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Chapter 192 Unexpected surprise

Chapter 192 Unexpected surprise
Ling Qi looked at Bai Hao's expression for the first time, seeing that the boy was still stern, he couldn't help pinching his face and said: "Xiao Bai, you have a stern face all day, aren't you tired?".

Bai Hao was furious, his eyes returned to focus, he opened his hand and said, "Don't call me Xiaobai!"

"But your stern face is really naive!"


Bai Hao glared at Ling Qi angrily, as if he wanted to scrape off a layer of flesh from him with his eyes.

Bai Yu was dumbfounded. This was the first time she saw Bai Hao communicating with others normally. Even though he was angry, it was more normal than before!She suddenly understood a lot, hugged Bai Hao, and burst into tears uncontrollably.

This kid has been wronged too much.

Ling Qi rubbed his nose in embarrassment, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave.Fortunately, Bai Yu's mood stabilized very quickly. In about two or three minutes, she raised her head, wiped away her tears and smiled at Ling Qi, "Thank you for letting me know about Xiao Hao's condition, as long as he is healthy!"

"You're welcome. But he can't be considered healthy. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated!" Ling Qi smiled at her.

Bai Hao said angrily: "You are mentally ill!"

"Uh..." Ling Qi almost choked to death, forgetting that this brat was not a normal child, he was too mature to accept such a "sick" evaluation.

He rolled his eyes, rubbed Bai Hao's head and said, "Since you're not sick, why don't you behave normally? What are you doing all day long? You must be truthful and honest, you know!"

Bai Hao shook off his hand stubbornly, and said sarcastically, "Then why don't you tell everyone frankly that you are a senior member of the Jingyue School and the owner of this cruise ship?"

What the hell, Ling Qi suddenly wanted to pick up this little bastard and spank his ass.

Why is this kid so rebellious and vengeful!
But he would not admit it easily, squinted at Bai Hao, and said, "Why do you say that I am the owner of the cruise ship?"

"I have seen you enter the bridge area many times, and those people respect you very much."

"Huh, you're actually following me?" Ling Qi was surprised, he really didn't realize that he was being observed secretly by this kid, it seems that the lack of focus and dull eyes also has an advantage, and it won't arouse the reaction of the person involved.

"You feel so good about yourself. I was just interested in cruise ships, and I discovered it by accident when I wanted to visit the bridge." Bai Hao said.

Ling Qi pointed at him, speechless for a while, and said to Bai Yu, "This kid likes to choke people."

Bai Yu was still immersed in joy, subconsciously said: "It's good, this is good!"

Ling Qi: "..."

He decided not to be as knowledgeable as women and children, and asked friendlyly: "Are you planning to go to the coffee shop? There are quite a lot of people there. Everyone just came back from the scenic spot and wanted to have a drink to calm down."

Every time they come back from a scenic spot, many people are used to go to the coffee shop or bar to adjust, while drinking coffee and fine wine, while communicating.At this time, the cafes and bars are always overcrowded, which Ling Qi did not expect before.

Bai Yu basically calmed down at this moment, shook her head and said, "I won't go to the coffee shop. I just want to take Xiaohao to relax this time. I don't want to be pestered and disturbed by too many people. These public places are not suitable for me for the time being."

Hearing what she said, Ling Qi guessed where they were going.The coffee shop used to be a children's play area. There are many board game facilities with rich gameplay, which can puzzle and exercise children's reaction ability.

Given Bai Hao's original mental retardation, Bai Yu definitely didn't want him to play, but probably wanted to take him to watch other people play!
"Those childish games are not suitable for him!" Ling Qi said: "With his IQ, even playing werewolf is better than most people."

Seeing Bai Hao holding his head up and showing the arrogance of "you know it", Ling Qi smiled at him again: "I guess I usually play a lot on the Internet, right?"

"Hmph, in the club, I have a very high rank!" Speaking of this, Bai Hao changed from his previous dullness and was in high spirits.

Bai Yu suddenly looked at them suspiciously: "Have you known each other for a long time?"

She finally realized that Ling Qi knew Bai Hao better than she did, and it was only in front of Ling Qi that Bai Hao suddenly showed his normal side.Judging by the tone of the conversation between the senior and the junior, it was clearly like an old friend for many years, and she found it inconceivable when she thought about it.

"You're overthinking. The last time we met in Xingwang space was the first time. Today is the second time." After Ling Qi finished speaking, he saw some passengers paying attention here, and said to Bai Hao: "However, We are also destined, since you want to visit the bridge, I will take you there."

"Okay!" Bai Hao was overjoyed, the expression he showed at this time was in line with his age.

Bai Yu showed surprise. She thought that Bai Hao's statement that Ling Qi was the owner of the cruise ship just now was a random guess, but now it seems to be true?
"Sorry to bother you!" she said softly.

Under the leadership of Ling Qi, the three of them walked to the front half.

There is an isolated independent area at the bow, including the upper and lower floors, which is the bridge area.In addition to the bridge, there is also a dedicated living and entertainment place for Ling Qi and others.

There was no one on the bridge.

After satisfying Bai Hao's curiosity, Ling Qi thought that Bai Yu had been involved in the upper circles of the Jingyue Empire, and might have heard some gossip about the Jingyue School, so he asked casually:
"We are committed to restoring Master Jingyue's inheritance. This interstellar travel route is just the beginning. Re-finding and establishing a metaphysics inheritance system is the most important goal. Miss Bai has a wide range of friends. relevant information?"

Hearing what he said, Bai Yu pondered for a moment and said, "The information about Jingyue's inheritance is said to be completely lost, and basically no one can talk about it."

She hesitated for a moment, considering Ling Qi's influence on Bai Hao, she also gave her a great help, in return, she said:

"I know a friend who works in the Imperial Museum. As a high-level director of one of the largest schools, in order to find clues to the inheritance of a certain cultivation method, he has been searching the museum for many years. He is the person who is most concerned about the inheritance information. Even he said that unless Jingyue herself comes back, her inheritance cannot be reproduced."

Ling Qi paused: "Is there any clue to the inheritance of cultivation methods in the Imperial Museum?"

"It was that friend who inadvertently mentioned it after a drink. He said that it was a complete inheritance of a certain electrical cultivation method. With his identity and status, he is still in the museum. I think this information is not false. However, Please also keep it secret, after all, he has not disclosed this matter to the outside world.”

Ling Qi's mind buzzed, feeling knocked out by a huge surprise.After a while, he came back to his senses and quickly assured:

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Afterwards, he invited Bai Yu to drink coffee in the reception room to further inquire about specific information.

"I was once invited by him to enter the museum. There is an area that is not open to the public. There are many unidentifiable items piled up in it. It feels eerie and scary. I asked to leave without staying much..."

"He is one of the five largest schools, a high-level director of the Kunwu School. Personality? It's okay. According to my experience with him, he is a humble and polite person, and he is very low-key..."

"It's not difficult to get to know him. If you need, I can share with him some of my experiences during this trip, and persuade him to take a trip too. It will be up to you to seize the opportunity..."

(End of this chapter)

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