Traveling to Xianwu

Chapter 537 Catch This Demon Monk

Chapter 537 Catch This Demon Monk

"This is natural!" Shen Chengping said with a smile: "When I saw the notice before, I had already started to pay attention to the movement in the city, so when the boy and girl disappeared last night, I found out that someone used magic to bring the child out of the city. They were stolen from someone's house, so I followed the traces, and finally I found that these stolen children had gone to an unexpected place!"

"Oh? Where is it? Brother Shen, let's just say it!" Yan Chixia asked directly.

"Brother Yan, you still need your cooperation in this matter. After all, if it's just the three of us, even if those children are rescued, they won't be able to send them home smoothly, so Brother Yan is now in the position of chief arrester. I have to continue to work for a few more days!" Shen Chengping didn't answer immediately, but after saying this, he said a place name, which surprised Yan Chixia.

After some exchanges, Yan Chixia returned to the city and shot all the arresters. During the period, he encountered some rebels, who were all beheaded by him mercilessly. Before waking up, he might have killed one or two people at most to show his attitude, and then forced the general soldier to restrain his subordinates, but now Yan Chixia completely let go of his worries, killed nearly two hundred rebels along the way, and then sent the remaining soldiers They were all gathered together, and more than 100 soldiers who killed the people were dealt with. At this time, after Shen Chengping and Yan Chixia's killing, the remaining two thousand soldiers are now only in the early thousand.

Arrange some people to restrain these beheaded soldiers. Under the oppression of Yan Chixia's death, these soldiers did not dare to neglect Yan Chixia's order, marched quickly with Yan Chixia's arresters, and came directly to the army. After arriving at a Buddhist temple outside the city, basically no one here does not know that this Buddhist temple is the most famous Yuhan Temple in several surrounding counties.

This Yuhan Temple is full of incense, and it is already afternoon, and there is still an endless stream of people who come to worship Buddha and offer incense. Under normal circumstances, even if Yan Chixia wants to search here, she will have a lot of scruples, but now At that time, he directly ordered: "Everyone search the temple for me, arrest all the monks, and bring the abbot to see me!"

Faced with Yan Chixia's order, the policemen behind him and the soldiers hesitated a bit. As soon as the order was issued, one of the policemen behind him said, "My lord, I heard that Yuhan Temple has a good reputation. Many nobles in the county are believers in this Buddhist temple, let's just break in like this..."

"Hmph, just do it, if something happens, Yan will be responsible for it!" After Yan Chixia finished speaking, she glanced around again: "Could it be that you will be disobedient!"

As soon as Yan Chixia's words came out, everyone shuddered immediately. Those soldiers were terrified of being killed by him. You must know that when Yan Chixia forcibly suppressed them just now, they didn't think about resisting, but when they saw With the power of Yan Chixia beheading dozens of soldiers together, they knew that resisting was tantamount to courting death. In addition, the general soldier has not been seen so far, so it is estimated that it is more or less ominous. How could these soldiers dare to oppose, and Yan Chixia Although the officers under his command saw that Yan Chixia was stern on weekdays, such unscrupulous killings were unexpected. With the lessons learned from these soldiers, they did not dare to touch Yan Chixia's bad luck. Anyway, Yan Chixia also said that he would bear it all, and immediately these people took action amid shouts, surrounded the entire Yuhan Temple, broke into it and began to search.

Yuhan Temple occupies a large area, and it looks like a large building complex from a distance. You can faintly hear the sound of chanting, and many believers haunt the temple. Among them, the pilgrims and believers were all shocked.

Many pilgrims and believers were outraged when they saw a group of soldiers rushing into the Buddhist holy place.However, when they faced soldiers with swords and guns, no one dared to step forward to stop them.However, soon several monks stepped forward to Yan Chixia and said: "Benefactors, this is a pure place of Buddhism, please..."

Yan Chixia didn't say anything, he wasn't a Buddhist believer, and he didn't have any scruples about Buddhism, so he made a wink, and saw one of his subordinates stepping up to the monks and shouting, "Where are you abbots, masters, let your abbot come forward quickly!" Come."

"Almsgiver, this is a pure place of Buddhism, you can't..."

Yan Chixia glared, and a wave of evil spirit came towards her, which only scared the few monks back a few steps: "I was ordered to investigate the case of missing children. Now that you are obstructing me like this, I will treat you as ulterior motives." , deliberately obstructing the handling of the case..."

After subduing these monks, Yan Chixia waved her hand and said, "Search for me, don't miss any place."

Seeing these soldiers heading towards some meditation rooms, the monks reacted and suddenly yelled, trying to rush towards Yan Chixia.

It's a pity that Yan Chixia has such a cultivation level that when several monks appeared abnormal, she immediately shot and took down those monks in a blink of an eye.

The abnormal reactions of these monks lifted Yan Chixia's spirits. If there are no ghosts in this temple, why did these monks keep blocking them, especially when they tried to attack themselves just now? These are enough to explain one point, that is Yuhan Temple is not clean.

A meditation room was kicked open by two soldiers, and a cry of exclamation came from the meditation room, and soon there was the sound of fighting, Yan Chixia frowned, and after a while, some naked monks came one after another They were brought up by the soldiers, and there were more than a dozen of them in total. In these rooms, along the opened doors, some women with dazed eyes and disheveled clothes could be seen, which immediately attracted a lot of attention. Yan Chixia took a closer look, but she could see that they were all bewitched by drugs.

Just by looking at the situation, one can know what happened in this room. Originally, it was said that the Son-Send Guanyin of Yuhan Temple was very effective, but now it seems that there is no way it will be effective.

At this time, there were quite a few pilgrims onlookers, all of them turned pale with shock when they saw this scene, and some people even didn't know what they thought, and their faces were even more ugly.

At this moment, monk Zhikong, the abbot of Yuhan Temple, also noticed the chaos in the temple, and immediately stopped loudly: "Amitabha, all benefactors, what are you doing, my Buddhist sect is a quiet place..."

"Hmph, so it's the leader of these demon monks, catch him!" Seeing that the problem was found, the soldiers in charge of the search and the arresters were very excited. No matter whether this Yuhan Temple is related to the child case or not, the The current situation is indispensable for a credit, and immediately clamored: "Brothers, go together and capture this demon monk."

(End of this chapter)

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