My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 307 Oxygen Regeneration Matrix

Chapter 307 Oxygen Regeneration Matrix

The meeting place suddenly became silent, and even the technicians in other fields ahead looked at it in astonishment.

Ling Qi's heart twitched, Nima seemed to be putting on too much, in the eyes of others, he must have been equated with Lengtouqing!
The next moment, William applauded solemnly: "It's a time when the wind and the waves break, hang the clouds and sails to help the sea! Just say this gatha to you, and none of us will back down."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was applause that shook the sky, and he didn't know whether it was applauding for Ling Qi or him.

Ling Qi clicked his lips and corrected himself: This is not a gatha, but a Tang poem, big brother.

"Then that's it, everyone go back and make the final adjustments, and we will set off in five days." William said to all the engineers.

More than 2000 engineers heard the words, got up and left their seats, and walked out of the venue in small groups.

Ling Qi and Dong Ni were seated next to each other, and they were also walking side by side.Dong Ni is a person who is obsessed with technology. At this time, she said to Ling Qi while walking: "The engineers of the Stargate maintenance system are more comprehensive than us in terms of professional skills. I have a problem, can I ask you for advice?"

"Oh, you are a matrix engineer?" Ling Qi looked at her in surprise.

Seeing her smiling and nodding, she said, "Let's talk about it. The matrix theory is vast and mysterious, and I don't know much about it. In fact, you should also know that the engineers of the stargate system are also divided into many specialties. The more detailed the problem, the more engineers who are good at a certain specialty are needed to solve it, comprehensiveness is just a balance, and almost no one can cure all diseases!"

He didn't dare to talk too much, and he started to repair it directly. He was not afraid of anyone.But to discuss the theoretical knowledge in the matrix field, even if he has studied the matrix a lot, he is not sure that he is better than Dong Ni.

The field of matrix is ​​really too broad and profound, it is as difficult to analyze as the rules of the world, and it needs to be mastered and accumulated little by little.But for general fields such as materials, physics, mechanics, electronics, electrical and other majors related to star gate maintenance, he has basically read the theory, whether it is assessment or discussion, he is confident that he can live with others.

It is not a big problem for him to memorize it by rote.

Dong Ni smiled sweetly, revealing a charming intellectual charm.She operated a few times on the personal communicator, and sent a document to Ling Qi: "You might as well take a look first, I can't always achieve unity in the conversion of several functions."

Ling Qi nodded, and simply stopped by the corridor to open the file and watch it.If the functions are not uniform, the formula cannot be run, and the energy of the matrix will be disordered, and in severe cases, an energy explosion will occur. This is one of the problems that matrix engineers are most afraid of encountering.

After looking at it for a few minutes, Ling Qi recognized that this matrix should be a reduced and simplified air circulation system matrix. The prototype is the air circulation system on the spacecraft. Separation of oxygen-containing molecules.

This is completely feasible in theory, provided that the functions she transforms can be unified.Just like Ling Qi simplified the successful destroyer matrix, it discarded a large number of auxiliary components inside the turret, and completely matrixed and implanted the matrix in the body.

"By the way, is she planning to implant the matrix?" Ling Qi suddenly realized that Dong Ni was also a practitioner, and she was developing the application skills of the matrix.If it succeeds, it will be like the "inner breathing" in martial arts legends, and it will get rid of the dependence on external oxygen before the galaxy.

This skill is very useful.In the universe, there are many living planets whose atmosphere is not suitable for human beings, but suitable for the growth of other animals and plants, such as Xiaorou's hometown, Tantalum Niobium Star, is such a planet.If this kind of matrix can be implanted in the body, it will undoubtedly help the implanter to handle with ease in such a planetary environment.

Understanding the essence of this matrix, Ling Qi's interest greatly increased.Dong Ni has completed most of the transformation. If he can solve the remaining problems and adjust the necessary parameters according to his own situation, it means that he can also implant this matrix, and in the future he can also connect it to the minefield...

When the rest of the technicians in the venue came out, they saw Ling Qi and Dong Ni squatting in the corner of the corridor, leaning their heads together to study the things projected by the communicator.They smiled knowingly, they often appear in this state, so they didn't disturb Ling Qi and Dong Ni, and walked past them lightly.

Relying on the experience of transforming the destroyer matrix back then, after more than two hours, Ling Qi had some clues.But this is still not something that can be done overnight, and it needs to go back and do in-depth research.

Ling Qi let out a long breath, and then the two found that they were close together, face to face, intimacy, and they were stunned.

"Uh, I'll go back and study, and I'll tell you when I get the correct function!" Ling Qi broke the silence.

A smile appeared in Dong Ni's eyes: "Don't worry, there is still a lot of time on the way to the Universe Sea, you can study it slowly."

The two stopped staying in the corridor, and entered the elevator together to leave.Just after the elevator started, William and Zuo Yang walked out from a small cubicle next to them. They looked at each other with satisfied smiles.

"I'll just say he's fine. To be able to discuss with Xiao Dong to this level, it's impossible without deep accumulation. Hehe, I didn't expect to find such a talent under my staff. This is great luck." Zuo Yang He rubbed his hands together, looking forward to Ling Qi's growth.

William nodded approvingly: "This is a little guy with unlimited potential, the most important thing is to have a lot of energy, just as he said, go forward bravely. Every time I think of the sentence that hangs on the clouds and sails to help the sea, I can't help but feel a sense of pride!"

"Is it so exaggerated?" Zuo Yang clearly expressed his approval, but his words were flat.

William looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the sky through the window, and said, "If you think about the excitement of Deputy Minister Guan just now, you should understand how lethal these words are!"


Ling Qi and Dong Ni went down to the square on the first floor. After waving goodbye, they drove their speedboat to the outside of the city and returned to the maintenance spaceship.

"There are still five days left. We need to take Ling Xiao out of the branch galaxy first, and find a place to enter the captain's space." Ling Qi drove the maintenance spacecraft back to Siam City, thinking.

It was already evening when we returned to Siam City, and there were far fewer tourists in Lingxiao City than during the day.Except for some people who stay in the city rooms, those who still stay in the city are those who come to enjoy free entertainment.

The energy shield covering the bridge building began to expand outwards, turning into a second form, and then continued to extend to the edge of the square, finally covering the whole plane.From now on, no entry allowed.

In the morning of the next day, after the checked-in passengers were asked to leave, Lingxiao lifted off under the action of the anti-gravity energy matrix. After reaching a certain height, the jet port at the bottom of the sphere was activated and accelerated towards the sky.Beside it, followed by a maintenance spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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