My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 319 Swimming to You

Chapter 319 Swimming to You

Long Jing's voice was like the sound of heaven, which lifted the spirits of everyone in the fleet.Knowing that Ling Qi is rushing to repair and has completely repaired a battleship, the fleet burst into cheers.Although there are still seven warships that have not moved, and three of the warships that have resumed sonar communication have suffered heavy casualties, the fleet is still happy.

At least, the damage can be reduced by more than [-]%. They can look for opportunities to come back when the floating island is washed out of the sea again.

"Good guy, when I come back, I will help him apply for military exploits and award a hero medal!" Guan Tong's majestic face was full of excitement.When he believed that the sixteen spaceships and warships could not come back, Ling Qi gave him a surprise.

After Ling Qi repaired Qu Shaocheng's warship, he entered other warships one by one for repair.Even the four warships that could not repair the sonar communication equipment because the engineers fell to their deaths, after more and more warships turned on their lights, they could see the outside scene through the special aerospace glass of the window. They saw the maintenance spacecraft coming to dock, He took the initiative to open the hatch.

There was nothing to do with the last three ships. Ling Qi knew that there were no more lives inside, so he had to use his transformation skills to break in.

After destroying the locking structure of the hatch, Ling Qi walked through the hatch, repaired it, and walked towards the bridge.Along the way, there are tattered air bags everywhere, and the bodies of those soldiers are scattered everywhere. They bleed from seven holes, and all died of broken internal organs.

Even Ling Qi can be considered ruthless and merciless for killing countless people, and he still feels frustrated when he sees the scene inside the battleship.These fighters were all teammates, and some of them had participated in the mobilization meeting with him. They were all upright, but now they had turned into cold corpses.

"Repair the communication system!"

"Accept the authority of the unowned battleship!"

Afterwards, Ling Qi retrieved the monitoring system of the battleship and shared the scene in the battleship to the fleet channel.

After a heart-stopping silence, Guan Tong said: "Thank you for your hard work, bring them back, they are also heroes!"

No one asked how Ling Qi got into the battleship. As a skilled engineer, there is always a way to break open the hatch and unlock the authority with the maintenance robot.

Ling Qi turned off the monitoring, and after repairing the battleship, he called people from other battleships to clean up and take over.Subsequently, the other two warships were successively entered in the same way.

Three days later, the maintenance spacecraft and fifteen battleships all recovered except for the deformation of the hull.At this time, only a small number of the battleship engines damaged by overclocking in space were repaired, and based on the number of engineers dispatched, it barely reached one engine per capita.

Ling Qi's maintenance speed shocked everyone again, making the spacecraft maintenance system feel ashamed, and Zuo Yang of the Stargate maintenance system laughed like a flower.

"It's too disrespectful to this kid, and he must be rewarded when he comes back. Well, his teacher should also reward him, and reward him now!"

In the branch, Li Buer was dizzy by the pie that suddenly fell from the sky. The maintenance system of the branch directly rewarded him with 50 contribution points and [-] star coins, and he reached the baseline of retirement benefits in one fell swoop.

"Hehe, you have unearthed a real talent for the maintenance system, this award!" Zuo Yang smiled all over his face, thinking that this old man was pleasing to the eye no matter what he looked at.A very kind old man, he hides his secrets, but cultivates a great student to make great contributions to Stargate...

After the battleship is repaired, it can float out through the force field of the anti-gravity energy matrix.But Ling Qi asked to stay in the big pit on the floating island on the grounds that the deep sea was dangerous and unpredictable.With the protection of the big pit, at least you don't have to face the unknown force field outside, and who knows if you will encounter a giant starry sky beast and be swallowed in one bite?
"Let's wait a few more days. I don't know which sea area we have been transported to this time. When the gravitational field reaches a new relative balance, we will always surface!" Ling Qi said, asking the warships here Establish a communication group that is always open to facilitate unified actions.

Guan Tong agreed with him and didn't ask them to go out immediately.Taking this opportunity, Ling Qi began to frantically mine the crystals of the ninth-level female insect slime.No one noticed that the crystals at the bottom of the pit they were in were slowly diminishing.

While mining the crystals, Ling Qi commanded the Ling Xiao to perform super enhancements directly in the captain's space.This also takes time, and a progress bar appeared in front of his eyes, advancing slowly.

There are many crystals in the ninth-level wormhole, and the distribution range is more than one kilometer wide. Except for the more than 700 meters discovered at the beginning, there is a circle around it that is buried under the worm shell.Ling Qi controlled the spaceship to move slowly, and the mechanical arm poked aside the insect shells to explore the bottom of the pit, collecting the crystals round by round.

The mining lasted for a day and a night, and more than 4000 tons were harvested, which is still far from being exhausted.However, the outer crystals are relatively thin, and as mining progresses, the distribution is shrinking.

Gradually, as Ling Qi moved and fiddled, the sea water and insect shells at the bottom of the pit floated and collided from time to time, making it extremely chaotic.

After another half day of mining, the distribution range of crystals at the bottom of the pit was further reduced, leaving about 900 meters in the middle.But its thickness has increased a lot, and it is already more than one meter thick at this time.

"It's like depositing at the bottom of a pot. According to this estimate, there are at least [-] tons." Ling Qi thought so.

"Wow!" Weng Jiahong suddenly exclaimed in the communication group.

"Your sister, what's the ghost's name?" Qu Shaocheng scolded dissatisfied.

Weng Jiahong stammered: "Congchong...I saw the Chongren, looked at me from outside the camera!"

Nima, everyone is terrified.The external scene imaging is holographic projection, facing the camera is as real as standing in front of it, and I feel urgent to pee when I think about it.

This is the ninth level, the strongest female worm evolution body below the god level, and its strength is beyond imagination.But even if they couldn't destroy the stars with a wave of their hands, it wouldn't be difficult to destroy their warships!
Qu Shaocheng felt a chill rising, and asked in a low voice, "Where is it? Why didn't I see it? Damn it, is it dead or alive?"

"It floated away! I don't know if it's dead or alive. Anyway, the two big black eyes on the triangular head are bulging, and they are staring at me." Weng Jiahong gasped and said, obviously he was quite frightened.

Qu Shaocheng stared closely at the holographic projection of the exterior scene on his side, and he suddenly had a premonition that the bugman would appear on his side.

The surrounding sea water was slowly stirring, and some small and medium-sized insect shells fell up and down, drifting with the sea water.

Qu Shaocheng suddenly discovered that such a scene was all caused by the movement of Ling Qi's spaceship, and he never stopped at all, using the four mechanical arms as legs, slowly crawling around in circles, and from time to time scraped away the insect shells blocking the way , making the insect shells float around.

"I said, Ling Shao, what the hell are you doing? Do you have ADHD? You've disturbed the peace here!" Qu Shaocheng couldn't help complaining, but suddenly he was startled: "You're not looking for that bugman, are you? Damn it! Tell me you came to the front for it, how did you know it existed?"

Ling Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes wildly, this guy has a really rich imagination!He said angrily: "I'm bored, didn't you see that I was exercising my limbs?"

Qu Shaocheng was speechless for a while: "...Damn it, you are really bored. I suggest you go out for a few laps in person, and the effect of exercise will be better."

Ling Qi didn't bother to pay attention to him, but within a few minutes, that guy exclaimed: "... Lying on the grass, Young Master Ling is swimming towards you!"

(End of this chapter)

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