Traveling to Xianwu

Chapter 278 Worth the Adventure

Chapter 278 Worth the Adventure
Going north to the capital to escort the tax banker, it is natural to take the official road, and along the way there will be local policemen from the state capital to guide the way and arrange board and lodging.

Generally, the tax bank will be collected in spring and autumn, and some will be kept in the local area to maintain government affairs, and the rest will be escorted to Beijing once a year, usually sent by Jiangnan Dudufu.

But this time, because of cleaning up the martial arts sects in the south of the Yangtze River, they have gained a lot. The amount of tax money to be escorted far exceeds that of previous years. The three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River have gathered more than 2000 million taels.There are many sects in Jiangnan martial arts, Japanese pirates, and merchants who are attached to martial arts sects and run amok. I don’t know how much wealth they have accumulated. In fact, Lan Zhongyue has arranged for escorts to escort two silver coins to Beijing before. It is the third batch of this year, but it is also the largest part, with a total of 300 million taels.

Therefore, the number of escorts this time has doubled compared to previous years. There are a total of [-] elite soldiers, all of whom are elite soldiers trained by Lan Zhongyue himself, as well as [-] second-rate masters and soldiers trained by Lan Zhongyue himself. Five first-rate masters, led by his most capable Cangsong, and the other three hundred footmen are also from the Jiangnan Army, plus Shen Chengping himself accompanied by ten first-rate arresters from the six Jiangnan sects. powerful.

It's just that the so-called money touches people's hearts. I don't know when the amount of tax money escorted this time was leaked out. I don't know how many people's eyes have been dazzled by the real benefits. All the martial arts forces are eyeing this piece of fat. It can be said that the task this time is not easy. Along the way, Shen Chengping will notice every day that there are spies who don’t know what kind of power is observing the situation, and the spies caught every day will not go down. ten.

Because of the strength of the guard lineup, general Jianghu forces and bandits are basically powerless to shake them, but even so, within half a month after leaving the border of Jiangnan, the convoy has encountered seven attacks, large and small. One night, the escorting team was attacked by a large group of bandits. There were more than 2000 bandits in total, and it was also the largest attack. Shen Chengping could tell by looking at them that these bandits They belong to different factions, and even have different accents.

"Crowd!" Even though there were three times as many people as the guards, Cangsong and his sergeants didn't panic at all. These gangsters rushed over in a swarm, which seemed to be huge. In the eyes of a real elite army, It was a mess, and there was no threat at all. The guards who encountered the sudden attack did not panic in the slightest, and quickly formed a circle with carriages.

"Let go!" With Cangsong's wave of his hand, two hundred crossbowmen pulled their triggers together. These crossbowmen are equipped with continuous crossbows. Although the range of the crossbows is less powerful than ordinary crossbows, they can fire continuously. In an instant, the sound of arrows flying out was endless, and each of the two hundred crossbowmen quickly released seven arrows, only to hear the screams, and the [-] arrows shot in an instant. Let the opponent's casualties exceed [-]. It can be said that the two sides have lost [-]% of their manpower without meeting each other. This has greatly frustrated the indomitable momentum of the opposite gangsters, and even some people hesitated to move forward. up.

Seeing the performance of these people, Shen Chengping also sneered in his heart. Although there are many gangsters in this group, they are not troublesome for the escort team, and there are no decent experts among these people, at most there are some first-class warriors , should be the leaders of these gangsters, and they can't threaten the escort team. What Shen Chengping is most worried about now is meeting well-trained opponents. Let go of such a chance to hit Shen Chengping and gain a fortune.


Just as Shen Chengping expected, hundreds of riders were quietly waiting on the side of the road on a small road several miles away. Although there were many of them, they strangely did not make any sound. People gather in groups and rest back to back.

Among the crowd, several people stood with their heads held high, and their black robes looked darker and more mysterious under the moonlight.

"On the third gear, those people in the green forest have already launched an attack. According to the information from the spies, I am afraid that the attack of those gangsters seems to be very powerful now, but they may return in vain." The person next to him reported.

However, Xu Jin, who is the head of the third gear of the East Factory, is not surprised at all. In fact, half of the people who attacked the convoy in the past half month were secretly instigated by the East Factory. Xu Jin never thought that they would succeed. , his purpose is to consume the strength of the escort convoy.

Most of the escort convoys are the elites of Jiangnan Dudufu, but these elites are also human beings. After half a month of continuous driving and defending against robbers who appear from time to time, their physical strength has actually dropped to a very dangerous level. The more than 2000 gangsters gathered this time were instigated by Xu Jin, in order to further consume the strength of the convoy's guards.

"Hmph, these idiots, do you really think that you can fight against the elite army of the imperial court?" Xu Jin sneered, and continued to order: "Always pay attention to the movements over there, and follow the plan to launch an attack at dawn!"

As long as Jiangnan's tax bank can be successfully intercepted this time, Yidongchang's power will definitely be digested quietly. After a few years, Dongchang's strength will be greatly strengthened, enough to truly confront Hulong Villa .

In the past one or two years, the strength of Hulong Mountain Villa has grown tremendously. Shen Chengping was transferred to Jiangnan Six Gates. At first, he thought that he would pick up a hot potato, but he didn't expect that Shen Chengping would destroy the Iron Hands just after entering Jiangnan. Immediately afterwards, he cooperated with Lan Zhongyue to greatly weaken the local power of Jiangnan martial arts, and integrated the six sects of Jiangnan, so that Cao Zhengchun, who was originally not dominant in power, was at a disadvantage compared to Tiedan Shenhou.

However, if something goes wrong with the Jiangnan tax bank this time, both Lan Zhongyue and Shen Chengping will inevitably be punished, and they will also be able to greatly attack the power of the Lord of Tiedan. Hulong Villa has just gained a firm foothold in Jiangnan. Lan Zhongyue and Shen Chengping had accidents at the same time, this is definitely great news for Dongchang, and it is worth Cao Zhengchun's risk.

In the plot of Number One Under Heaven, in order to deal with Hulong Villa, Cao Zhengchun even wanted to blatantly lie with his eyes open and arrest Princess Yunluo. Although the risk that the tax bank took was not small, the benefits after success made Cao Zhengchun determined.

(End of this chapter)

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