My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 137 Response Part 1

Chapter 137
The cruise ship drifted quietly in the universe relying on inertia, without deliberately searching.The range of the waterway in the universe is too wide, and it is easy to miss it if it is slightly offset by a small angle.

In the vast space, even if there are coordinates to guide them, they still have to search a lot to meet each other, not to mention that they can't establish contact with the target now, and they don't know where the other party is at all, so they can only rely on luck.

Ao Ying and Xiaorou kept watch on the radar for a long time, and now Ling Qi watched by herself, and they went back to their room to rest.

"Maybe it has shifted away and missed us." Ao Ying said casually as she left the bridge.

"They shouldn't be that fast. If they really miss it, it can only be considered that they are unlucky!" Ling Qi expressed helplessness.

Facts have proved that the grand duke's children were lucky. Half a day later, the Tomahawk's radar spotted two small aircraft passing by the edge of the monitoring range.If you offset it by a few thousand kilometers, you will really miss it.

The opponent's radar detection range was far inferior to that of the Tomahawk, and they did not find the large cruise ship, so they continued their journey.Ling Qi commanded the car to turn around and chase after it, intercepting it in front of the aircraft.

The two small aircraft flew hand in hand, and the distance between them was only a few hundred meters.In the vast universe, they can only get as close as possible to take care of them.

The aircraft is a very small disc lander, which can only carry three to five people. It is difficult for Ling Qi to imagine how such a small aircraft can travel through the vast space.Their speed is very slow, and it will take a month to fly from here to the nearest habitable star.However, it is impossible for this small flying saucer to carry so much supplies.

The clouds in the flying saucer were gloomy.Zhuo Kun and Zhuo Yun are not alone, they both have a family, otherwise there is no need to divide two flying saucers.

"Mom, I'm hungry!" A five-year-old girl curled up in Zhuo Yun's arms.This was her twin daughters, and the son also had a look of hunger in his eyes, but he was sensible and did not argue.

Zhuo Yun took some dry food and water from the side to feed them. The supplies they carried were too little, and Zhuo Jun had no intention of letting them leave alive.Now they can only save and barely get by.

The eldest lady of the Grand Duke's Mansion was persecuted to such an extent by her own brother, Zhuo Yun is now heartbroken, and has no confidence to persist to the Habitable Star.

In another small flying saucer, Zhuo Kun and his wife and son were also helpless.He was glad that he cooperated honestly and boarded the escorting warship, so he could still stay with his wife and children.The idiot brother-in-law relied on his family's strength and tried to resist before his sister was exiled. He was ordered to be executed by Zhuo Jun, leaving the twin daughters and sister still unable to escape the fate of being exiled.

Zhuo Kun looked at another flying saucer through the exterior projection, and sighed inwardly.Knowing that Zhuo Jun has ambitions, but he didn't expect him to do such a great job, Zhuo Kun now even suspects that even his father's death is related to Zhuo Jun.But what's the use of this, even the first general can't keep their brother and sister, the future is uncertain, can the two really persevere?

"Father, there is a boat!" The 11-year-old son pleasantly reminded Zhuo Kun who was in deep thought.

"Where?" Zhuo Kun's first reaction was not surprise, but vigilance.Encountering other spaceships in the universe is not necessarily good luck, it is very likely to be a disaster, especially at this very moment.

"Big cruise ship, great, I know it, it belongs to General Chu!" Zhuo Kun's wife exclaimed, weeping with joy.

Zhuo Kun rubbed his eyes, is there really no way out?The huge cruise ship lay across the starry sky in front of them, the distance was less than a thousand kilometers, and it was clearly imaged on the projection by the high-definition photoelectric camera.

On another flying saucer, Zhuo Yun also spotted the cruise ship in front of her, her eyes froze, and tears flowed uncontrollably.She took her two children to take pictures on the cruise ship more than ten days ago. Seeing the cruise ship now, she felt more kind and wronged than seeing her relatives.

Ling Qi sent a radio contact to the two small flying saucers, and after confirming their identities, he said: "You landed on the first floor of the front deck, parked on the scooters, and I will pick you up inside the cruise ship."

"Thank you, thank you very much..." Zhuo Kun and Zhuo Yun thanked each other repeatedly.

When they saw Ling Qi, they knew they were saved. When Ling Qi entertained an old civilian couple on the top deck of a cruise ship, the video was made public, and they were deeply impressed by Ling Qi.Their personalities are already excellent, but now that they are in trouble, they dare not put on any airs.

Ling Qi opened the door of the large warehouse and directed two smart scooters to slide to the first deck.Two small flying saucers landed one after another, were transported into the warehouse by scooters, and stopped next to an elevator.

Zhuo Kun and Zhuo Yun opened the hatch of the flying saucer, with joy on their faces, they hugged their families before getting off the flying saucer.The elevator opened automatically, and they took a few personal belongings from the flying saucer and walked into the elevator together.

"Welcome to the Tomahawk, your room is on the seventh floor. We will not leave the Evil Star System for the time being, and you need to live on board for a while. There are food reserves in the large dining room and workshop on the sixth floor, and you can help yourself You can also use the entertainment facilities in the public area. If you have anything to do, you can talk to me through the calling device in the room or in the corridor. I wish you a pleasant journey!"

Ling Qi's somewhat business-like voice came from the elevator's broadcast, and then the elevator door reopened, and they had reached the seventh floor.

"Thank you very much for your rescue. We will always remember this kindness!" Zhuo Yun bowed slightly, not taking Ling Qi's rescue as a matter of course because Ling Qi was only a sergeant under the first general.

"You're welcome, I think you need to take a good rest first, so I won't bother you. We'll talk about everything after you have a good rest."

Zhuo Kun, his wife and Zhuo Yun took their children into the corridor and were immediately attracted by the magnificent environment.Right next to the elevator, the doors of two luxury suites were open, and they could see the spacious and comfortable space and various indoor high-end facilities inside, which looked even more luxurious than their own homes.

Zhuo Yun took her children into one room, and Zhuo Kun three people entered the other room, all of which were luxurious business layouts with two bedrooms and one living room.

"Wow, I finally don't have to sleep on a chair!" The two children cheered and ran to roll on the big bed.Zhuo Yun's heart felt sour. Although it had only been two days, the feeling of going from hell to heaven was still so unreal.

There was a cooking machine in the room, and she told the two children to stay in the room quietly, so she planned to get some food and cook it so that they could have a good meal.In the past two days, she has been terrified and desperate, and she also hopes to take a break as soon as possible to get out of the shadows. The two children still need her care and upbringing.

"Father, there is actually a virtual reality helmet here!"

In another suite, Zhuo Kun's son took out the helmet from the special cabinet in surprise.However, Zhuo Kun noticed that his personal communicator had obtained the permission to access the star network, and Ling Qi opened the service of quantum communication access to them.

Zhuo Kun ordered his wife to go out to find Zhuo Yun, first go to the sixth floor to get some ingredients and come back to cook, and then immediately contact the first general.He could guess that it was impossible for Ling Qi to appear here for no reason, it must be the arrangement of the first general.

A moment later, the First Admiral appeared on the communication projection with a sad face.Seeing the environment behind Zhuo Kun, he knew that they were already on the big cruise ship, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I am relieved to see that you are all right! Where is Xiaoyun, are you together?"

"We are all on the cruise ship, thank you Uncle Chu for your help!" Zhuo Kun said respectfully.

The first admiral nodded: "You guys stay on the cruise ship first, and don't think about where to go. At present, the war between the two countries has broken out, how long it will last, and the outcome, no one can say for sure. That boy Ling Qi is restless, Sooner or later, I will leave the Xieba galaxy. I have already told him, and I will find a place for you to settle down. Even with Lei Yue's troops, maybe even Xiting will not exist in a few days, and you don't need it. Then go away from home."

(Chapter 2 is being written and will be posted in the evening.)
(End of this chapter)

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