Doomsday Devouring All Things

Chapter 101 129 Belongs to the Devouring Ability of Zombies

Chapter 101 129 Belongs to the Devouring Ability of Zombies

The river in the north forms a V-shaped trend, and you can see many people throwing fishing nets into the river a little further forward.After the end of the world, everything is renewed, and almost every net can have a good harvest.

It takes more than a dozen people to drag a fishing net up, and vehicles are even used to drag it on flat roads.The smallest fish pulled ashore weighed more than ten catties, and the rest of the river shrimps and crabs were even more exaggerated.

Zhao Chuan still remembers the river prawns he saw for the first time in Fanghong Reservoir, and now it is more than double the size of that time.Stretching teeth and claws in the fishing net.Only the net made of four fishing lines twisted together can withstand its big pliers.

Wang Jun pushed a crab to the ground with his buttocks pouted, stepped on its pair of pincers, and used a dagger to pry open the soft flesh of its abdomen, and plunged deep into it to split the crab in two.The charcoal fire on the side is burning vigorously.He deftly placed the separated crab on top of the fiery red ash carbon.

The crabs sizzled, and the backs of the eight crabs were suddenly scalded and stretched continuously. A puff of green smoke floated up, and the crab meat slowly turned from white to yellow, exuding an attractive fragrance.

"It's cooked!" Wang Jun took off the crab happily, slapped his hands vigorously twice, stretched out his hand to grab the hot crab, and kept switching his left and right hands.

He seemed to be aware of something wrong, because the people around him didn't respond to him, but looked at him with a gloating expression and didn't speak.

"Chuan, Brother Legend, would you like to have a bite first?"

"You can enjoy it, Mr. Level 4 Evolutionary?" Zhao Chuan reached out to take the crab in his hand, twisted a fiery red coke from the charcoal fire and put it in his hand. "Tell me, when can you convince me and when can you throw things away."

The scorching coals scorched the palms black, and they scattered around in bursts.People fishing all around turned their heads to one side, not daring to look at this scene.

Wang Jun grasped his right wrist with his left hand, for fear that the charcoal would be accidentally shaken off by him.Others don't know, but he knows that Brother Legend in front of him is a ruthless man.He didn't dare to think about what would happen if the charcoal fell on the ground.He didn't even dare to think about the so-called persuasion, who knows if this is an irony.

He could only endure the sharp pain in his palm, hoping that Zhao Chuan would let him go because of his strict keeping of secrets.

"Original flavor, roasted well." Zhao Chuan removed the crab's large tongs and put the crab meat inside into his mouth to chew.Seeing that the flesh in his palm was scorched black, he said again: "How do you think I should punish you?"

Enduring the severe pain, Wang Jun said a few words through his teeth: "It's all up to Brother Legend."

"Neglect of duty, and knowingly committed crimes. From now on, Wang Dashuan will take over your job, and your salary will be lowered to the level of ordinary people. Also, a death camp will be newly established, and you will be the battalion commander. Whoever commits crimes in the future will be your soldiers. "

Is this a punishment or a promotion?Wang Jun was a little confused. This was because he hadn't figured out what the Death Battalion was for, let alone figured out that he, the battalion commander, was on a lifelong system.

This person has such a personality, this is credit for his help in stabilizing people's hearts, no wonder Zhao Chuan will be cruel next time he commits another crime.Originally, Zhao Chuan wanted to kill the matter directly, but thinking about it now, even if he told what happened that night, no one would believe him.

Don't worry about him, let Tan Jie continue to drive to Diaoyu City.Now there are only two people in the ancient city on the top of the mountain, and the lonely man and widow don't know if they will cultivate some feelings.

Zhao Chuan was very clear about Qin Shiyue's thoughts, but Zhao Chuan didn't have any evil thoughts towards her, otherwise he would have attacked her long ago as Zhao Chuan.Every time he has this kind of thought, there is always a voice in his mind stopping him, and he doesn't know why.

Climbing all the way to the top of the mountain, the evolutionary guarding above greeted Zhao Chuan at attention, and Zhao Chuan nodded in response.The door of the largest nave was still open.It seems to be showing Zhang Zhihui's mentality of saying everything to others.But what is displayed in front of Zhao Chuan's eyes are alive and kicking zombies.

There are ordinary zombies, evolved zombies, S1, D1, all of them have their arms and legs broken, and are chained to the wall.They kept twisting their bodies, driving the iron chains to make clanking noises, and the low growls in their throats filled the entire room.

And D4, whose limbs were severed, now lives in a pit in the corner of the room.Just wait for Zhang Zhihui to cut off a piece of flesh and blood from it for research.

Zhang Zhihui was lying on the microscope with his head bowed to observe, reporting out groups of data from time to time, while Qin Shiyue was in charge of recording.The two are also considered a detailed division of labor

He found that the light was blocked by someone, looked up and saw that Zhao Chuan immediately began to complain: "Brother Legend, you have to help me find more experimental equipment as soon as possible. Don't be afraid of the heavy workload, manual calculation is too time-consuming. And many places need computers. Simulation, just relying on the brain to imagine the deviation is too big!"

Although Zhao Chuan doesn't understand these scientific research gadgets, he also knows that the simplest computer for simulation is definitely not just a random one.Now the focus is on digging the canal, and there is really no manpower to spare.I had no choice but to shrug my shoulders and said, "Persevere, once the canal is dug, I will send people out to find the equipment you want."

"Southwest University in Beibei District has what I want." Zhang Zhihui continued to insist: "I was lecturing there when the source gene broke out, and I brought some simple tools there. As long as I find these, my work efficiency can also be improved a bit." Times!"

Zhao Chuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, I have some impression of the location of Southwest University. But I can't guarantee that the equipment will be brought here this time."

"I see."

Zhang Zhihui also knows what the top priority is now. Although Southwest University is close to the river, it is next to the Beibei District Government.There are also a large area of ​​residential areas and residential buildings around the college.It is very unlikely to grab equipment from the corpses.

Ask Tan Jie to contact the radio station at the airport, and Zhao Liming's next patrol location on the highway will be Southwest University in the north of the city.I still remember that among the remaining groups of zombies, one of them was born there.I don't know if the controlling zombie left or not. It would be easy if he left. In the empty campus, everything is ownerless.

"How is the research on this D4. Is there a way to make it evolve without repairing the body?"

Zhao Chuan asked the question that he was most concerned about. The current lack of scientific and technological power can only be made up with the power of evolution.I also want to upgrade to level 5 as soon as possible.Looking forward to what changes will happen after crossing this hurdle.Since I have 4 evolutionary abilities, will there be 5 force fields after level 4?

"Insufficient equipment, I can only make theoretical inferences. We regard zombies as another kind of creature. Its genes store the templates of its best state and advanced state. And it absorbs energy by eating, redundant The energy of it will first confirm its optimal state. If not, it will be repaired first; if not, it will be evolved."

Zhang Zhihui pushed down his glasses and continued: "To keep it evolving in the state of severed limbs, we can only modify its template first. Or use some external force to deceive its confirmation mechanism. There are too many genetics involved, and even the body. , The memory function of the brain. I can’t even make an inference about the chance of success, and there are too few data.”

He seemed to have suddenly remembered something, picked up the nails of M4 on the table, walked over, and directly disemboweled an ordinary zombie.The wound was pulled from the throat to the lower abdomen, and the outer skin was pulled apart and fixed with an iron hook.

"Go get me some meat, raw meat!"

The sternum was completely removed, and the viscera and intestines in the belly of an ordinary zombie suddenly slipped to the ground, and the whole room was filled with stench.He leaned closer to observe nonchalantly.The zombie's heart, which was about to wither, was still beating slightly. Without the support of the bones, only two main blood vessels were left.

A cut was made in one of the blood vessels, and the black plasma was immediately squeezed out by the pressure and sprayed all over the ground.It didn't take long for the blood to be drained, but the heart was still beating, and the zombie's big mouth was still opening and closing vigorously.

He reached out and took a lively fish, cut off a piece and put it into the zombie's mouth.It can be clearly seen that the fish meat falling from the throat has been digested by one tenth.

"Unbelievable! It was consumed just by passing through its throat!" Zhang Zhihui exclaimed.

And this zombie's slashed blood vessel was flowing out with black blood. Although it was very little, the blood had obviously been drained just now!This small piece of fish can actually bring it so much energy!
Zhang Zhihui did the same thing to the evolved zombie next to him, and got the same result.It's just that for the same piece of fish, about [-]% of the evolved zombies absorb it

Moreover, Zhao Chuan saw something very familiar, something so familiar that it made him shiver.The black mist, representing the ability to devour, actually flashed past the throat of the evolved zombie.It was very light, and the process was very fast, but Zhao Chuan was sure it wasn't his dazzle.

In other words, is the ability to devour the eating function of zombies?It can also repair the body and achieve the purpose of evolution!

No!There is a difference!The ability to devour is only applicable to living creatures, but zombies can eat corpses... After thinking about it, isn't this just in line with Zhang Zhihui's theory of evolution?Human evolutionists live a more singular evolutionary ability from the zombie's crystal nucleus.

"Qin Shiyue, you go out first." Zhao Chuan went over and closed the door, then activated his devouring ability, and showed Zhang Zhihui the same black mist.

"The mist that absorbed the flesh and blood in the zombie's throat just now is the same as mine. You have to study how they absorb food in the future. It's best not to let the second person know."

Zhang Zhihui didn't know why. "Everything can be told to people, and besides, this ability is no different from strength and agility evolution. Evolvers have it, and zombies also have it. These abilities are like sharp knives. Zombies are disasters when they use them, but we use them as weapons for survival. "

"Your character... No wonder you are so kind to children, study your stuff with peace of mind, remember my words."

Zhao Chuan didn't bother to tell him what he was supposed to be scary.Just imagine why so many small countries are prevented from developing nuclear weapons before the end of the world?However, such a person is also good. He is devoted to research and has nothing else in mind, so don't worry about him having crooked thoughts.

So he told him about the side effects of his devouring ability, of course he didn't say that he killed indiscriminately because of the side effects.Just let him find out the balance point in the devouring ability, let him hurry up and research.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Zhao Chuan was about to get angry who was so unruly.Looking closely, it turned out to be Zhao Liming, and the anger disappeared.If you want to say that the most trusted one now, it is none other than him.

"Brother, there is nothing in Southwest University. Are we going to make a fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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