Check in from Assassin Wu Liuqi

Chapter 169 So Beautiful

Chapter 169 So Beautiful

"Brothers, get ready. The marshal asked us to light fireworks." The leader of the dark guards said immediately after receiving Huang Zhengyuan's message.

Then I struck a match and prepared to light the fireworks.

But they didn't know that at the same time, two evil figures appeared near them.

Those two people stared at these fireworks, and they were completely close to the target, the kind that could be stolen by reaching out...

Because of the addition of the invisibility potion, and Lu Yi and Dongfang Yibai carefully restrained their aura, these hidden guards didn't realize that there was someone beside them at all.

That is to say, if Lu Yi slaps someone, the hidden guard will not find him, but think it was done by another person...

At this time, all the hidden guards were ready, and they really wanted to see what the result of their preparations for such a long time, running such a long distance, and expending such a great effort was.

However, just when a hidden guard was about to put the torch on the primer of the fireworks.

next moment!
The flame goes out in an instant, and the fireworks disappear in an instant!
Dark Guard: "!!!"

Ah this...

"Damn it, why did my fireworks disappear out of thin air?" At this time, another hidden guard next to him also shouted in a dazed expression.

Not only these two dark guards, but also the fireworks that the rest of the dark guards were responsible for lighting disappeared strangely!
At this time, the guards seemed to have no idea what else to say besides being completely stupefied...

The group's faces are bewildered...

"Captain, should we report to the marshal?" After a while, one of the hidden guards whispered.

The captain was silent for a while, and said: "Report, wait for instructions!"

On the other side, Lu Yi and Dongfang Yibai succeeded in "committing crimes" and successfully obtained these fireworks.

"I didn't expect that there would be people lighting fireworks in this poor place, and I don't know why." Lu Yi said with a wicked smile as he looked at the fireworks.

"Who knows, but it's just right, we can use it." Lu Yi said again, throwing these fireworks on the ground with a proud face.

Although the quality of these fireworks is average, it is really rare to see fireworks in this kind of place.

"Shouldn't we go to Coke and the others first?" Dongfang Yibai asked again.

"No need, this little girl is fine. Seeing that they are safe, I have nothing to worry about. Now, I will light the fireworks for you." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"Yeah." Dongfang Yibai leaned gently in Lu Yi's arms, his face full of happiness.

I have paid so much for him, and now, it is finally not in vain.

Lu Yi and Dongfang Yibai were not too far away from the watchtower, so they could keep Ah Qi and the others within their controllable range.

Secondly, it can also let them see the splendor of the fireworks.

But on the other hand, Huang Zhengyuan was not as relaxed as Lu Yi and Dongfang Yibai.

Huang Zhengyuan frowned. If it weren't for his relatively large denomination, he might have twisted into a twist, the kind that could be eaten in one bite...

"Old Huang, have you encountered any troublesome things? You are so worried." Ji Dabao asked suspiciously when he saw Huang Zhengyuan's expression was wrong after he finished his last puff of dry cigarette.

Huang Zhengyuan shook his head and said: "Nothing, nothing, just a little headache, it will be fine in a while."

"Oh, then you should pay more attention to rest and drink more hot water. It is really not easy to survive in this desert, and you will inevitably get sick..." Ji Dabao comforted.

Huang Zhengyuan hummed, but he didn't listen to a word Ji Dabao said.

Huang Zhengyuan's thoughts moved, his lips opened and closed slightly, and a sound spread over.

"Chasing, be sure to chase me back, no matter what the price is!" Huang Zhengyuan's words are decisive and cannot be refuted.

Since the marshal spoke, the dark guard naturally followed suit, but it was not easy to find this thing that had disappeared right under his nose.

No matter what, the military order is like a mountain, and it's over!

"Old Huang, what exactly is the surprise you mentioned!" Just as Huang Zhengyuan issued the order, Coke suddenly asked.

Huang Zhengyuan was a little flustered because of the sudden change. When asked this question, he couldn't answer, and was at a loss for words.

"Pfft, the surprise you're talking about doesn't mean that we are here to chat with you and watch the moon." Seeing that Huang Zhengyuan's face turned red from nervousness, Ke Le suddenly laughed.

"No, how is it possible, my surprise is..."

"Actually, this is pretty good. I don't have parents. As long as I can remember, I was on Xiaoji Island. Director Jiang saved me. She raised me. By the way, there is also Uncle Chen. They will I raised them." Coke changed the subject and suddenly said something like this.

The tone was a little deep, and Coke's eyes were slightly red, as if thinking of those unfortunate past events in his childhood.

"It's okay, then I met Lu Yi, then Dr. Stan, and I met a lot of friends including Lu Yi, and of course, you, Lao Huang." Coke smiled and rubbed the corner of his mouth. Rubbing the tears welling in his eyes, he said.

"It's you who touched me again with a special kind of love. Since I'm leaving tomorrow, there is a sentence that has been in my heart for a long time. Now, I want to say it."

"Tell me." Huang Zhengyuan said.

"Thank you, Father."

Huang Zhengyuan: "!!!"

Five words, five simple words, shattered the heart of this tough man of steel like a hammer smashing glass.

"Father, am I really worthy of being this father?" Huang Zhengyuan murmured, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Coke, my surprise tonight was to prepare an unusually grand fireworks for you, but..."

"Hey, look where it is, it's fireworks!" Before Huang Zhengyuan finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Wu Liuqi.

Wu Liuqi pointed to the south and said with a surprised face.

Everyone looked in the direction of Wu Liuqi, and they saw an astonishing sight.

The fireworks all over the sky, like meteors, with colorful tails, pierced the sky and slashed down quickly.

The fireworks are so beautiful that people are dizzying and overwhelmed, embellishing the night with only moonlight extremely gorgeously.

"Wow, it's so beautiful..." Coke and Dongfang Yibai said in unison.

Although the two women are not at the same place, they are at the same time, intoxicated by this beautiful and eye-catching fireworks feast.

Lu Yi looked at Dongfang Yibai with love in his eyes, and Huang Zhengyuan looked at Coke with love in his eyes...

This night is destined to be extraordinary and very beautiful.

Until, the deafening discordant sound broke the short-term peace and beauty...

(End of this chapter)

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