Chapter 280 Stir-Fried Bamboo Rat
Smiling at Mr. Louis, Luo Yutong grabbed a fat bamboo rat from the cage.The bamboo rat's aggressiveness is not strong, and it is nothing to Luo Yutong who is used to it.First, draw a line on the bamboo rat's neck, then wait for the bamboo rat to stop moving, then take out the knife and peel off the skin of the bamboo rat.

The reason why he came forward was to help Luo Yutong clean up the bamboo rats. After all, things like killing chickens might be unbearable for Luo Yutong, let alone rats.But who would have thought that Luo Yutong was not only not afraid at all, but also extremely proficient, which made him feel like he was useless.

"(Ying) Yutong is really powerful. Aren't you afraid?" Mr. Louis couldn't help but asked as Luo Yutong began to clean up the blood on the bamboo rat.Could it be that all the female chefs in China are as good as Luo Yutong?No wonder there are many famous female chefs in Huaxia.

"(English) haha, it's okay, I used to be afraid, but after getting in touch with it a lot, I'm not afraid anymore. Anyway, I eat them, not they eat me." Luo Yutong rinsed with water Bamboo Rat replied.

The bamboo rat in his hand weighed about four catties, and it was not the one that Luo Yutong brought with him. It was probably arranged by Mr. Dobson when he came back. After all, Luo Yutong only brought two bamboo rats, both of which were It was taken for inspection.

Well, cut half of it and use it to stir-fry with chili peppers, and cook the other half with braised sauce. Add some potatoes to it, and the taste is also very good.Luo Yutong picked up a knife and cut open the bamboo rat's abdomen, and began to clean up the inedible internal organs in the abdomen, while thinking about how to do it.Now that you have done it, of course you must make it taste good, otherwise you will ruin your craftsmanship.Luo Yutong doesn't easily cook now, but when he cooks, he must use his own skills to conquer other people's appetites.

"That's what (English) said, anyway, they are all going to be eaten by themselves, so why be afraid of them." Mr. Louis smiled when he heard this, and said in agreement.How can a cook who is afraid of ingredients be a good cook?Even if it is rare for chefs to prepare ingredients by themselves now, who knows that such a situation will not happen?You can only cook with ready-made dishes, so what’s the point?

"(English) Well, can Mr. Louis peel the potatoes for me? I need to use some potatoes as a side dish. If I only eat meat, I will get tired of it." Luo Yutong pursed her lips, looked at Mr. Louis' question and said .Asking such a gourmet master to help me peel potatoes, she is probably the only one in this world who dares to do so.

"(English) You don't have to be so polite, just call me Louis. Of course it's no problem to peel potatoes. Speaking of which, I haven't done such a thing for many years." Mr. Louis walked aside and took out a coin about Palm-sized potatoes, picked up a paring knife with the other hand, and started to move while talking.Mr. Louis moved very quickly, and his technique was very steady and skillful. Before Luo Yutong could divide the bamboo rat into two halves, a potato was peeled.

Sure enough, it should not be underestimated!Luo Yutong noticed Mr. Louis' skillful knife skills, and while sighing with emotion, he divided the bamboo rat into two halves, then cut it into pieces and put it aside for later use.Put slices of onion and ginger on the bamboo rat meat, then add salt, cooking wine and other seasonings and marinate for 10 minutes.

Take dried chili, cut into a large bowl, then boil the pot dry, pour in peanut oil, add dried chili, sliced ​​green onion and ginger, and Chinese prickly ash to stir-fry, stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the marinated Stir-fry the bamboo rat meat. After the bamboo rat meat changes color, add a bowl of water, cover the pot and simmer for 3 to [-] minutes. Open the pot and you can smell the aroma of the bamboo rat meat mixed with chili.Continue to stir-fry, the soup is completely absorbed by the bamboo rat meat, and then a delicious stir-fried bamboo rat comes out of the pan.

Take another pot, stir-fry the bamboo rat first, then add water to cover the bamboo rat meat, when the water boils, pour in the potato cubes prepared by Mr. Louis, and stew until the potatoes become soft, and the bamboo rat meat is full of soup , then turn off the fire and place on a plate.For the sake of aesthetics, Luo Yutong also spread celery leaves around the porcelain bowl, adding a lot of greenery.

"(English) you're done!" Luo Yutong clapped her hands and said to Mr. Louis with a smile on her face.Although these two methods are very simple, if Luo Yutong hadn't mastered the meat quality and texture of the bamboo rat, it would not be so easy to make these two dishes.If the heat is a little bit worse, it will affect the texture and taste of the bamboo rat meat, so it must not be sloppy.

"(English) I can't wait, Yutong, don't you mind if I try it first?" Mr. Louis couldn't wait for a long time, but considering the issue of politeness and respect, he could only stand aside and watch anxiously. After Luo Yutong finished, he opened his mouth to speak.

"(English), please try it, and comment on my shortcomings by the way." Luo Yutong didn't mind Mr. Louis' eagerness, nodded to him, and then took out a pair of chopsticks from the side and handed them to Louis gentlemen.

Mr. Louis nodded gratefully to Luo Yutong, and found a piece of stir-fried bamboo rat meat picked up by his chopsticks.The spicy taste and the aroma of the meat are perfectly blended together, and the tender meat is very different from ordinary meat, which makes people can't help admiring.

"The (English) meat is delicate and full of spicy soup, which whets the appetite." After chewing and savoring, Mr. Louis nodded approvingly at Luo Yutong and said, "One point more Old, less than a little and can't make the meat full of soup, Yutong's cooking skills are amazing."

After taking a sip of the boiled water handed by Luo Yutong, and then gargling his mouth, Mr. Louis turned his target to another plate of braised bamboo rats.This time, Mr. Louis did not taste the bamboo rat meat first, but picked up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth.

The potatoes melt in the mouth, with the aroma of bamboo rat meat, soft and full of fragrance.Then eat a piece of bamboo rat meat and savor it carefully. Unlike the spicy stir-fried bamboo rat, the meat of the braised bamboo rat is firmer and has a bit of chewiness. Fresh taste.

"(English) fat but not greasy, soft and potatoes are perfect together. The potatoes melt in the mouth, with a meaty aroma, perfectly absorbing the nutrients in the soup, so that no essence is wasted at all. In terms of presentation It increases the greenness, and if you choose bamboo leaves, it will be more close to the bamboo rat." Mr. Louis put down the chopsticks in his hand, pondered for a while, nodded and said to Luo Yutong, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

Although Luo Yutong has definitely made it before, what cannot be erased is Luo Yutong's superb cooking and knife skills.The bones of the bamboo rat were completely shaved by Luo Yutong. He noticed this before, not only did not damage the texture of the bamboo rat, but even the tiny bones were not spared. It was really surprising that Luo Yutong was so small To be able to practice such knife skills at such a young age must have put in a lot of effort and suffered a lot.

 Almost drooling~
(End of this chapter)

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