My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 139 Engineer Li Qing

Chapter 139 Engineer Li Qing

There are a few more children on the cruise ship, adding a lot of vitality to the empty environment.Xiaorou was pestered by three little kids, she turned into a king of kids, and took them crazy to play everywhere.Ling Qi felt happy when he heard them making childish voices from time to time.

With the relationship of Changge Rose, the relationship between him and Zhuo Yun and others is one step closer, and there are many less strange things.To Ling Qi and Ao Ying's great satisfaction, Zhuo Yun and Zhuo Kun's wives are both good cooks, so they no longer cook separately as a matter of course.

"Make more, Ao Ying and I both have big appetites!" Ling Qi and Ao Ying joined forces and prepared food for dozens of people.Amidst the chirping laughter of the twins, they happily gathered for the first meal...

Endless star light spots are scattered in the universe. Depending on the distance, some are very large and bright, and some are so faint that they are almost invisible.Nearby, the cruise ship passed by quietly at a terrifying speed, tens of thousands of kilometers in a flash, and quickly headed towards Lugu Star.

Changge Meigui didn't follow Ling Qi's advice and insisted on coming to "take care of her".Ling Qi was not so narcissistic that she thought she was here for her. Zhuo Yun lost her husband. She obviously wanted to accompany her good sister through this period.

At the speed of Changge Rose, it will take several days to arrive here. Ling Qi didn't wait, and was going to Luguxing to collect the last batch of used propellers according to his plan.

"Crash!" Ling Qi accelerated again, reaching 18 kilometers per second.This speed is very dangerous, but very cool.

"One more time, in theory, it will exceed the speed of light, and then escape into the subspace after producing a light burst. With the current physical strength of the Tomahawk, it should be able to withstand the time-space distortion caused by breaking through the space barrier. Do you want to try?"

Just try it!Ling Qiyi gritted his teeth.He believes that if there is danger, the captain's system will prompt him to stop the action.

After cooling down for 1 minute, he issued another command: "Clash!"

The cruise ship trembled and drifted at an even more terrifying speed.However, the speed display is only infinitely close to the speed of light, and has not been increased to three times just now.

"Can't break through the speed of light?" Ling Qi was a little disappointed.

The speed is infinitely close to the speed of light, causing violent space friction, the hull trembles, and the exterior scene is blurred. The shipboard intelligence issued continuous warnings, indicating that it was very dangerous.

Ling Qi began to slow down gradually.

At this time, he didn't even dare to use the kinetic energy jump. He was afraid that one jump would cause the car to disintegrate, so he could only turn the bow of the ship, rely on the reverse output of the propeller, and slowly get the speed out of the sub-light speed state before starting the kinetic energy jump.

"I finally know where the limit is. If you can't enter the superluminal speed, you will lose a big card!" Ling Qi sighed.

He has always been looking forward to the effect of this skill. If the super-light speed can be achieved, the effect will be the same as that of the space curvature drive, so he doesn't need to deliberately pursue that set of technical equipment.Take a risk today, only to know that it is taken for granted.

More than three hours later, the Tomahawk approached the fleet base outside Lugu.In low Earth orbit outside the satellite, the cruise ship was intercepted again.

"In an extraordinary period, no foreign spacecraft can land on the military base!" A cold voice dialogue came from the radio.

"I've contacted your general, and I'm here to recycle the old spaceship parts."

"Please contact the general to confirm and obtain permission."

Ling Qi frowned and sent a contact request to the general of this base.Soon, the other party appeared on the projection screen with a dignified expression, and explained to Ling Qi: "Your recovery work needs to be postponed for two days, Xiting's fleet may regard this as an attack target, and we have a batch of important supplies arriving, we need to Deal with it first and transform it into combat power."

"My recycling work only takes half a day!" Ling Qi emphasized.

"It may not work for half a day. We have been attacked by Xi Ting and the new arc star warlords, and many parts have been damaged. The important thing is that we need to prepare for defense and restore combat effectiveness. We don't have time to cooperate with your work."

Ling Qi remembered that the trigger for the war between the two countries was that Zhuo Jun's fleet joined forces with the New Arc Star Fleet to raid Lugu Star. The two sides fought a deadly battle and suffered heavy losses.Now that half of the fleet gathered by the Principality of Xiting outside the new arc star has disappeared, it is very likely that the strength here has not recovered and they will carry out retaliatory attacks. The opponent's state of facing a big enemy is also understandable.

The Tomahawk stayed far away in low-Earth orbit above the base, and waited two days before landing.Through the photoelectric camera, Ling Qi saw that the base had been busy before he arrived. Various functional spaceships were flying around, and the giant mechanical arm was in full operation. He didn't know what was going on.

Half an hour later, Ling Qi knew the truth.A combined fleet came from outer space, including sixty fifth-tier battleships, towing twenty space fortresses, and escorting twenty huge cargo spaceships in between.

As soon as they entered the base, the [-] warships and [-] space fortresses in the battleship stopped for less than an hour, and then lifted off again to join the garrison troops outside Lugu Planet.

The hulls of the other ten warships bear Ling Qi’s familiar logo, and they belong to the spaceship manufacturer of the large galaxy opposite the star gate. Hang this sign.

I heard that this spaceship manufacturer is an industrial entity under a certain superpower, with markets and docks all over the major star fields, and the supply chain of neighboring galaxies is just a branch of it.

"It turns out that a batch of battleships and space battleships newly purchased by Di Wu have arrived!" Ling Qi was stunned.

At the base, more semi-finished structures of Battlestar were shipped out. Ling Qi saw a large number of parts being hoisted out from twenty cargo spaceships, including propellers and radars, and what was even more eye-catching was the tens of meters long track. Tube laser cannons, and immediately began to assemble these space fortresses.

No wonder the base didn't have time to pay attention to him. He had been busy assembling the space fortress. Now that the key components purchased have arrived, they are speeding up the final equipment.

During this day, Ling Qi witnessed the final assembly of [-] space fortresses, which were lifted off to join the defense system.The next day, there were [-] seats again, and the speed was astonishing.At this point, the base seemed less busy. Ten escort warships and twenty cargo spaceships lifted off, ready to leave.

Ling Qi contacted the base again and applied for landing.He was not blocked this time and passed smoothly.

As the cruise ship landed slowly and passed by the escort fleet, the radio system suddenly received a conversation request from one of the battleships.Ling Qi was surprised to connect to the signal, and saw a well-dressed bald middle-aged man on the opposite side.

The balding middle-aged man saw that Ling Qi was just a teenager, and he obviously hesitated for a moment before he said, "I'm Li Qing, an engineer from Los Group, can I visit your cruise ship?"

"Yes, but we have something to do for the time being. If you are willing to wait for a day, welcome to come and be our guest!" Ling Qi said bluntly.He does not exclude people of this status from boarding the ship to visit. It would be a good thing if he can make some friends in such a powerful force as the Los Group, and he might be able to get some help in terms of equipment in the future.

Li Qing hesitated for a moment, then said decisively: "Thank you, I will wait outside and contact you in a day."

The escort fleet left a certain distance, and it really floated in the low-earth orbit of the satellite and waited.

Under the guidance of the base, Ling Qi parked the cruise ship in one of the maintenance areas, and then, accompanied by a tired officer, began to pick out the used propellers.There are indeed a lot of waste parts in this base. Ling Qi made a rough calculation at the end, and the amount that can be recycled is about twice that of Bieyuan Star, and the expected income is around [-] star coins.

The whole process is similar to other bases, including selection, verification, statistics, review, payment, and transportation.A day later, all the parts were moved, and the large warehouse on the first floor was completely filled, and even a large part of the shipboard space was occupied.

"When the new parts arrive, I will contact your general!" Facing the question raised by the quartermaster when the new parts will be available, Ling Qi wrote a bad check and drove the cruise ship into the sky.

The low-earth orbit of the satellite is very close to the ground, through the space glass in front, Li Qing's fleet can be seen with the naked eye.As the Tomahawk approached, Li Qing took the initiative to contact her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Ling Qi smiled at him.

"It's okay, and I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit the ship." Li Qing admired it.

As an engineer of the Los Group, he has a high social status, even if the general of the kingdom talks to him, he has to keep his attitude.This kid is obviously young, but he behaves maturely, which in turn makes him involuntarily show an equal attitude.

Ling Qi drove the cruise ship slowly approaching Li Qing's car, activated the energy shield, and extended the range of action of the gravity and air pressure system to the deck.Li Qing's warship protruded out of the gangway to be connected to the deck of the cruise ship, and then he walked out of the gangway with two assistants.

There is an elevator at the connection between the side wing of the Tomahawk and the hull, which can directly communicate with the first floor of the ship's side and the spaces on all levels. Ling Qi descends from the elevator on the left front wing and walks along the side of the ship to face the front deck.

Li Qing and his assistants are carefully watching some details of the cruise ship on the front deck.The connection reflects the level of craftsmanship. He was shocked. There was no trace of connection processing on the cruise ship, as if the overall structure was formed in one piece.

"It's unbelievable. From my point of view, I just thought it was a bit extraordinary, so I wanted to visit it. I didn't expect to find such a superb craftsmanship. Even the most advanced ion welding technology can't achieve this seamless effect. , how was it made?"

Li Qing took a miniature ultrasonic flaw detection pen from the assistant's hand, and swiped across all the connecting parts of the main body in front of him. The test results were displayed on the projection of the personal communicator, all of which were absolutely seamlessly integrated.

This discovery is surprising, because the seamless structure means that the safety performance in the universe is greatly improved.

"Li Gong, what are you studying?" Ling Qi came from the side and asked in surprise when he saw his movements.

"Hehe, professional habits, I couldn't help but test it, I'm sorry!" Li Qing said awkwardly, hesitating whether to ask this question.

This involves the secrets of advanced technology. The superpowers strictly control the advanced technology in the opponent's hands, and adopt a monopoly of force. If technology infringement is discovered, they will not fight lawsuits with the infringer at all, but will directly send an invincible fleet to destroy the opponent.Many wars are actually caused by these conflicts of interests.

Recently, the local news has been full of wars. The heat caused by the big cruise ship has long since sunk to the edge of the universe. Li Qing doesn't know the background of the cruise ship and Ling Qi's identity. He feels that rashly asking about it will easily cause trouble.

It's a pity that he didn't know that what Ling Qi was doing had actually had a substantial impact on the thruster market of the Los Group, otherwise he would definitely change his mind.Diwu's military is the beneficiary, and they also have a confidentiality agreement with Ling Qi, at least they will not disclose Ling Qi's affairs to them before they turn their backs.

Strictly speaking, Ling Qi is not considered a technical infringement, but only earns a high maintenance fee, but this approach is obviously not liked by the Ross Group.At this time, Ling Qi didn't take them into the cruise ship from the big warehouse, just to avoid letting them see the waste parts in the warehouse, so as to save them from having to explain laboriously when asked.

"Gong Li's professionalism is admirable, this way please!" Ling Qi guided them from the side of the ship to the upgrade ladder on the side.

The passageway on the side of the ship is five meters wide. While continuing to visit the side structure of the ship, Li Qing asked, "What is the name of the little brother? What is his position on the cruise ship?"

"Li Gong can just call me Ling Qi, I'm the captain of the cruise ship!" Ling Qi's shocking words made Li Qing and his two assistants stagger.Such a huge cruise ship, let such a little guy be the captain?
They silently followed Ling Qi into the elevator and went straight to the fifth floor.Even with their eyes, they were shocked by the level of decoration inside.Afterwards, Li Qing suddenly realized the problem, and asked in surprise, "You are the only one on the whole cruise ship? Is your cruise ship not open for business?"

"It is not open to the public for the time being, and it is now my car. But I am not the only one on board, there are several companions, and they are resting at this time."

The three of them didn't know what to say. This kid was not only really the captain, but also the owner of the cruise ship.

Ling Qi led them to visit the fifth floor, and then climbed to the sixth floor through the steps.After hearing from Ling Qi that the structure and layout of each of the three floors were the same, he stopped visiting other floors.When they entered the spacious reception room, Li Qing still couldn't help asking curiously:

"Your cruise ship manufacturing technology is very superb, which shipbuilding company produced it?"

"I don't know either. The original main body of the ship was a damaged item that was picked up. I don't even know how it came about. Later, I modified and upgraded it myself!" Ling Qi gave a vague explanation, preventing the party from further questioning. .He now knows the "shocking" produced by the captain's system. Although it is not an exaggeration, if you don't pay attention to these details, it is still easy to cause some unnecessary troubles.

In fact, the original sampan was a damaged item picked up, and he didn't think he had deceived the other party.But Li Qing's understanding is different. He thinks that such a huge hull can only be "picked up" from one place.

"Picked up from space?"

Ling Qi nodded with a smile. He likes this kind of intellectuals who like to use their brains the most. When they encounter problems, they will automatically find the answers in their brains, instead of asking endless questions, saving a lot of effort in explaining.

Li Qing sighed in disappointment, the universe is boundless, it is normal for a spaceship wreckage to float around.In his understanding, the so-called modification and upgrade is nothing more than Huaxingbi entrusting the shipyard to decorate and decorate, as well as loading various system components.He only cares about how this integrated structure came about, but he doesn't care too much about modification and upgrades.Although the artistic level of decoration is very high, art and technology are two different things, and he is only interested in technology.

(Today two in one is more...)
(End of this chapter)

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