My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 310 Curvature, Replantation Matrix

Chapter 310 Curvature, Replantation Matrix

Studying with Dong Ni, the speed has increased a bit.Three days later, Ling Qi completed all the analysis of the oxygen regeneration matrix, not only established a parameter model suitable for herself, but also helped Dong Ni complete her model.

"Thank you, you really are a skilled engineer!" Dong Ni said with a joyful expression on her face.

Ling Qi said to her seriously: "I also want to thank you, this is a process of mutual progress, my accumulation has been expanded!"

"So, can I discuss it with you next time I have a problem?"

"Of course, it's an honor!"

Both of them wanted to try to implant the new matrix immediately, so they didn't talk much, and went offline at the same time after saying goodbye.


Spaceships fly in a subspace that is more void than the universe, and the probability of collision with each other is infinitely close to zero.

The curvature engine produces a powerful distortion field, which distorts the space in the direction of advancement, just like forcibly distorting a flat road into a downward slope.The spacecraft glides automatically on this space surface, looking forward, it seems that there is an invisible force pulling the spacecraft forward.

In fact, this force does exist, it is the gravitational force of space, which is produced based on the distortion of space, and it will appear on the side where it is twisted.Once generated, it is like the gravitational force on the planet, pulling the car on the top of the slope to slide to the bottom of the slope, and the speed is infinitely increased.

Based on the self-healing power of space, after the spaceship moves, the space behind it will recover.The taxiing and recovery are endless, the faster the spacecraft runs, the faster the space behind will be repaired.This results in that when viewed from the rear, it is the space surface that is pushing the spaceship forward, and the spaceship stays on the surface; when viewed from the side, it is a space depression that drives the spaceship to move.

Of course, these scenes are based on the assumption that the effect of space distortion can be seen.

Theoretically, this kind of acceleration will continue indefinitely. In fact, the faster the speed, the faster the space in front needs to be distorted, and the output of the curvature engine has a peak. When the distortion field generated by this peak cannot distort the space in front faster, it will A balance will be formed, and the spaceship will enter a state of constant velocity.

Therefore, by adjusting the power output of the curvature engine and controlling the peak value, the speed of the curvature drive can be controlled.

And when the stop output no longer distorts the space ahead, the self-healing of the space ahead and the synchronization of gravity disappear, just like the underground track leading to the mine is blocked, instantly canceling the forward speed of the spacecraft...

Ling Qi got off the assembly line from the star network space and looked at the speed of the spaceship.Through the control of the output of the curvature engine, the spaceship is constantly advancing at a hundred times the speed of light.

"This is the speed of light load operation, which allows the curvature engine to maintain a relatively long life. If high power output is used to obtain higher speed, the life of the engine will be greatly reduced; if the output exceeds the physical load, it will cause damage to the engine. Overclocking damage."

Ling Qi recalled what he had seen about the mechanism of the curvature-driven engine.

"So even if humans have mastered curvature drive, it is still the physical performance of the engine that constrains the speed."

Thinking of this, Ling Qi shook his head to stop his thoughts, and decided to implant the new matrix first.He reasoned through the oxygen regeneration matrix again, confirmed that there were no omissions, and called Xiaorou and Aoying to protect the law to prevent being disturbed, and then he sank his mind into the matrix in his body.

Ling Qi first finds the predetermined nodes at the heart and lungs to connect with the large matrix formed by the cultivation in the body, and then draws a small energy from the starting point, controlling it to weave and describe complicated textures on the countless alveoli.Layers of loop structures cover to form countless magical force fields, and the combination of these force fields forms a matrix with clear functions.

A day later, Ling Qi guided the energy lines to complete the matrix, and connected to the large matrix from the end point.Once the matrix circuit is formed, the energy circulates automatically, and a magical feeling suddenly arises.

Ling Qi found that he didn't need to breathe anymore.

When the energy runs on this newly implanted matrix, the generated force field will forcefully separate the aerobic molecules such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and water in the alveoli, and the negative oxygen ions in them will be put back into the blood circulation.Other ions can only be excreted because they cannot regenerate carbohydrates temporarily.

"This is a kind of function reversal. The human body produces energy through metabolism, but this matrix consumes energy to feed back oxygen and maintain body functions. For those who can independently absorb external energy for cultivation, they initially get rid of their dependence on external oxygen. If we can further improve the matrix and regenerate carbohydrates and various beneficial factors, we will be able to get rid of the dependence on dietary nutrition and rely on the absorption of energy to survive!"

Ling Qi pondered for a while, then opened his eyes.It is enough to have this internal breathing function. He has the captain's space and the ship's space, and he can carry a lot of food with him, so he doesn't need the function of nutrient circulation for the time being.In the future, when reaching the galaxy level, the level of life will undergo a huge evolution, and a matrix of energy feedback will naturally form in the body.

Seeing Ling Qi open his eyes, Ao Ying guessed that he had succeeded, but couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

"Very good, from now on I will fight with you for [-] rounds, and I won't take a breath!" Ling Qi smirked.Ao Ying rolled her eyes at him, pulled Xiao Rou up and left.Ling Qi smiled strangely and followed.

Two days later, Dong Ni contacted Ling Qi to inquire about his progress.She also saw that Ling Qi belonged to a cultivator, and guessed that he would definitely implant the matrix.

"I succeeded, how about you?" Seeing her refreshed, Ling Qi knew that she must have succeeded too.

Sure enough, Dong Ni smiled and said, "Thank you for your help with the analysis. I have a better understanding of the matrix, and the implantation went very smoothly."

"Well, congratulations!" Ling Qi secretly said that it should be so.The matrix plan was provided by her, she understands it naturally and thoroughly, and the success rate of implantation is also very high.If you don't understand it well, even if you follow the gourd's drawing and copy it, it will not be implanted, so he didn't ask Ao Ying and Xiao Rou to try implanting.

"Hehe, Tongxi..."

They also discussed some maintenance theories, and Ling Qi was more comfortable with those, which made Dong Ni admire his solid foundation and comprehensive professionalism.

The life on the spaceship is repetitive and fulfilling, practicing energy, researching the matrix, supervising the twins to exercise, tutoring Shi Yuan and others in professional theories, discussing with Dong Ni, sleeping with Aoying Xiaorou and the big quilt... time goes by day after day.

Thirty days later, Shi Yuan participated in the apprenticeship assessment with full confidence, and was successfully promoted with excellent results. She also officially became a member of Stargate.

On the same day, after Ling Qi shared the task with her, he used it as an excuse to celebrate, and also specially announced the good news to Li Bu'er, claiming that he had a grandson, which would save him a lot of face.

It's a pity that Lao Li was very disappointed and dealt with Ling Qi very formally.Because the grandson did not reward him for doing the task.As for saving face, he said that that thing is not worth a glass of Xinghui wine...

(End of this chapter)

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