Chapter 403 Emerald White Jade Soup
Although the topic is 'cabbage', it is still a dish, and there are no fixed requirements for cooking or stewing.Luo Yutong looked at all kinds of cabbage piled up on the car, and began to worry about it.

The most famous way to eat Chinese cabbage is probably boiled cabbage. Although the boiled cabbage is clear and visible, the nutrition inside is not bad.The problem is that Luo Yutong doesn't have that much time to cook the broth, so he gave up the boiled cabbage dish first.After all, boiled cabbage soup is the most important thing.

Yellow cabbage, baby cabbage, small cabbage... the food street association has prepared six or seven kinds of cabbage alone, which seems to be really well-intentioned.After carefully checking that the dishes were freshly picked and there was nothing wrong with them, Luo Yutong decided on the dishes she wanted to make——

Pearl Jade White Jade Soup.

According to legend, this pearl, emerald and white jade soup has a lot to do with the emperor whose surname was Zhu in history.The original method is very simple, it is mixed vegetables leftovers made of cabbage bangzi, spinach leaves, rancid tofu and leftover cracked rice grains.Spinach leaves are emeralds, rotten tofu is white jade, and leftover cracked rice grains are pearls, hence the name.

Of course, that was the way in ancient times. Of course, what Luo Yutong wanted to make could not use those rotten ingredients. After all, the emperor at that time was a beggar who almost starved to death. Nice treat too.

Luo Yutong first took two baby cabbage, baby cabbage is also a kind of cabbage. vegetable'.

Baby cabbage is a kind of "super small cabbage", but its potassium content is much higher than that of cabbage.The common "baby dish in soup" is a good way. You can add some enoki mushrooms and use chicken soup to make the broth, which is also good for improving immunity.Baby food also helps gastrointestinal peristalsis and promotes defecation. Eating more in autumn and winter can also relieve dryness and diuresis.

Luo Yutong chose baby cabbage because of the nutritional content of baby cabbage, and because the taste of baby cabbage is much better than that of Chinese cabbage.Moreover, the cabbage gang is often not liked by people, and the baby cabbage has a smaller cabbage, which can avoid this problem.

In addition to baby dishes, Luo Yutong also chose a piece of tender tofu, which is easy to say, a thousand rolls of tofu and a thousand rolls of fish, the more the tofu is stewed, the better the taste. Compared with the original rotten tofu, it is naturally much better.

What's more, tofu is rich in nutrients, containing various trace elements necessary for human body such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc., as well as sugar, vegetable oil and rich high-quality protein, known as "vegetable meat".The digestion and absorption rate of tofu is more than 95%.Two small pieces of tofu can meet a person's daily calcium requirement.

Then I chose a bowl of edamame that has been peeled off, and only use these three ingredients as the main ingredients. This improved version of pearl jade white jade soup is considered to be full of life.Of course, the necessary ingredients such as onion and ginger are also essential.

This pearl, emerald and white jade soup also needs high soup. After thinking about it, Luo Yutong took two chicken legs, which are the most ingredients for the stew.After all, it takes relatively little time to stew chicken soup, not to mention that the chicken stewed in the end can also be eaten directly in vegetables.

First clean the chicken legs, and then use a knife to separate the chicken leg meat and chicken leg bones.Then choose a crock pot, pour a pot of clean water, no need to add any seasoning, just add a piece of ginger to remove the fishy smell, then put the chicken leg meat and chicken leg bones into the crock pot, cover the lid, and cook over high heat. Can.

In the process of making chicken soup, Luo Yutong first cleaned the tofu, baby vegetables and edamame beans, boiled them in clean water, and then put in the tofu and edamame beans to remove the fishy smell.After the beany smell is removed, take it out and put it in a bowl for later use.

After boiling the chicken soup on high heat for half an hour, take out the chicken leg meat and chicken leg bone, add tofu and chives while it is still hot, boil it for about 5 minutes, then add edamame, after 3 minutes, add baby vegetables and seasonings , drizzle a few drops of sesame oil, wait until baby vegetables change color, you can turn off the fire.A nutritious and delicious pearl jade white jade soup is completed.

Of course, don't forget the leftover chicken thighs from the previous soup.Tear the cooled chicken leg meat into shreds and pour it into the crock pot and stir until it is evenly distributed in the crock pot, which is considered complete.After all, there is no salt in the chicken soup, and it still needs to be fully in contact with the soup to make it more flavorful.

The bottom of the soup is clear, white tofu, yellow baby cabbage, green edamame, and shredded chicken are faintly visible.

Although this dish is so simple to make, the requirements on the heat are very strict.A little more edamame and baby vegetables will taste soft and weak, so this skill is not something that anyone can master casually.

Of course, compared to boiled cabbage, using chicken soup is still very clever.The best is to use rich bone broth, which is rich in calcium and tastes more delicious than chicken broth.

Finally, the pearl jade white jade soup was poured into a white porcelain bowl with a diameter of about ten centimeters, and Luo Yutong put the peony flower that had been carved earlier on top of the tofu.Because there are a lot of tofu in the bowl, the peony flowers bloom on the top, adding gorgeous colors to the pearl, emerald and white jade soup.

Turning his head to look at the opponent not far away, Luo Yutong raised his eyebrows seeing that the opponent was also in the final finishing stage, and then rang the bell on the cooking table to remind the gourmet that his production has been completed.

Luo Yutong, who was still a strange gourmet with no expression on his face, already understood Mr. Dobson's calculations. After smiling at the gourmet, he invited the gourmet to taste the soup he made.

After the gourmet tasted and left, Luo Yutong stretched his legs and heaved a sigh of relief.Originally, he wanted to taste it by himself, but unfortunately, the opponent next to him also finished the dish and rang the bell, so Luo Yutong stopped to look at the result.

What the opponent prepared was a steamed dish. From the appearance, it looked a bit like steamed meat with cabbage, the kind where the meat stuffing was wrapped with cabbage and steamed in a steamer.But because Luo Yutong didn't observe it in detail, he couldn't be sure whether his guess was right or not.What's more, cooking like this is more like the way of Chinese people. Could it be the Chinese cuisine that this chef also learned?
The gourmet who had just left wrote something on the folder first, then rinsed his mouth with water, and then walked towards Luo Yutong's opponent.Picking up their forks and knives from the sidelines, gourmets savor each other's dishes.

 Hahaha, the emperor is Zhu Yuanzhang~ If you are interested, you can Baidu~
(End of this chapter)

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