My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 182 Zhang Xiaoshan

Chapter 182 Zhang Xiaoshan

"According to the current situation, it is unlikely that Jingyue's items are on the cargo spaceship, just take a look!" Ling Qi sighed.

"Okay, why are you sighing. If the cultivation method is so easy to obtain, it will be abnormal!" Ao Ying gave him a white look.

That's true, Ling Qi laughed dryly.

The speedboat passed through a period of airtight low altitude filled with aircraft, and headed towards the other side away from the city center...

The leader of the Jingyue School is Zhang Daqing. According to him, there are only about [-] main members of the school, and they are all on the cargo spaceship.The few people seen at the station were just peripheral members, like employees, responsible for undertaking and negotiating freight business and some service work.

"Isn't this the difference between a regular worker and a temporary worker?" Ling Qi said at the time, making Zhang Daqing, who had always maintained his image, embarrassed and speechless.

Ling Qi is officially applying to join the Jingyue School and is a full member.He can choose to work on the cargo spaceship like other official members and distribute the income, or he can start his own business under the name of the school.

No listing fee!
After learning about the current situation of the Jingyue School just now, Ling Qi has already told Zhang Daqing that he intends to start his own business under the name of the school.This is welcomed by Zhang Daqing. He is now absorbing new members with the purpose of expanding the influence of the school. What if he absorbs a potential stock.

What are the benefits of hanging under the name of Jingyue School?
People who have done business usually have this kind of experience. They are not afraid of local ruffians, but they are afraid of servants making trouble.The Jingyue School has a seat in the Fengquan City Council. No matter how it declines, it can be regarded as "a little background", which can somewhat cover its own people.

This was the reason why Ling Qi handed it over. To be honest, there was nothing grandiose about studying metaphysics or inheriting the best knowledge for the past saints, so Zhang Daqing readily accepted it.

Although in fact he can't even cover himself, and no one else has ever come to ask for cover.At least since he entered the Jingyue School, Ling Qi was the first person to "seek cover".

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the interstellar station, the low-altitude aircraft are densely packed again, and a large number of small cargo spaceships are collecting and distributing goods.This place is also above the sea, and Ling Qi's "Scanner" is moored in the public area.

Ling Qi drove the speedboat to the cargo area according to the given coordinates.Behind him, Ao Ying asked: "What are you going to do if the cargo spaceship doesn't have the inheritance item you mentioned?"

"Among the several alternative places, there is the most likely inheritance of cultivation methods suitable for Xiaorou, which is well-founded, and the rest of the places are even more nonsensical. If there are no inheritance items on the cargo spaceship, just do it honestly for a while People of the Jingyue School, there are many legends here, if you investigate deeply, you may be able to find some clues from it."

"If we find that there is no hope, we will go to the next place."

"Brother, why don't we find your intermediate cultivation method first! My bloodline has been awakened, even if I don't have the cultivation method, I can feel the energy of the bloodline is slowly increasing, and it will automatically grow and evolve." Xiaorou also said.

Hearing what she said, Ao Ying was once again amazed at how powerful her bloodline was, the alien bloodline that would grow automatically was very extraordinary.

Ling Qi laughed and said: "Silly girl, you are already here, of course you should look here first, brother is not in a hurry."

A shuttle-type cargo spacecraft about 200 meters long is moored on the sea ahead. The hull is bloated like a pregnant woman. The front half has a deck that is tens of meters wide. .

This is the only industry "Dian Xing" of Jingyue School. Ling Qi can see that it is transformed from a fifth-level warship, and its carrying capacity is not as good as that of a professional cargo spaceship of the same level.

Before coming here, Ling Qi had already met the captain of the "Dian Xing", and got to know each other under the auspices of Zhang Daqing.At this time, as the speedboat landed on the deck, the hatch of the cargo ship opened, and a group of seven people came out led by a strong young man.

Ling Qi came out of the speedboat alone, Ao Ying and Xiaorou did not join the Jingyue School, and they would not go in to visit together.The purpose of Ling Qi's visit is to deepen the understanding of Jingyue School on the one hand, and to see if there are any surprises here.

"Welcome new friends to join the school, and welcome to order an asterisk to visit!" The sturdy young man greeted Ling Qi with a smile on his face.Behind him, six men and women showed happy expressions.

"Hi, sorry to bother you!" Ling Qi felt their enthusiasm and smiled.

The name of this sturdy young man is Zhang Xiaoshan, he is Zhang Daqing's nephew and the captain of the cargo ship.He said solemnly: "You are out of touch, join the school, we are brothers and sisters, we will work together for the revival of the school in the future, how can you say you are disturbing!"

"Hehe!" Ling Qi smiled, the young man is not bad, he has ideals and aspirations, and he actually plans to revive the Jingyue School!

Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoshan, Ling Qi visited various areas of the cargo ship, but naturally there were no surprises.

But to his surprise, he didn't know how Zhang Daqing carried out the brainwashing. He met other members of the school working on the ship, no matter men, women, young or old, they were all as enthusiastic as Zhang Xiaoshan, and their mission was to revive the school.

Ling Qi immediately became interested, and asked Zhang Xiaoshan, "Your goal of reviving the school is very clear. I admire you for your courage and passion. Do you have any specific plans?"

Zhang Xiaoshan immediately cheered up, opened his posture and said: "Yes, we know that our disadvantage is that we don't have the inheritance of metaphysics. This is the biggest shortcoming, and it is also the long-term goal we need to solve. To restore the inheritance of metaphysics, on the one hand, we can find the scenery Master Yue's inheritance..."

When Ling Qi moved his ears, he was instantly attracted.

"It's just that Master Jingyue's inheritance has been lost, and after countless generations of efforts, there is no trace to be found, so this road can basically be abandoned. On the other hand, it is to develop a new metaphysical point of view, which requires a huge economy and talents. Support. Therefore, our medium-term goal is to have an economy and talent echelon that are sufficient to support us in developing new metaphysics viewpoints and establishing a new inheritance system.”

"Well, these can't be achieved immediately in one step. It needs long-term hard work and little accumulation. Therefore, our short-term goal is to start with the cargo ship business, absorb young people with aspirations like you, expand the influence of the school, and work hard. Fight hard, become bigger and stronger..."

Ling Qi was dumbfounded, this guy's eloquent and fanatical appearance made Ling Qi very suspicious that it might not be Zhang Daqing at all, but Zhang Xiaoshan in front of him who preached the revival mission in Jingyue School.Because he communicated with Zhang Daqing several times, but he didn't find that Zhang Daqing had the potential to brainwash people. Instead, he came into contact with Zhang Xiaoshan and felt like he had entered a pyramid scheme.

But he had to admit that Zhang Xiaoshan's thinking was very clear.One can go a thousand miles without accumulating one step, and even he thinks that to revive the Jingyue School, one really has to follow Zhang Xiaoshan's thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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