My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 312 Landing on the Floating Island

Chapter 312 Landing on the Floating Island
Ling Qi looked at the photoelectric telescope for imaging. At such a close distance, coupled with the effect of artificial light sources, the scene on the ground was clearly presented on the holographic projection.

This is an undulating hilly area, generally tens of meters high and low, occasionally there is a taller mountain, which is only 300 meters high.

"There are plants, which look like vines and giant seaweeds!" Ling Qi moved the camera and found that the plants on the ground were of a single type, but they grew lushly, covering the ground and some mountain peaks tightly.

"Could it be that the whole island is full of this kind of plants?" He couldn't help but have such thoughts.

At this time, one of the spaceships suddenly shot a column of energy towards the ground, sweeping across a long distance.In the past 10 minutes, a team in charge of monitoring reported on the fleet channel: "No obvious animal activity was found on the ground, and no living life response was found in the life detection."

"According to the plan, reduce the height in steps, escort warships pay attention to vigilance and protection, and each project team collects samples to analyze environmental data." Guan Tong ordered.

Including the two warships of Qu Shaocheng and others, the large force continued to descend, and every time it descended [-] meters, some warships stopped descending and dispersed their vigilance.When it was [-] meters above the hill, only those spaceships responsible for exploration remained.They spread out and stretched out their mechanical arms one after another. Some collected plants, some collected soil, and some inserted into the ground to emit detection waves of various frequency bands.

Guan Tong's flagship, Ling Qi's spaceship, Dong Ni and other engineers' other two spaceships, and those spaceships for processing and manufacturing systems continued to stop at an altitude of [-] meters.

Half an hour later, the exploration team concluded that although there are a small amount of minerals distributed within a thousand kilometers, they are very barren and have no development value.Moderate gravity, atmospheric components, but severe oxygen deprivation.As for the viscous liquid crystal of the mother insect, no corresponding signal was found in the echo response of the deep detection.

The fleet set off again to explore other areas.

Five days later, the entire part of the floating island above the sea surface was detected, and even the wider area exposed when the tide ebbed was also explored.They discovered several deep rich mines of metals and special materials, but the target of this exploration is the mother insect mucilage liquid crystal, and such an environment is not suitable for deep mining, so the fleet flew away from the floating island and continued to search for the next target.

Fortunately, only half a day later, they found another floating island, the part above the sea surface was only half the size of the first floating island.It is a pity that there are no plants on this floating island. It is like a huge meteorite with a hard texture, which failed to provide any surprises for the exploration team.

In the next 20 days, the fleet discovered and explored five floating islands one after another. On one of the large floating islands, there were also a large number of giant pythons with a body length of [-] meters and a single horn on their heads. Ling Qi thought they were dragons.The fleet captured two for research, but still did not find the presence of mucus liquid from the mother insect.

This is really looking for a needle in a haystack. Without the factor of the cosmic sea, it would not be so difficult to restore these floating islands into planetary belts.

But the fleet will not give up so easily. Since Zerg have appeared here, with their terrifying expansion capabilities, they will definitely occupy more than one floating island. The exploration team firmly believes that as long as they continue to search, they will definitely find something.

In the next five days, the fleet didn't even find a single floating island.

It was also during these five days that Shi Yuan successfully promoted to the Meteor Realm and became another cultivator after Changge Meigui and An Jinuo among the girls.Encouraged by this, they set off another wave of enthusiasm for exercise.

One day after No. 40 arrived at Cosmos Sea, the spaceship synchronously monitored in the distant space issued an alarm. There was a violent tsunami movement in the front left of the fleet’s forward direction. The wave height exceeded 200 million kilometers. The exploration fleet had to go back 500 million kilometers to ensure safety.

After receiving the alarm, the fleet immediately raised its altitude and hovered 500 million kilometers away.This wave of cosmic tsunami turned the cosmic sea upside down, causing the internal gravitational field to be erratic and difficult to calm down.

The huge waves lasted for five days and there was still no sign of calming down, indicating that the gravitational field inside the cosmic sea had not yet reached a new balance, so the fleet had to leave at super-light speed, looking for a relatively calm sea area.

Flying at three times the speed of light for more than three hours, during which time I left the subspace observation from time to time, and finally came to another sea area with only tens of thousands of kilometers of waves.Such a wave height can be regarded as "calm and calm" in the cosmic sea, and the floating island is not easy to capsize in the ups and downs of the waves.

The fleet lowered its altitude again and approached the sea surface more than 100 million kilometers to look for floating islands.

No.60, when exploring the edge of another large floating island in three days, the team in charge of deep detection reported good news that there was a signal of suspected mother insect sticky liquid in the echo.Moreover, no living organism response was detected.

"Nimma, it's really not easy!" Ling Qi was gearing up, looking for opportunities to enrich himself.

This floating island is currently in the low tide stage, thrown up under the impact of sea water, with a size of nearly [-] kilometers, and it is still expanding rapidly.Roughly estimated, with the current strength of the waves, the part exposed to the sea surface after the tide completely ebbs can reach more than [-] kilometers.

The area where the target was found was deep in a tall mountain range on the edge of the floating island. There were giant algae plants and some grasses growing in the mountain range, as well as low shrubs with large and thick leaves.What is rare is that atmospheric analysis concluded that it is rich in oxygen and the gravity is suitable for human walking.If it is not in the cosmic sea, such an environment can completely carry out interstellar immigration.

The fleet recorded the location and sent out a small team to prepare for landing for confirmation. After confirmation, it will be directly developed and collected.The large troops continued to explore other areas along the edge.On such a planet-like floating island, if there is really a mother worm sticky liquid, there must be more than one location.

The only thing to be careful about is whether there are bugs hiding somewhere on this floating island.

A spaceship landed in a valley escorted by two warships.It is two kilometers wide, and the mountain next to it is tall, and the peak is more than 700 meters away from the bottom of the valley.The location where the mucus liquid echo of the suspected mother insect appears is within one of the mountains.

The spacecraft stretched out its robotic arm, and the top opened into a 20-meter-wide hook rake, and began to clean up the plants on the side of the mountain.

"Visual inspection will take a while to dig a hole, unless there is a worm hole!" Ling Qi imaged through the photoelectric telescope, staring at the spacecraft in the valley.

"If there were bugs here, where did they go? With the terrifying survivability of the Zerg, even if the floating island sinks into the cosmic sea, they will not perish!" Angelo was also on the bridge to learn about the progress, and expressed doubts at this time.

Ling Qi thought for a while, and guessed: "Perhaps a long time ago, they devoured the food and energy substances on this floating island and migrated to other floating islands. After a long time, this floating island returned to its current state. Vitality. Jing Yuexing was devoured at the beginning, but now it has recovered."

(End of this chapter)

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