Chapter 262 Dormant
"Don't come out!" the broken-arm Xingchen roared.

Shua~ The next moment, two jet-black sword lights appeared behind the emperor penguin's black and white impermanence, and at the same time a roar came: "You are courting death!"

"Haha! I knew you people would have such stupid feelings!" Emperor Penguin laughed wildly, turned his head and opened his mouth.

Absolute zero! ! !

Crash~ A burst of cold air spewed out from the black and white impermanent mouth of the emperor penguin, and the surrounding air was instantly frozen into blue fragments that fell down, and the two sword lights that Li Haoran slashed were also intercepted by the cold air.

Emperor Penguin Black and White Wuchang also mastered the rules of the peak Tao... the rules of ice wind, which is a fusion of the complete rules of wind and rules of ice.

Alone by relying on the rules of the peak Tao, a powerful person can burst into the first stage of the Ascension to Heaven Realm, which is the leader-level combat power. Coupled with the increase of semi-artifacts and the top attack-type talent supernatural power, he can instantly reach the leader-level peak attack power.

"Shield of the Barrier!" Li Haoran's three-headed and six-armed head is responsible for two attacks and one for defense.

So when the emperor penguin black and white impermanence counterattacked, he used the barrier shield to block in front of him.

Hum~ The Emperor Penguin's black and white impermanence attack not only made the air freeze, but also the space was constantly vibrating under his attack, and the terrifying force attacked Li Haoran through the space.

Fortunately, Li Haoran used the barrier shield to protect himself in advance, coupled with the offensive and defensive combination of the Rage God's form, and the second artifact armor on his body weakened the remaining attack to only 1%, so he firmly caught this attack. hit.

"It's such a terrifying attack, even if it is blocked by many obstacles, it still makes me feel lingering fear." Li Haoran's face was solemn. The opponent was worthy of the leader's peak combat power, and his full blow almost reached the upper limit of his own defense.

"Although Black and White Impermanence doesn't have a good character, there is absolutely no problem with his strength. His single strike didn't make Li Haoran show up." General Fan Hai not far away frowned.

Just now the emperor penguin black and white just attacked Li Haoran indiscriminately, but none of them could find out where Li Haoran was.

"What means does he have? Or is there some powerful invisible treasure?" the mermaid prince Maya also muttered to himself.

You can't even find the opponent's figure, so how can you continue to fight?No matter how strong their attack power is, it is useless.

This is how high-level power suppresses the attributes of low-level power. Li Haoran's true meaning of the dimensional barrier has reached the perfect state of resonance with the Tao, which is no worse than the rules of the low-level Tao.

"Damn it!" The emperor penguin was black and white, and his face was ugly.

Shua~ At this time, Li Haoran took advantage of the opponent's slack, drove out of the void, captured and rescued Xingchen.

With the suppressing treasures in the Xinghai Domain against the Mermaid Prince Maya's Wanli Langtao, Li Haoran can barely use the void to capture.

"Everyone don't care about me, they can't do anything to me, you leave quickly." Li Haoran directly moved the stars to Xinghai's side, and then sent a sound transmission to every strong human being.

"I'm afraid we will drag him down here." Xinghai, Moke and other strong human beings looked at each other after hearing this, and then turned and left.

They all knew that staying here would not help Li Haoran, but might drag him down.

Once the strong mutant beasts threatened the strong human beings as before, Li Haoran would be very passive.

"Stop them quickly, we can't let them escape, we can't find Li Haoran without them as hostages." Emperor Penguin Black and White Wuchang yelled.

Through the fight just now, he understood that his side could not find Li Haoran at all, and could only rely on other strong human beings as hostages to force Li Haoran out.

"Go away!" But human powerhouses are not vegetarians, Xinghai, Moke and other leader-level powerhouses led the way, and the mutant beasts did not intend to offend humans to death, so the other powerhouses left smoothly.

"Damn it! You idiots, let them go, how can we find Li Haoran?" The Emperor Penguin was so black and white that he was unwilling to intercept other strong human beings, General Fan Hai and the Green Snake King, etc. cursed.

"Do you think everyone is as despicable as you?" General Fan Hai dismissed upon hearing this.

"Hmph! We don't bother to use this method." The Green Snake King snorted coldly.

Even the mermaid prince Maya shook his head: "There's no need to make things big. Killing Li Haoran, a peerless evildoer, and killing other strong human beings are two different concepts."

After all, they just wanted to kill Li Haoran, and they didn't want to provoke the entire Human Federation.

Killing the enemy's genius is something that everyone defaults to. No one will turn against other forces because the genius is killed, because this is something that all forces have done, including humans themselves.

However, massacres of members of the other party would be a declaration of war, and the consequences would be very serious.

"I, Li Haoran, have written down today's enmity, and I will repay it several times in the future, especially the impermanence of black and white... I will kill you." Li Haoran's indifferent voice sounded.

His good friend Xingchen had his arm broken by Emperor Penguin Black and White Wuchang, and this hatred must be avenged no matter what.

"Hehe! I'm waiting for you. If you want to show up now, let's fight." Emperor Penguin black and white sneered.

Li Haoran didn't hit the opponent's superficial aggressive method, but left quietly.

"We have so many strong people attacking together, but unexpectedly, they are all in vain. This guy is really hard to deal with!"

General Fan Hai shook his head and sighed.

"You can't blame us for this. Who knew he had this kind of trick, even people can't find out how to hit him? Otherwise, killing him is like crushing an ant." The Green Snake King also shook his head helplessly.

"Let's report this to the higher-ups! This situation is no longer something we can handle, let them think of a way.

At the same time, increase the search for Li Haoran, especially the strict monitoring of the known entrances to the major secret realms. Even if he cannot be found, he will not be able to improve his strength in the Supreme Road. "The mermaid prince Maya said.

Improving strength on Supreme Road is mainly to get rewards by passing the test of the secret realm. If the entrance is blocked, it will be difficult to improve strength.

"That's the only way!" The other strong mutant beasts agreed to the proposal of Mermaid Prince Maya.

Soon afterward, the news about Li Haoran was spread.

Although it is troublesome for Zhizun Road to deliver news, as long as someone is willing to go out, he can take the news out.

At the same time, the entrances to the various secret realms in the second stage of Supreme Road are being monitored by the mutant beasts. If Li Haoran appears, other mutant beasts will come immediately.

"These bastards are really cunning. The entrances to all the secret realms are actually being monitored by them. It seems that my 'body clone (original body)' can only be dormant for a while."

After leaving, Li Haoran did not choose to contact the strong human beings, because there must be spies from the Dark Night Gate among the strong human beings.

He originally wanted to quietly enter the secret realm to practice and obtain resources, but he didn't expect that almost all the entrances to the secret realm would be monitored by the mutant beasts, so he didn't dare to act rashly to expose it.

Although this time he used the dimensional barrier to escape with his true intentions, maybe the other party will be prepared next time. If he is blocked and has a means to restrain the dimensional barrier's true intentions, it will be dangerous.

Li Haoran has no doubts about this, especially the Dark Night Gate, which is backed by the God King of another world, they must have special means to restrain the true meaning of the dimensional barrier.

And in the matter of dealing with Li Haoran, the Dark Night Gate will definitely join forces with the Mutant Beast.

Of course, the mutated beasts at the entrance of the secret realm mastered by humans may not necessarily master all of them, so Li Haoran would not say that there is no place to practice.

But the problem is that he doesn't know that the mutant beast has not mastered the secret realm controlled by humans, and there are dark night gate powerhouse spies among the humans. They must also be looking for Li Haoran's movements, so even the secret realm that the mutant beast has not mastered Li Haoran did not dare to enter easily.

If he went in, he would be guarding the entrance, and when he came out, he would have to face a lot of strong people chasing him down.

"Now I want to experience or find a new entrance to a secret realm that no one knows about, or luck against the sky and encounter a hidden secret realm, but the probability of that is too small." Li Haoran shook his head secretly.

Whether it is finding a new secret realm or encountering a hidden secret realm, it is not an easy task.

So Li Haoran chose to lie dormant for a while, and wait for the other clone to go out of Supreme Road and obtain resources to improve his strength.


"You should be able to go out after a while." Li Haoran's second avatar (later avatar) in the first stage of Supreme Road has already started preparations to go out.

Others didn't know that he had a clone, and his body clone made such a big noise in the second stage of Supreme Road, so the surveillance at the exit of Supreme Road was naturally relaxed, so that Li Haoran could leave secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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