Doomsday Devouring All Things

Chapter 107 135 Improved Firearms

Chapter 107 135 Improved Firearms

"Brother Legend, Chief Yan is here."

"Let her in." Zhao Chuan looked at Qin Shiyue and thought for a while before saying, "You go out and wait."

A large plane can carry about 400 passengers, and 7 planes can carry nearly 3000 people.It only takes two trips to send everyone here to Yibin, but with the addition of supplies... it's more than that.The lack of fuel can't support too many flights, and gasoline can't be used instead.

And if you escape this time, can you escape next time?Can you keep running away?cannot!The group of corpses will only become stronger and stronger, if they are not strangled in the bud, they will die even uglier in the future.

"Brother Legend, are you looking for me?"

After Yan Chunhua came in, he brushed past Qin Shiyue, turned around and closed the door.In the past, she and Qin Shiyue were people from two worlds. Although they were both men's accessories, no one wanted her.Now she can turn around thanks to Zhao Chuan, so she is very respectful to Zhao Chuan and cherishes her current position.

To this day, the word agent in front of her logistics officer has not been removed. Although everyone calls her chief, this official position was passed down by Zhao. OK, otherwise why not take it?
In fact, Zhao Chuan had forgotten it early in the morning, how could he keep such a sesame seed in his heart all the time.

"How many non-renewable materials are there? Gather them up and transport them away after the rain stops. Also, after the rain stops, let the first batch of people who can't leave with the plane go fishing. The more the better. Dig a pond, or Just circle a pond in the river and you can figure it out."

first batch?Yan Chunhua could hear some meaning from this passage, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Legend, it's the corpses in the urban area..."

"You are the logistics officer. You don't need to know about this. The first batch of people who leave are pregnant women and children under the age of 13. Try to keep this matter as secret as possible so as not to cause panic."


As far as the last sentence is concerned, Yan Chunhua can already be sure that the corpses in the urban area must have gone north.She has nothing to worry about because she has nothing to worry about. It's just that those who take care of the children have to think about how to make them give their children to her willingly without making them suspicious.

The heavy rain didn't stop until midnight, everyone could hear the loud roar just now, it was impossible for Yan Chunhua to hide it no matter what he thought.

With Zhao Chuan in charge, these survivors were not afraid at first.But knowing that someone would fly to Yibin, the survivors began to mutter in their hearts.In the end, it was Yan Chunhua who repeatedly emphasized that it was only by sending Zhang Zhihui and others to Yibin to study new types of zombies that the restless hearts were calmed down.

By radio, the Yibin side pulled up a long light on the runway.But in this way, only Zheng Chao, the two pre-apocalyptic pilots, is sure to land in the night according to the firelight.Most of the people who could have been evacuated had to stay and wait for dawn before taking a flight.

Children and pregnant women got on the plane in an orderly manner, and their relatives stood outside the runway and waved goodbye.There is no so-called axiom, and they are the relatives of the chief, so they will naturally be the first to leave.

Zhao Chuan did not travel with him this time.One is because of the roar of the corpses, to stay and stabilize people's hearts.The second is to see how Yibin reacts, so as to know how many people there are loyal to him.

The two planes climbed into the sky with a roar, and finally disappeared into the night.

"Except for the staff on duty, the rest should rest when they should."

Zhao Chuan could feel a sense of the eve of the war, and he didn't want to wait for the corpses to arrive and fight with a group of sleep-deprived panda eyes.

At this time, the front of the group of corpses stepped into Beibei District, within the campus of Southwest University.The front and rear teams are far apart, and there is a gap in the middle.But the controlling zombies didn't want to give up the ordinary zombies behind the fault, and they stopped and stopped to delay moving forward.It is estimated that one day later, they will arrive in Yanjing Town.

The next day, in the early morning, an M4 stood on the other side of the canal, staring at the sentries here, then turned around and ran back.

Zhao Chuan ordered martial law and looked at the sky in the west. Has it been repaired yet?It's too late!

At around 8:3 p.m. that day, Zhao Liming descended from the sky, pointed to the other side of the canal and said, "Here we are, there are still three miles to go."

Half an hour later, Zhao Chuanyi was able to see the black corpses on the other side of the river embankment.Under the moonlight, it was clear that these were all evolved zombies. The skinless zombies joined together to form a vast sea of ​​corpses, covering the entire land on the other side of the canal.

"Brother Legend! Zheng Chao and the others are back!"

The long-overdue plane finally returned to the airport outside Diaoyu City.It turned out that the forced landing last night still caused the plane to have an accident, and the repairs had just been completed all day. Fortunately, this time Liao Li was allowed to leave randomly.

"The power evolutionist will follow me to move the weapon, and the rest will stand by!"

Finally came back, Zhao Chuan led people to the airport quickly, and Yibin sent people over as expected.However, the two planes reloaded the bullets and could not seat too many people.

Three men and two women, I don't know who Lin Wu is.One looks like a grizzly bear, one is as thin as a bamboo pole, and the last one is more normal, is it him?
"Brother Legend! Hahaha, a crowd of millions of corpses, how can such a big scene be missed!" It wasn't this person, the voice gap was too big.

Why are there two little girls here?One of them must have been the person on the call that day.One of the shorter girls ran over, spreading her arms as if for a hug.

Want a hug?

Zhao Chuan also opened his arms, patted her on the back lightly twice and said, "It seems to have grown taller?"

"En! It's getting bigger here too!" Xu Lan looked up at the familiar face and pointed at her budding chest.

Speechless, how could I get mixed up with a girl with this personality before.She held her arm, and the two bumps on her chest rubbed against her arm from time to time.

Could it be that I was a beast before?Even the little girl is not spared?
With such an obvious action, how could Zhao Chuan fail to understand that this girl is definitely not as simple as the younger sister he thought.Let's get down to business first.

"Quickly, load the weapons to the front line."

Commanding the power evolutionists to load boxes of weapons and ammunition away, the five people who followed Xindao could only see the evolution ability of two of them. What are the abilities of the remaining three?From the girl who is holding his arm, why do you feel that she is of the nature of playing tricks, a whole soy sauce thing?

"Hey, don't move that one, it's my weapon!"

Xu Lan let go of his hand and stepped forward to pick up a rifle wrapped in canvas.After the canvas was disassembled, a colorfully painted 88-type rifle was displayed in the eyes of everyone.A heart was drawn with a red pen on the wooden handle of the gun stock, and on both sides of the heart were written: "Zhao Chuan" and "Xu Lan"

Why do you suddenly feel a headache?This guy is definitely a soy saucer, absolutely!
"Brother Legend, there are still many people in Yibin who want to come here, but they don't listen to me saying that there is not enough fuel. In the end, the chief over there asked me to come back and ask you for instructions."

Zheng Chao also got down from the cab, and Zhao Chuan stood up to attention on the small runway.During this trip to Yibin, he has seen what military control is.When a subordinate sees a superior, standing at attention and saluting must be performed.

Zhao Chuan could also feel something different about him, but according to what he said, Lin Wu didn't come this time.After thinking about it, it became clear that there was no strong person controlling the field, so it was inevitable that some people would think wildly.

"Anyone want to come over?"

Before Zheng Chao could answer, 5 people who came randomly rushed to answer.

Xue Li was the loudest, no one could beat him. "Second Regiment... By the way, I am the leader of the Second Regiment now. Everyone wants to come and fight with Brother Legend. However, Chief Lin said that the planes have limited capacity, so we can only let the evolutionists above level 3 come here first, and then the Look at the evolutionary who has a position and goes to level 2."

Xie Yu added: "Actually, there are still a lot of weapons and ammunition that have not been turned around. If the fuel is really insufficient, maybe not all the level 3 evolutionaries can come. However, Chief Lin is already organizing manpower and will take down Caiba Airport as soon as possible. There is enough fuel to fly the plane."

Qian Shuai continued to add: "Brother Legend has been away for so long, now besides the two of us, the three of us are also level 4 evolutionaries, there are more than 20 level 4 evolutionaries waiting in Yibin, they will definitely come over next time .I am now cooperating with Xu Lan..."

"Let me tell you this!" Xu Lan carried a rifle that was only a little shorter than her, and said triumphantly, "I now have dynamic vision! After he strengthens the weapon to the strongest, I can kill D5 with one shot, which is amazing." Go!" With his nostrils upturned, he seemed to be saying, praise me, say I'm amazing!

"Sister Lan, don't talk nonsense." Chen Qiuyue shook her head and said, "Being able to kill D5 is just a theoretical deduction, and there is no real test."

"Anyway, sooner or later, they can be beaten to death."

Zhao Chuan only felt that there were black lines all over his head. This girl is definitely a soy saucer!

"Brother, the corpse group has moved again!"

"Yan Chunhua, you stay here and wait for the next flight. The rest follow me!"

Rushing back to the river, the corpses on the other side were still standing there without moving, as if they were still waiting for something.A row of tall D3s squeezed through the corpses and stood at the front of the team.

What is it thinking about sending high-level zombies so quickly?
Looking back at Zhao Chuan, the people who had just got the weapons were whispering to each other, touching the metal, feeling the cold feeling.

Could it be that it has encountered survivors with guns before, so let D3 stand in front to block the bullets.Not so smart...

"D3! Look how powerful I am!" Xu Lan pulled the breech bolt, without aiming, and raised her hand to shoot.

The bullet flew out of the muzzle along the rifling, bringing out a burst of flame.After the gunshot, D3's head exploded, and a headless corpse stood on the opposite bank, shook twice and then fell into the river with a bang.

"What kind of gun is this!"

Zhao Chuan snatched the rifle over and examined it carefully. Aside from the colorful patterns on it, the rest of the appearance was no different from the Type 88 rifle.But the Type 88 rifle has absolutely no such power, not to mention the D3, even the D2's skin can't shoot through it!

Qian Shuai explained: "This is remodeled according to the modified drawings of Type 88 after I strengthened it. The power can't penetrate D3. The shot just now had this effect because it shot through D3's eyes. But it can't deal with D2. That's enough, the machine gun I brought this time can also deal with D1."

It's hard to imagine what kind of effect it will achieve when the heavy machine gun arrives.

(End of this chapter)

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