Check in from Assassin Wu Liuqi

Chapter 82 Enemy Attack

Chapter 82 Enemy Attack
Chicken Island, Dabao J Hair Salon.

Late at night, ten o'clock.

Lu Yi, Ji Dabao, Wu Liuqi and Ji Xiaofei are discussing how to deal with the navy.

The four of them can be said to be the first group of people who knew about the island crisis.

Of course, it can also be said to be three, because during the discussion, Xiao Fei just looked at them with a stupid face.

Anyway, what Baba said is correct, and I don’t understand...


"Liangzi, didn't you say that people won't invade the island?" Ji Dabao said with a dark face.

"I didn't know that this group of people could be so unkind. Besides, didn't the letter say "possible"? Maybe they are actually a group of very kind people?" Lu Yi explained with a smile.

"You mean they're actually on vacation?"

"It's very possible!"

Chicken Dabao: "..."

I believe in you ass...

"Actually, I think that if we are here, we may not be able to discuss anything. If we want to achieve results, we should change to another place." At this time, Lu Yi said again.


"Department of Coastal Defense!"

"Ministry of Coastal Defense? Brother Lu, is there such a place on Xiaoji Island?" Wu Liuqi asked curiously.

"Yes, it may be a little broken, but compared to other places, the Ministry of Coastal Defense is our best lookout point." Lu Yi explained.

"That's all right, handsome, let's go there." Ji Dabao thought it made sense, nodded and said.

So, a group of four rushed towards the Ministry of Coastal Defense.

In fact, Lu Yi had his own ideas about choosing the Ministry of Coastal Defense.

The Ministry of Coastal Defense is the place where Wu Liuqi received the fourth assassination mission in the first season, where he appeared in the assassination of Captain Jack.

Uncle Chen is the only soldier and chief executive there.

Although the Ministry of Coastal Defense is relatively dilapidated, its location is the best.

There, you can clearly see the changes taking place on the sea.

Moreover, the Ministry of Coastal Defense is equipped with a radar sensor, which can be said to be the most advanced warning device on the island.

To sum up, although the Ministry of Coastal Defense is broken, it has extremely high strategic significance.

Soon, they came to the door of the Ministry of Coastal Defense.

The Ministry of Coastal Defense is a two-story structure. From the outside, it looks like a gourd.

Because it was late at night, Uncle Chen had already fallen asleep, and the lights inside were naturally turned off.

"Brother Lu, you said that we are so late and disturb people's sleep, isn't that not good?" Wu Liuqi said weakly.

"It's really not good..." Lu Yi nodded and said.

Then, he took Xiao Feiji out of Wu Liuqi's trouser pocket.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Yi smiled slyly and winked at Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei nodded, but did not speak.

Wu Liuqi: "???"

I always feel that these two guys are going to trick me again...

"Go, Pickup Fly!"

With a swipe, Lu Yi threw Xiao Fei onto Wu Liuqi!

Wu Liuqi: "!!!"

What are you? !

The next moment, Xiao Fei stretched out two small claws and firmly grabbed Wu Liuqi's crotch!

Can't help Wuliuqiu said, went straight to the roof of the second floor!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Lu Yi, you are cheating again!"

In the air, there was Wu Liuqi's helpless roar.

"Little boy, are you asking Ah Qi to ask for directions?" Ji Dabao guessed what Lu Yi was thinking, and asked.

Lu Yi nodded, and said with a hey smile: "Ah Qi is so resistant to beating, this little injury is just a tickle for him."

Chicken Dabao: "..."

Why do I have a feeling that I obviously feel wrong, but I can't refute it?
Soon, the sound of the roof breaking suddenly came from the ears of the two of them.

"It seems that Ah Qi successfully landed." Lu Yi murmured.

Chicken Dabao: "..."

"By the way, Dabao, why did you suddenly change your mind and not leave?" While waiting for Ah Qi's "good news", Lu Yi suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Ji Dabao glanced at Lu Yi with resentment, and said, "Isn't it because you refused to let me go?"

"I won't let it go, didn't I make way for you?" Lu Yi looked puzzled.

"Stop pretending, I already understood the look in your eyes at that time, you are playing hard to get, I understand, I understand..." Ji Dabao explained.

Lu Yi: "..."

In fact, what Lu Yi was thinking at the time was that after Ji Dabao left with Wu Liuqi, it would be fine for him to settle things by himself.

What a joke, I am an enemy of ten thousand, mere mortals, what's the point?

But looking at Ji Dabao's eyes, Lu Yi immediately understood.

Well, another brain tonic...

"Release the check-in task for the next day, the location is the Grant Aircraft Carrier, the check-in reward, the amphibious four-seater racing car (the traffic jam can be changed in size as you like)." At this time, Lu Yi heard the system's notification tone.

Hearing this, Lu Yi suddenly smiled.

Great, this time I finally gave something reliable.

No more stinky tofu, slimming tea, blow-up dolls and the like...

"Little boy, what are you laughing at?" Seeing Lu Yi suddenly gave a strange laugh, Ji Dabao asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I suddenly thought of something funny." Lu Yi quickly explained.

"Oh? What's so funny?" Ji Dabao suddenly became interested.

"I was wondering what your expression would be if Oreo and Ori were put together for you to eat."

Chicken Dabao: "..."

Before they knew it, the two had been waiting outside for a long time.

However, within the Ministry of Coastal Defense, Ah Qi's voice has not been heard for a long time.

"Liangzi, do you think something will happen to Ah Qi inside?" Dabao asked worriedly.

"No, you have to believe that Ah Qi's trumpet is positioned as a tank. What's more, what we have done is a good thing. As long as Ah Qi tells us the purpose of our visit this time, Uncle Chen will agree." Lu Yi Said without worry.

"Oh." Ji Dabao nodded, and then stood quietly on the spot again.

Time passed bit by bit, and about half an hour passed.

It was already eleven o'clock at night.

Ji Dabao and Lu Yi played rock-paper-scissors outside boredly.

Because the chicken is protected by chicken wings, so it can only produce cloth or stones, and often loses...

"Damn! Don't play anymore!" After losing countless times, Ji Dabao stood up and said with a growl.

"Hey, Dabao, don't be so stingy!" Lu Yi said with a smile, holding the depressed Ji Dabao.

"Try to lose countless times in a row!" As he said, he turned his head away, didn't look at Lu Yi, and got angry and sulked alone.

Lu Yi: "..."

"Da Bao, look quickly, there is something wrong over there!" At this moment, Lu Yi frowned and shouted.

"Don't try to lie to me!"

"Look! I really didn't lie to you!"

Hearing this, Ji Dabao slowly turned his gaze to the sea in front of him.

Shout out loud!

I saw giant steel ships suddenly appearing on the sea surface...

(End of this chapter)

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