Father's Farmer's Wife: Farming Makes a Fortune

Chapter 229 Impeaching the Prince

Chapter 229 Impeaching the Prince ([-])

Zhao Yuntao changed his tone, then continued to listen to Han teach her the piano, and continued: "Later, I learned that Miss Xisu fled and came to the capital, so I followed her with my husband, as if looking for her To repay your kindness, it happened that Prince Na Shuo was also looking for the whereabouts of Miss Xisu. Knowing that we had something to do with Miss Xisu, he invited us to live in the backyard of the palace. It was only later that we found out that Miss Xisu was It's the missing former empress, her real name is Nanmen Yue..."

Lang Yezhou didn't expect that Zhao Yuntao would temporarily change his confession, and he was so angry that it was smoke from the seven orifices, so he hurriedly stopped her nonsense, he held up the gavel, and slapped hard: "Bold temptress, the day before yesterday you and the servant of this house were not like this. As you say, Zhongqi!"

The man named Zhong Qi came out from behind, he had been there for a long time to prepare, he was the man who went to meet Zhao Yuntao and Yu Laosan in private that day.

"Slaves join the emperor, lords, my lords."

"Zhongqi! Tell me again what the seductress told you that day."

"Returning to your lord, the servant used the identity of Shuntian government office servant to meet with this Zhao family that day. She told the servant personally that the former queen and Prince Shuo had a very close relationship when they were in Yuyang County, and the former queen is not what the Zhao family said. It is the singer of Yaxinju, according to the servants, the former empress lived in a peasant family, and the Zhao family also married the youngest Yu under the arrangement of the former empress."

Wei Zizong smugly smiled and said, "According to what you said, this former queen was Prince Nashuo who arranged for people to be robbed to Yuyang County, and put her in a farmer's house in order to hide people's eyes and ears?"

"Back to Master Wei, that's exactly it!"

Qin Tinghan looked at the three of them singing together, and felt it was ridiculous: "I never expected Mrs. Wei to judge the case so hastily. This Zhongqi is Lang Yezhou's servant. I don't think his testimony is credible. What does the emperor think?" ?”

Qi Bai naturally stood on the qin and listened to the cold again, but he had to rely on this qin to listen to the cold to counter Wei Yancai.

"I agree with Prince Shuo. Does Lang Aiqing have other witnesses?"

Lang Yezhou was also panicked, how could he have so many witnesses, Zhao Yuntao had told him well a few days ago, but today he suddenly changed his mind in court, which caught him off guard.

It seems that if you want Zhao Yuntao to tell the truth, you have to be serious. He glared at Zhao Yuntao and prepared to punish him: "Mr. Zhao, I will give you another chance. If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you I'm going to punish you!"

When Yu Laosan heard that he was about to be tortured, he panicked, he leaned over, protected Zhao Yuntao behind him, turned around and kowtowed to Qi Bai: "Your Majesty, we are just a well-behaved grassroots, and we only said what we should say. , The case of the former empress being robbed has nothing to do with us, so why torture our witnesses? Is this an attempt to extort a confession through torture?"

I'm afraid that Zhao Yuntao was really tortured, Yu Laosan's head is bright now, and he wrote down everything Qin Tinghan taught him.

Qi Bai was originally a 'good emperor' wearing a mask of embracing his son and loving the people, and he felt pity when he heard such 'innocent' remarks by Yu Laosan: "Lang Aiqing, these two people are witnesses, how could they be right?" The rationale for using witnesses as witnesses?!"

Lang Yezhou was forced to be helpless, he had nothing to do, he looked at Wei Yan and didn't know what to do.

Wei Yancai already knew his temperament, so he was fully prepared: "Your Majesty, according to the investigation of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, this third child still has an old father. If you want to know who is telling the truth and who What he said was a lie, if you take him to the court and ask him, you will know, if it is true what the servants of the Lang family said, this Zhao Yuntao married Yu Laosan under the arrangement of the former queen, then the old man must know the former queen. Queen."

Qi Bai made sense when he heard it, it seems that Wei Yancai has done enough work, it depends on whether Qin Tinghan can stand it: "Send another witness!"

As soon as Yu Laosan heard that his old man had been brought here, he uneasily grabbed his trousers at the knees. This Qin Tinghan didn't teach them how to deal with it. Once his old man went to court, all of this would be ruined.

Zhao Yuntao was also very disturbed, she stepped forward and took Yu Laosan's hand, fearing that he was too flustered and had slipped up.

Last night, Qin Tinghan went to the house in the back garden on purpose to find out about the situation with Zhao Yuntao, and learned that Zhao Yuntao had already told Lang Yezhou everything he learned in Yuyang County, so he went to The plan is to follow the plan.

Qin Tinghan told Zhao Yuntao that she would not admit what she said that day when she went to court today. He also taught Yu Laosan that if Nalang Yezhou wanted to be punished, he should intercede with the emperor.

All this was already in Qin Tinghan's expectation, but old man Yu's appearance was not mentioned, so I don't know if he is sure about it.

Lang Yezhou saw that Zhao Yuntao was a little panicked, so he took the opportunity to ask again: "Mr. Zhao, I will give you one last chance. Are you willing to confess."

Zhao Yuntao's big eyes rolled, and he acted according to circumstances: "Master Lang, why is this different from what you told us before, why didn't you say that my father-in-law will also appear in court, and I didn't talk to him Confession, if it is false, what should I do?" She insisted that the reason why she did this was Lang Yezhou's instigation.

The angry Lang Yezhou gritted his teeth, and there was nothing he could do about her in front of the emperor, so he could only swallow his anger into his stomach: "Okay! I will let you be stubborn. If the old man recognizes the former queen in a while, I will Sentencing you to frame this official is not a light crime of disturbing the court."

Zhao Yuntao looked at the precarious situation, but there was a tendency to go all out: "My lord, how can you say one thing and do another thing, originally you agreed to let me frame Prince Nashuo, and you will give me a large sum of money to return to peace." Bei, but as soon as I came to this court, you said that if I told half a lie, the adults would have to torture me again. I told the truth, but you wanted to blame me and say that I was framing you, and you let the women have a good life It's hard."

Lang Yezhou was bearded and stared at by the eloquent Zhao Yuntao, and wanted to say something to refute, but he was afraid that Mrs. Zhao would pick up the talk and start talking again, so he had to vent his anger with a gavel: "This old man What about people! How did you take it for so long!"

Yu Laosan knew very well that it was a blessing and not a disaster, and that a disaster could not be avoided. She grabbed Zhao Yuntao's little hand and held it tightly, as if she was dependent on life and death.

Although it was a pity not to leave an heir to the Yu family, after all, he and Yun Tao did not do those things that violated their conscience in order to survive, even if they died, they were dead magnanimous.

Wei Yancai saw that the two of them looked at death as if they were going home, and he already had the chance to win. No matter how talented Qin Tinghan was, this Jiang was naturally old and hot, how could he expect that he would still have this hand.

In front of the court in Shuntian Mansion, two yamen guards were escorting an old man, and they walked towards the court.

(End of this chapter)

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