xiao Ruxun's Northern Expedition, such and such thoughts occupy his thinking more and more, making him regret it.

If I knew this earlier, why didn't I escape from the capital as soon as possible like those officials who put oil on their feet?
At the beginning of Shen Yiguan's rebellion, many officials heard about this matter and felt that the big thing was not good, and the capital was probably not safe, so they fled the capital with oil on their feet in advance. Li Tingji, who is now the chief assistant of the cabinet, is one of them. Cai Guozhen Originally, he also had a chance to escape, but he gave up.

I don't know why, but he just gave up this opportunity. Although he secured his position as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, this beautiful situation only lasted for about half a year. Soon, Xiao Ruxun made a comeback and took the throne directly. He became a prisoner directly.

At the beginning of the new dynasty, I don't know what kind of thinking it was, maybe it was to stabilize the situation. The new emperor Xiao Ruxun continued to employ a large number of officials from the previous dynasty, and many of them supported Shen Yiguan during Shen Yiguan's period.

Xiao Daheng and Luo Sigong, Shen Yiguan's right-hand men, were killed, and Shen Yiguan himself was killed. After that, no one seemed to be killed. The new emperor asked everyone to force the Empress Dowager Ming and Prince Ming to hand over power, and then became emperor, stabilizing the world. In the past four months, everyone has lived in peace and harmony, and they are doing things honestly.

But who would have thought that once chaos broke out, Zhao Shiqing, who had been entrusted with a heavy responsibility, was killed in the street. The new emperor was furious, furious in front of the cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty, and then ordered a thorough investigation of Zhao Shiqing's case.

In just a few days, Cheng Guogong Zhu Yinghuai's head has been found, and it is said that he still has accomplices, and it will affect an unknown number of people.

This situation always reminds Cai Guozhen of the four famous cases at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty. The four cases led by Zhu Yuanzhang killed tens of thousands of officials. Four big cases came out.

Then their life will be really difficult.

Xiao Ruxun should not be as ruthless as Zhu Yuanzhang, right?
Cai Guozhen could only hope so.

However, such expectations do not seem to have been met.

Xiao Ruxun still made a move.

A group of officers with knives in black official uniforms broke into Cai's mansion and surrounded the lobby of Cai's house. A sixth-rank official from the Central Investigation Department appeared in the lobby of Cai's house with a sneer on his face, looking at the ashen-faced Cai Guozhen and his family, announced his fate.

"Gu Dali, the Marquis of Zhenyuan, made a confession. Cai Guozhen, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, colluded with Zhu Yinghuai, the Duke of the State, to conspire against him. He was ordered to resign from the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials and handed over to the Ministry of Civil Affairs for routine investigation."

The sixth-rank officials finished reading the edict and sent it to Cai Guozhen.

"Cai Butang, accept the order, and then pack up and go. Don't worry too much. Your Majesty has asked us to give you special treatment."

Cai Guozhen's face was earthy, her lips trembled, and she slowly stretched out her trembling hands to accept the edict.

"Old minister...received the order..."

After receiving the edict, he felt that all his strength was exhausted, and he fell directly to the ground. His family screamed in panic, and he was all expelled by the investigation department's officer. Cai Guozhen was then brought back to the investigation department for investigation.

The same thing happened in the home of Yu Jideng, Minister of Rites.

Of course, it also happened in the homes of Liu Zuochang, Marquis of Anyuan, Chen Yingzhao, Marquis of Ningyang, Zhu Jixun, Marquis of Funing, Deng Shaoyu, Marquis of Dingyuan, Tang Shilong, Marquis of Lingbi, Uncle Yingcheng Yungong and others.

They were all taken away, and taken to the prison of the Investigation Department in the name of assisting in the investigation.

In just a few days, three high-ranking officials at the ministerial level were arrested and arrested, and a large number of nobles were taken away from their homes and separated from their families. Seeing that the Great Qin court suffered heavy losses, the emperor didn't seem worried, and immediately ordered his deputy to take over. As for the affairs of the Ministry, the government should be seized and dealt with as usual.

It seems that this storm only caused a huge impact on the officials and nobles, but it did not have any impact on the government and the world.

Those who should live should still live as usual, and those who should do things should still do things as usual. The life trajectory of the people in the capital has not changed much, and the martial law in the capital was lifted soon, as if it had never happened before.

However, the emperor's anger remained the same as before, and he would also get angry when the court meeting was held to deal with the affairs of the court. It seemed that he was still brooding over the killing of Zhao Shiqing. Also more and more worried.

They were very worried that they would also be implicated, and they didn't know when they would be caught and tortured in the notorious investigation department.

Now some inside stories about the investigation department have been spread. It is said that the spies from Jinyiwei and Dongchang who did not die during the Great Change of the Capital were included in the investigation department. The new emperor borrowed the power of these people to rebuild his own secret service group.

Officials had naively thought that the new emperor would not re-establish spy politics, and it now appears that they were wrong.

The emperor established his own spy politics, which was still a more terrifying spy group than Jinyiwei and Dongchang. When he made a move, it was a state-level honorary and a minister-level official. This kind of attack was unprecedented.

The little sixth-rank official directly took down the senior officials at the department hall level. How terrible is this department?
Soon, the reputation of the Central Investigation Department will be comparable to that of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and officials have nothing to do with them.

Because it implements the will of the emperor, and it is the emperor who controls everything behind the scenes. It is the emperor who makes them do this, and what they do is upright and justified. The emperor who exercises power on behalf of the sky endows them with the power of heaven.

This is inexplicable.

The Central Investigation Department became famous after this battle, but soon, other departments will become famous with him, such as the Central Audit Department.

The high-ranking officials and nobles in the Central Investigation Department accepted the package service that the Investigation Department inherited from Jinyiwei and Dongchang. They collapsed and collapsed. They were half dead. Zhu Yinghuai, who looked so frightened, was already frightened.

A few nobles who secretly agreed that they would never be tortured into tricks felt weak at first sight, and when they looked at those instruments of torture, they were frightened out of their wits.

They overturned their previous decision in an instant.

Cai Guozhen, who was old and frail, saw Zhu Yinghuai's tragic situation, and did not hesitate at all. Before Zhou Yao threatened, he had already recruited, saying that he was indeed an accomplice and was forced into the game by Zhu Yinghuai, but he had no choice in the past. Now He wants to be a good person.

He wanted to confess to all the people involved, but Zhou Yao didn't give him this chance to bite, but directly took out another list, handed it to him, and asked him to sign it, and keep in mind the above. list in order to bring charges against them.

Afterwards, he will do the same in front of the emperor, pulling all these people into the water. As long as this goal is accomplished, Zhou Yao can guarantee Cai Guozhen's own safety and the safety of his family.

(End of this chapter)

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