My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 125 Ambition

Chapter 125 Ambition
The two battleships and the cruise ship were still on board, Ling Qi looked at the external scene and considered whether to destroy them first.

At this time, the two captains recovered a little, with fear in their eyes.The feeling of being shocked by the electric shock is obviously very uncomfortable.Ling Qi sneered and said, "The electric energy massage tastes good, right? Now, tell us your real purpose."

"You dare to take action against us, have you considered the consequences? You are challenging the majesty of the Grand Duke's Mansion." The bearded face was stubborn, and he wanted to threaten Ling Qi.

Without saying a word, Ling Qi threw an electric arc at the other person.


The man rolled his eyes and twitched all over.

"You'd better stop talking nonsense and tell me your real purpose. Who ordered you to come? Otherwise, your companion will have to continue to suffer!" Ling Qi said to the bearded face holding a rose ball in his hand.

The captain with a bearded face was taken aback, and even threatened himself with his companions. He said disdainfully, "Even if you electrocute us, it's useless. Just wait to bear the wrath of the Grand Duke's Mansion!"


Ling Qi shook his hand and threw out the arc, and the other captain, who had just regained consciousness, wanted to die again.

"Don't tell me, let's see how many electric shocks your companion can withstand." Ling Qi stared at him coldly, seeing that he was just sneering, he held the electric arc as a gesture, and waited for his companion to recover before shocking him.

Now that the other captain quit, why did he call me instead of answering the question?Why should I suffer but you are a tough guy!Seeing that Ling Qi was about to throw an electric arc again, he reluctantly said, "I... say, you... shock him!"

Depend on!The bearded face was dumbfounded.

"Okay!" Ling Qi waved his hands and threw the electric arc on Bearded Face.Seeing him rolling his eyes and twitching, his companion was inexplicably pleased.What the hell makes you a hero!
Seeing Ling Qi staring at him coldly, the captain quickly said: "It's the Grand Duke's third son who wants your cruise ship, and asked us to do it!"

"Very good, what else?" Ling Qi seemed to inadvertently throw another electric arc at Bearded Face.Bearded face scolded in his heart, what the hell, he didn't say he was going to be shocked, but what the hell was he getting shocked!

hehe!The companion was secretly refreshed, call it, anyway, the boat of friendship has capsized.As for the consequences of confessing to the Third Young Master, he can't control that much anymore. Let's avoid the crime in front of him first. The tingling sensation from the body to the soul is really too painful.

"The third son said that if you refuse to hand over the authority, you will kill the person and drag the cruise ship back."

Ling Qi's face was gloomy: "Clarify the situation of the third son."

"The third son is called Zhuo Jun. He is not the first heir to the Grand Duke's title, but he is the most powerful person among the grand duke's heirs. He privately recruited many noble generals in the Duke's military fleet, and united many nobles during this period to establish Its private armed fleet has gathered quite a huge force under it."

"Does he want to usurp the throne?"

"No, the plan he told us is to take advantage of the splitting of the habitable stars of the Principality of Diwu during this period, and send troops to attack one of the habitable stars, causing a fait accompli war and forcing the Principality to fully support it. Then, occupy Diwu one by one The livable stars and resource stars of the Principality will unify the entire Xieba galaxy and realize the promotion of the Principality of Xiting to the kingdom. If the plan is successful, he can be crowned king with great credit, and then distribute a lot of benefits to the nobles who support him."

Ling Qi was astonished, this third young master had great ambitions.As a result, the entire Xieba galaxy is really in flames of war, and Xiting's previous efforts to avoid being dragged into the water have all been in vain.

That idiot!

Ling Qi stared at the captain, and asked forcefully, "When will your plan start?"

"...It has been activated!"

Ling Qi gritted his teeth, there was no other way.He confiscated the communication equipment of the two, proposed the bridge to enter one of the warships, and approached them to hand over the captain's authority.There were still a large number of soldiers on the battleship, watching helplessly as their captain was held in their hands like two puppets, helpless to fight back.

"Go to the cruise ship honestly, and let you have a free medical examination." Ling Qi said to them.

The soldiers looked at each other, gave up resistance and stood aside.After Ling Qi accepted the authority of the captain, he drove them to the cruise ship and locked them together in several rooms.The two warships changed hands one after another. Ling Qi sorted out the video records of the interrogation process and sent them to the first admiral.

The First General of the Capital Star Army Department is holding a meeting, and a group of generals on the holographic projection have very unfriendly faces.

Behind the first general, there are two generals ranked second and third, as well as many generals who do not participate in the ranking.The top generals of the three ranks have control and leadership over other generals.

At this time, the second admiral said, "These fleet transfers have been approved by me. They are just routine patrols and rotations. There is no need to bother you!"

"I also know that according to the division of powers of the Principality's military department, large-scale military transfers can be carried out without the approval of the first general as long as they are jointly approved by the second and third generals during special periods. Now there are more than 500 interstellar pirates It should be considered a special period when warships are flying across the starry sky!" The third admiral also interjected.

The generals below were silent, but the expressions on their faces clearly showed their position.Most people from the aristocratic class agreed with the behavior of the second and third generals, and only a few generals from the civilian class looked unhappy, thinking that the second and third generals deliberately emptied the first general.

The first general looked at them quietly. These people were becoming more and more unscrupulous in fighting for power, and the trend of alliance was becoming more and more obvious. It seemed that they had to use some thunderous means to deter them.

At this moment, his personal communicator notified that he had received video data.The first admiral opened it and looked, his face gradually gloomy.Although the other generals couldn't see the video, they could hear Ling Qi's interrogation, and all of them had wonderful faces.

This face slap was too timely. Just now it was just a routine patrol and rotation, but the real inside story was immediately exposed.The second and third admirals looked ugly, and put the blame on the big cruise ship and Ling Qi.

"If the principality is dragged into the quagmire of war because of this, I will personally send you to a military court." The first general looked at the second and third generals coldly.The two remained silent, as if they didn't take his words to heart.

The first admiral looked down at the generals below again: "Don't underestimate that old fox Lei Yue, it's still too late to bring your fleet back. Once an attack is launched and it is classified as an invasion of the Principality, it will be too late. I need Report the situation to the Grand Duke immediately."

After speaking, the First Admiral will end the meeting.

But the second general said: "I think the third son's plan is very good, why don't you support it together? If it succeeds, we can all become the founding heroes of the kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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