My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 211 Benefits 1

Chapter 211 Benefit One
The sudden increase in the concentration and distribution of tens of thousands of people has obvious impact on the passenger station, and the scene of aircraft swarming here again appears.Passengers come out of more than ten dedicated boarding passages, bid farewell to acquaintances, board their respective aircraft and leave...

A few days after the end of the first tour group, people found that the Sky Surveyor had been moored on the sea in the public area, but the expected second round of ticket sales has not yet started.

People were puzzled, and discussed on the Internet what happened. Could it be that the Forest of Steles incident had dealt a fatal blow to the Jingyue School, causing this project, which had just shown signs of being popular, to die prematurely?But we are obviously looking forward to signing up!
Those who booked tickets for the second phase early were in a hurry. Although they had not paid, they would rather have paid, so that at least they could feel at ease.Compared with the cost, they care more about the qualifications to obtain the ticket, and now even a black market for the ticket transaction has appeared, and the price exceeds [-] million credits, which makes the various forces extremely jealous.

It was afternoon, and a luxurious air yacht flew towards the Sky Surveyor and landed on the top deck.On the Xuntian, Ling Qi had just finished talking with Gao Wei. They agreed to go to the Imperial Museum at night. This time it was no longer a virtual community, but a real one.

"That guy has been wearing bright red blood. I hope that during the meeting at night, I can control myself not to take out the dark electricity and chop him." Ling Qi said to himself, and then looked at the exterior image of the top deck.

After the luxury air yacht came to a complete stop, a group of five people came down, the leader of which was a woman in a suit and skirt with a high bun, who looked like she was in her thirties.Behind the woman was a young girl who looked like a secretary, and three male attendants in neat suits.

They went straight to the cabin door, and the woman in a suit skirt operated on the personal communicator, and then Ling Qi's personal communicator received an unfamiliar contact request.

"Hey, you actually got my communication number?" Ling Qi answered the conversation in surprise.

Sure enough, the woman in the suit and skirt appeared on the communication projection, saw Ling Qi, and said first, "Mr. Ling, hello, I am Zhang Yi, the director of the Taihan School, and I take the liberty to pay a visit!"

"Please come in!" With a thought in Ling Qi's mind, the hatch in front of the five people opened automatically.Guided by the projection cursor, they headed all the way to the reception room outside the bridge on the ninth floor.

This distance is not short, Ling Qi took the time to check the information of Taihan School.

A few minutes later, Ling Qi met the other party in the reception room.

"Ms. Zhang is here, what can I do for you?" Ling Qi asked with a smile after asking him to sit down.

The origins of these people are not simple. The strength of the Taihan School is second only to the level of the top five schools, and it belongs to the leader of the second echelon.Not only do they occupy a considerable proportion of seats in the Jingyuexing Council, they even have seats in the Imperial Council.

And just looking at the superficial information, it is impossible to see whether the other party participated in the suppression of the Jingyue School this time.He obviously got his communication number and contacted him only when he was on the cruise ship. There must be interests.

Zhang Yi was a little uncomfortable by Ling Qi's smiling expression, and subconsciously felt that he had become a fat sheep, waiting to be slaughtered.She was surprised, there seemed to be not many people who could give her such psychological pressure as soon as they met.

"Mr. Ling is able to host such a large super cruise ship at such a young age. I admire his outstanding ability!" Zhang Yi put on a high hat and carefully observed Ling Qi's reaction.

They have investigated the origin of the cruise ship, but they have no clue at all, as if they suddenly appeared in Jingyue Empire.As for whether Ling Qi's death represents which force is even more unknown.

Ling Qi showed a strange smile: "Why does Ms. Zhang think that I am young? Maybe I am an old monster who is over a hundred years old."

"Hehe, Mr. Ling was joking. A person's age group can be roughly seen from the ages of the people around him."

"It seems that Ms. Zhang has investigated my information on purpose. If you have anything to do, you can just tell me." Ling Qi said with a solemn expression.

Zhang Yi felt relieved, and after breaking Ling Qi's psychological repression, he went straight to the topic and said: "As far as we know, Mr. Ling joined the Jingyue School not long ago, and using the school's organization to carry out cruise business is essentially a kind of cooperation. relation."

"Presumably you also know that the Beilin incident is actually aimed at the Jingyue School, and your cruise business has been implicated because of this. I wonder if you should consider changing your partner?"

Ling Qi laughed and said: "My cruise business is carried out under the banner of Jingyue's metaphysics culture. If I break away from Jingyue School, I will lose its connotation."

"Mr. Ling, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the real attraction of this tourist route is your cruise ship and the impeccable environment on it. The so-called Jingyue metaphysics culture is just a cover, why bother with it?"

"That is to say, a pretense also has a pretense!" Ling Qi showed that smiling attitude again.

Damn it turned out that I fell in love with the cruise ship!

Indeed, as she said, after countless "exposures" by the passengers in the first period, the details of the interior of the cruise ship are fully revealed, and then compared with the conditions that other passengers on cruise ships posted and complained about, it is simply a comparison between the sky and the ground .

What supports the enthusiasm of the passengers now is the Xuntian itself.But Ling Qi didn't want to give up the pretense of Jingyue's metaphysics, which didn't match his original intention of traveling.

Zhang Yi felt very uncomfortable, Ling Qi looked like a profiteer, as if he was telling her clearly: I am waiting for you to get into the trap, I want to trap you hard, you jump!

It's so awkward!

Zhang Yitang, an expert negotiator, was forced to be spoiled by Ling Qi's attitude, which she thought was hob meat, and raised his card impatiently: "Mr. Conditions will cooperate with us?"

Ling Qi didn't realize that he had the image of a profiteer, so he spread his arms and said, "It's not a question of conditions and price, it's a question of character and credit!"

Zhang Yi didn't believe what Ling Qi said at all. As an expert in business negotiation, she didn't have such words as character and credit in her dictionary, only the amount of benefit.So she said:

"The strength and influence of our school is not comparable to that of the Jingyue School. Cooperating with us can bring you a broader space for development. Of course, the distribution of benefits must not be based on the current [-]-[-] share between you and the Jingyue School. You can decide for four or six points, you as a cruise ship operator get four, and we repackage tourism projects, accounting for [-]%!"

Ling Qi stared at Zhang Yi, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, are you here to grab it?

With the current level of popularity, the benefits are simply ready-made. This project still needs you to repackage and operate?
"You go, I won't cooperate with you!" Ling Qi lost interest in talking to the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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