Doomsday Devouring All Things

Chapter 41 602 Tigers Fight

Chapter 41 60
The control model on the outer wall of the tall building is still there, and the piercing zombies downstairs are not dead yet.They are also very close to the armed forces, if you rush in rashly, you may be attacked by them.

Now we can only wait.That bone spur is definitely a level 4 zombie, and it is very difficult for the control type to kill it.It depends on when the controlling type gives up and runs away.If the bone spur hated it deeply enough, it would also chase it away.

At that time, Weiyuan was an empty city to Zhao Chuan, and the ordinary zombies left behind couldn't stop the footsteps of the combatants.

But at this moment, the bone spur in the crowd of corpses felt very angry, and a large number of zombies crowded around him, making it impossible for him to even move his body.

The evolved zombies next to it were controlled by the controlling zombies, and they opened their mouths to bite the bone spur zombies.The torn flesh and blood carried a strong virus, which strengthened these evolved zombies little by little.Let them start to change, some are biased towards D type, some are biased towards M type.

The control-type zombies clinged to the outer wall and screamed strangely. The group of corpses downstairs did not dare to bite, and waved their claws to attack the bone spurs.

Sharp nails can also cut through the skin and muscles of bony spurs, but they can't fight its bones.Nails cut on bone as if on steel.

It is not a confrontation of magnitude, and the result is that the nails are broken.But the order of the controlling zombies is unquestionable, and they continue to attack, attacking with bloody claws.

The bone spur zombie roared angrily, and the bones on its body began to change. The sudden growth of bones made it look like a gray-white hedgehog.

These bones penetrated all the zombies within two meters of its body, and hung on the bone spur zombie's body full of holes.Then these growing bones reveal dark round holes.

The next moment, countless bone spurs the size of little fingers spurted out.The bone spur zombie turned into a mobile fort covered with muzzles, killing all the surrounding zombies.

The bone spurs it ejected were undeniable in terms of speed and sharpness. The three D3s that fell from the sky were also driven into their bodies by these bone spurs.

Although it still can't penetrate their bodies, it is enough to cause fatal damage to them.

As the bone spurs continued to spray, the speed of the spray slowed down, and it urgently needed to replenish its energy.It's like a firearm needs to replenish its magazines, except that its magazines are the same kind that died beside it.

It reached out to take down an evolved zombie hanging on the white bone, bit off its entire head in one bite, moved its ugly face with high cheekbones, and sucked all the brains into its mouth with a snort.

After taking a mouthful of brains, the firepower of the jet returned to its previous strength.A white bone appeared from its back, and the black hole was aimed right at the controlling zombie on the outer wall.

The controlling zombie was terrified, and the remaining 7 tentacles danced wildly, driving its body to dodge the black hole from left to right.But the bone spur zombie is like wearing an infrared sight. No matter where it hides, the black hole is always aimed at it.

Bone bullets finally started spraying from the back, shooting into a gray-white line towards the high-altitude control zombies.

At this time, all the windows on this side of the floor were shattered, and more or less ordinary zombies jumped out of the windows on every floor. They were the last life-saving talisman of the control-type zombies.

When the first bone bullet pierced through the head of an ordinary zombie, countless bullets behind it smashed it into a sieve.The bullet penetrates a zombie with undiminished power, and it will stop after penetrating 7 or 8 zombies in a row.

Then, these pierced zombies came from the sky, pressing the bone spur zombies under them.As more zombies fell, the undead zombies around also rushed over.

The pressure on the bone spur zombie is getting bigger and bigger. It can indeed kill the zombies that are on it, but it can't push them away.

These dead bodies, like Wuzhi Mountain, pressed it, the Monkey King, under it and couldn't move.

The controlling zombie had already climbed back to the top of the building. It felt that the zombie that wanted to kill it was pinned down and couldn't move, and it giggled strangely. 7 tentacles waving overhead, as if in celebration.Only the fleshy stump left behind after the cut off seemed unharmonious.

Through the binoculars, Zhao Chuan could clearly see the movements of the controlling zombie.Some strange thought in my heart: "The bone spur lost?It shouldn't be!Even if there is D4, the battle will not end so quickly.But the controlled action is clearly celebrating victory.How on earth did it win? '

Just as he was wondering, he saw the control zombie standing on the edge of the roof again and glanced down.It is very humane to use a tentacles to buckle the head.It seems that something is difficult.

It is indeed a difficult task. The bone spur zombies pressed down at the bottom cannot move their hands and feet, but they can control the growth and ejection of bones.Open your mouth to bite the flesh of other zombies.

It swallowed it with a big mouthful, converting all the ability it ate into growing bones.One bite at a time, swallowing non-stop, the bones growing from the back began to thicken and flatten, and the sharp outer edges could easily separate the zombies pressing on the body.

Until this growing bone completely separated the bone spur zombie from other zombies, fixed pillars began to grow from above, and continued to grow after these pillars touched the ground.Just a little space to push is enough.

The newly grown bones acted like a jack, pushing away the zombie that was pressing on him a little bit.The bone spur zombie cut off the only bone connected to the back with a backhand.Climbed out with hands and feet.

It was crazy. It was crushed by so many zombies just now, and it felt like its bones couldn't bear the weight.Especially the pain of cutting off his bones with the knife at the end, it was a severe pain that he had never felt before.The culprit of all this is the guy who is showing off his might on the roof!

kill it!kill it!

This was the only thought in the bone spur zombie's mind at this time.It inserted the bones into the wall and climbed up step by step, staring at the control zombies on the roof.

The controlling zombies also panicked. Today is like riding a roller coaster, the ups and downs are too fast.It panickedly controlled the zombies downstairs, wanting them to stop the bone spur.

But these zombies can climb walls!Only M-type zombies can get bone spurs when they jump up.But the bone spur's goal at this time was too determined, and he didn't care how many wounds those M-shaped zombies had caused him, and he still moved forward step by step.

The control-type zombies would not just sit and wait for death. Seeing that they couldn't stop the bone spurs, they immediately retreated to the roof of the building, climbing and fleeing down from the other side.At the same time, he controlled other zombies to come up through the corridor, hoping that they could delay on the roof for a while, so that it would have enough time to escape.

"Interesting, turn of events!"

Zhao Chuan also saw the controlled escape through the binoculars, and within a short while there were bone spurs climbing up the outer wall.

"Come on, keep on chasing, I can go in and get the weapon after I get far away."

The speed of M-shaped zombies is much faster than that of bone spurs, even if they took the corridor and chose a longer path.By the time the spur climbed to the roof, there were already more than 20 M2s waiting for it.

But these M2's damage to it is not as strong as D1, and the nails can only cut the flesh when scratching it, and have no effect on the bones.On the contrary, the hard bones of the spurs will blunt the nails and even snap off.

The hedgehog-like spurs ignored these fly-like M2s, followed the sticky liquid left by the control-type zombies, and ran to the other side of the roof, watching the distant control-type zombies roar.

Then he turned over and jumped down, thrust his arms into the wall, and quickly climbed down.

When M2 on the top of the building also jumped to the other side and disappeared, Zhao Chuan waited for more than ten minutes.Then he took the convoy and carefully drove into Weiyuan County.

The street was so empty that there was not a single zombie to be seen, and the convoy quickly drove along the road towards the Armed Forces.

In the houses on both sides of the road, there are still zombies locked in them. They see the moving convoy through the windows, but they can't do anything about it.

When we arrived, we could already see the two mighty stone lions in front of the armed forces. After the first heavy truck drove in, the combatants jumped out of the truck and scattered around with their weapons and shields.On the one hand, check whether there are any remaining zombies, and on the other hand, warn if any zombies are approaching.

Zhao Chuan got out of the car with the machete, thought for a while and put the shield back.It's useless to use it now, the high-level zombies must be taken away by the control zombies.After touching the dagger and butterfly knife pinned to his waist, he climbed to the top of the building and also acted as a vigilant soldier.

"Transportation team, hurry up and move things!"

In fact, there was no need for Zhao Chuan's reminder, everyone knew that they were now in the middle of a county with [-] zombies.If you don't hurry up and be surrounded by these zombies, no one can escape except Zhao Chuan.

The buildings of the Armed Forces Department are not high, and the tallest one has only the 4th floor.Standing on it, Zhao Chuan could see the environment to the west of Weiyuan County, which was not like the east, where there were many zombies in clusters in the east and west.

After Qian Shuai also came up, Zhao Chuan went back down.He also wanted to see how many firearms he could get here this time, and how big a team he could equip.

Every door was opened, and the iron doors of the warehouse were pushed up.There are quite a few army green jeeps inside, but what about the weapons?None of the members of the transportation team found them, and they were blinded. Everyone was wandering around in the armed forces department like headless chickens.

Two members of the transportation team came down from the building carrying a safe, and brought it to Zhao Chuan like a treasure and said, "Brother Legend, I found a safe."

What is in the safe now?Banknotes, jewelry, gold, at most two pistols and a few boxes of ammunition.It's useless!

"Where's the gun? Didn't find any?"

One of the transportation team members said: "Upstairs, there is a room with a lot of guns, and other team members are collecting containers."

Hearing this, Zhao Chuan finally smiled, and the purpose of this trip was finally achieved.Now that he had found the gun, he was also in the mood to study the safe and see what was in it.

"Little Four, come here!"

Xu Lan stood beside Zhao Chuan, just like what Zhao Chuan had said earlier in the morning.She was really obedient when she went out this time, although she is not part of the combat team or the transport team now, and the chiefs of these two teams can't order her.But she has been by Zhao Chuan's side all the time, as long as it is Zhao Chuan's order, she will fully implement it.

Now that Zhao Chuan was researching the safe, he naturally had to call the person in the team who knew how to open the lock to help.

(End of this chapter)

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